Looking for Serpents Orb.

Aragorn - Harshlands
Aragorn - Harshlands Posts: 230 Arc User
edited June 2009 in Dawnglory (EU)
Need one for my bracers. But I won't want to pay 3mil for one of them :)

Let me know if anyone can get me a deal on one of those.
Post edited by Aragorn - Harshlands on


  • Walterthewf - Harshlands
    Walterthewf - Harshlands Posts: 660 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    Go farm 1.
    Only takes 10+ runs min.

  • Aragorn - Harshlands
    Aragorn - Harshlands Posts: 230 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    I want to buy one. Why spend the