Harshland = PvE (?)

Rewas - Harshlands
Rewas - Harshlands Posts: 16 Arc User
edited June 2009 in Dawnglory (EU)
First of all, english is my third language, so if you have problems with that - gtfo cuz i doubt you can't get the main idea.

So I guess most people got this conclusion - harshland is boring carebear server with sort of lame PvP fun.
Also I asume that you are blaming people who aren't PvP'ing and are just picking flowers and stuff. Well, maybe some people realy are carebears and they don't give a f*ck no mater what, but I think most people just can't afford it, and for this, I'm blaming f*cking cashopers. Gold price already is like 180k and most likely soon will be 200k+. Dolls are costing 50-55k+, charms 500k+... So let's think, eh, to get 100k you need about one hour (aproximetly), so after 1 hour grinding you can die 2 times without woring about droping your stuff, but w8, u don't have your charm, so it will prety much be pointles "geting out of sz and die in 5 seconds" thing. So to get a charm you need to grind 5h + 1h to get dolls, to exchange for 5 minutes PvP fun (mrs. +10 gear STFU, that not the case). I think that's pretty lame too.

The only way out would be - fixed in game gold selling for 100k. So what will we gain? All people will be able to buy stuff, and cash users will be forced to sell they stuff even cheaper so that others would buy it. And lets not start bullcrap talk about that people will stop buying gold, cuz the ones that do, will never stop. Lets use comon sence here and ask - why people buy stuff for real money? To be more superior over other players, and making fixed in game gold selling won't let them loose that advantage. They still will buy stuff, only now they would sell it cheaper. Cmon, wouldnt't it cool to able get gold charm for 300k? And again I reapeat, they won't stop buying gold and selling stuff, cuz they still need thoose coins to buy that mold, soulgem or whatever to gain advantage.

And still.. Even if that realy would hapen (i doubt.. but still hope), things prices are still to high for a normal PvP. It would great if dolls would be 5 silver, golden charms 2 Golds. Cuz it suck when most time on PvP you are grinding to be able aford PK, and not to be just able to hit stronger.

To make it simle - Cheaper things = more able to pk = more fun = more people playing


Devs, Don't act like you hate people who are playing this game.b:surrender
Post edited by Rewas - Harshlands on


  • Meca - Harshlands
    Meca - Harshlands Posts: 310 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    rant mode ftw

    what ur saying is kinda true, its the expenses of the pk which stops ppl from pking cos they cant offord it in game, and they either cant offord it with r/l cash, or they refuse to waste money on a game, both understandable, eitherway, if the pk system of dolls and with them being very expensive and droping ur **** at such a high rate wasnt here, this game wud be very good for pvp, but since it isnt, only thing we can do is QQ.
  • Lindt - Harshlands
    Lindt - Harshlands Posts: 386 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    First of all, english is my third language, so if you have problems with that - gtfo cuz i doubt you can't get the main idea.

    As soon as I saw that I skipped reading the rest of the post, and I didn't even read the replies. If you really think your English is bad enough that you need to add that disclaimer, then may I direct you here? http://pwi-forum.perfectworld.com/showthread.php?t=318411

  • Tye - Harshlands
    Tye - Harshlands Posts: 64 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    Higher gold prices = more people saying "**** these prices" and charging zhen = more real money in PWE's pocket.
    They won't be setting a fixed limit anytime soon.
  • TwentySeven - Harshlands
    TwentySeven - Harshlands Posts: 14 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    Somebody gotta start selling GOld for 100k.... so i can buy some...

    Who gonna be our Hero..?
  • Maddrox - Harshlands
    Maddrox - Harshlands Posts: 1,140 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    not me b:scorn
  • Waterboy - Lost City
    Waterboy - Lost City Posts: 405 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    this server is PVE, seriously how fun is it when u attack and they dont fight bac but instead run or just take it ?b:angry
  • Eragon - Harshlands
    Eragon - Harshlands Posts: 465 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    It seems that every single thread on this section is the same. Guild Drama and Gold prices, and people hating eachother. Seriously. Thats all it is...
  • Yoruichi - Harshlands
    Yoruichi - Harshlands Posts: 127 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    It seems that every single thread on this section is the same. Guild Drama and Gold prices, and people hating eachother. Seriously. Thats all it is...

    Agreed. Don't forget people raising their post count for IDK what reason too.
  • Ligeia - Harshlands
    Ligeia - Harshlands Posts: 1,144 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    Higher gold prices = more people saying "**** these prices" and charging zhen = more real money in PWE's pocket.
    They won't be setting a fixed limit anytime soon.
    Lower gold prices = more people buying gold with in-game coins = more cash shoppers buying extra gold to sell to free users; the more accessible gold is, the more gold they sell.
    Sig by Bakura~
  • Chrysocolla - Harshlands
    Chrysocolla - Harshlands Posts: 12 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    Lower gold prices = more people buying gold with in-game coins = more cash shoppers buying extra gold to sell to free users; the more accessible gold is, the more gold they sell.

    Lower gold prices=people buy more gold with ingame coins=cash shoppers cant meet demand=prices go up.
  • Anemone - Harshlands
    Anemone - Harshlands Posts: 117 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    It would be nice if the prices were lower, but in all blatant honesty, the prices aren't the only thing that stop people from PvPing. In LC plenty of people PKed without dolls and simply avoided going red, making sure the other person flagged if they were going to kill them. People rarely do that here.

    Anyway, at 80+ or so making 500k for a charm grinding is pretty much nothing. It takes a couple of hours (maybe 3), or you can tag along on a profit TT run and call a half-decent mat.. chances are you will get 2 or 3 which are 150k to 500k apiece depending on the TT level. I'm a mage, the least wanted class in TT, and I can still manage to scrape together runs for $.

    The main thing about the gold prices is, as long as the demand is there, people will want to get the most bang for their buck when they sell their gold. If people are willing to pay xx amount, the sellers want to get at least that much. Can we blame them for that? Nah, not really. It's just making a wiser investment on their part tbh.

    The problem with blaming the buyers is that non-CSers in this game suffer a significant disadvantage if they don't buy any cash shop items with coins. Things like not having a charm for TW simply aren't acceptable in any guild that wars often, for example.
    Formerly /Haiku/ of Lost City.
    Still cognitive atrophy at its finest.
  • Dimental - Harshlands
    Dimental - Harshlands Posts: 44 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    I'm inclined to disagree, I work very hard for my money and if I want to spend some of it on a game I want to get as much for it as possible. By setting a limit you're being unfair on those who are able to cash shop and make money from it.

    I'm a wizzy and no one wants me in TT runs, I've zened for 53 gold and I had 30 of it for sale at 198,900 and I sold the lot within two days netting myself almost 6 million in funds. Since no one really wants me for TT runs and the two TT items I want both require broken shards of golden armour I'm already going to have to spend 3,500,000 just to buy the materials, not including the extras for Hades pants which will cost 1,500,000 then theirs refining the equipment to +3 and paying for the sockets/gems.

    Its a simple game of supply and demand. If theirs more people wanting cash shop gold than is being sold in the auction NPC then the prices go up. The economy is set by us the players and I don't think the GMs should intervene at all! Hell before the massive world vs Kylin war a few weeks back gold prices jumped through the roof, a week ago you were lucky if you got 160,000 per gold and now its rose again.
    The price does keep changing, best time to buy? End/Start of the month when most people get paid // theirs no major TWs on as theirs more gold available so prices fall. Watch and learn the markets and you'll soon make profit from buying/selling gold.
    Dimental - Little bit dim, little bit mental

    Celestial - b:victory
  • Nightfaii - Harshlands
    Nightfaii - Harshlands Posts: 118 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    ive been hinting this for awhile b:chuckle
  • Grenadier_LT - Harshlands
    Grenadier_LT - Harshlands Posts: 73 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    Somebody gotta start selling GOld for 100k.... so i can buy some...

    Who gonna be our Hero..?
    guess..no one b:sad
  • Rewas - Harshlands
    Rewas - Harshlands Posts: 16 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    I didn't meant that people should start to sell their gold 100k one day, with fixed in game selling i meant - posability to buy gold it from npc same as you buy a pixaxe or someting at the same time keeping AH gold trading system. Cuz if that would happen, c-shopers wouldn't have anything left than selling theyr gold cheaper.
    And if someone say again that people will stop buying gold for real money, i again repeat - they wont, cuz there is again factor of advantage. If somoene was spending 50$ in month in this game, he still will do so, so basicaly devs don't have anything to loose, they just need more curage.

    And please lets not start about supply and demand. Suply, demand, profit - f*cked up world long ago. Imperealism sux, and if you didn't come to that conclusion, well, what where you doing while you people where at highschool and how much did you paid for good papers in colege?
  • Chrysocolla - Harshlands
    Chrysocolla - Harshlands Posts: 12 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    I didn't meant that people should start to sell their gold 100k one day, with fixed in game selling i meant - posability to buy gold it from npc same as you buy a pixaxe or someting at the same time keeping AH gold trading system. Cuz if that would happen, c-shopers wouldn't have anything left than selling theyr gold cheaper.
    And if someone say again that people will stop buying gold for real money, i again repeat - they wont, cuz there is again factor of advantage. If somoene was spending 50$ in month in this game, he still will do so, so basicaly devs don't have anything to loose, they just need more curage.

    And please lets not start about supply and demand. Suply, demand, profit - f*cked up world long ago. Imperealism sux, and if you didn't come to that conclusion, well, what where you doing while you people where at highschool and how much did you paid for good papers in colege?

    Lol... Just lol...
  • Dimental - Harshlands
    Dimental - Harshlands Posts: 44 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    I didn't meant that people should start to sell their gold 100k one day, with fixed in game selling i meant - possibility to buy gold it from npc same as you buy a pixaxe or someting at the same time keeping AH gold trading system. Cuz if that would happen, c-shopers wouldn't have anything left than selling theyr gold cheaper.
    And if someone say again that people will stop buying gold for real money, i again repeat - they wont, cuz there is again factor of advantage. If somoene was spending 50$ in month in this game, he still will do so, so basicaly devs don't have anything to loose, they just need more curage.

    And please lets not start about supply and demand. Suply, demand, profit - f*cked up world long ago. Imperealism sux, and if you didn't come to that conclusion, well, what where you doing while you people where at highschool and how much did you paid for good papers in colege?

    If you make the price too low people will stop cash shopping with real money as it would be just as easy to make the money ingame doing TT runs for mats and selling them to buy your gold from an NPC.

    They have a lot to lose here, this game is kept alive by people like me who pay my money into it. This is one of the first F2P games I've played where they have offered a way for people who don't like to use a credit card to buy cash shop gold without having to spend real life money.

    The option is ingame for you to take advantage of, the best advice I can offer is to get yourself a group do some TT runs and get yourself a few hundred thousand and buy gold // cash shop items.

    - Small rant -

    Supply and demand is the basis of all economies regardless of imperialism, this has been the basis of economies and basic business transactions for thousands of years and it most certainly does not suck. (I have a HND and an Upper Second Class Bachelors degree in both Business and Management and Business Enterprise. I run my own business and have for several years, I have extensively researched the various economic structures that exist, while others work better in theory the current "supply vs demand" structure coupled with product lifestyle and development costs has proven time and time again to be the most stable and effective way to successfully bring a product to market and make money from it)

    Yes I do agree that the way in which the ingame gold markets work may well reflect the basics of how imperialism works and how we as gold sellers have dominion over those who are buying, but at the same time if I put gold for sale at 250,000 coins a piece everyone can refuse to buy thus forcing me to reduce my prices. The relationship between the seller and the customer are what sets the prices, don't blame gold sellers for the high prices blame your fellow gamers who are willing to pay these prices.
    Dimental - Little bit dim, little bit mental

    Celestial - b:victory
  • Default - Harshlands
    Default - Harshlands Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    Agreed. Don't forget people raising their post count for IDK what reason too.
    Bigger post count = bigger e-**** ;)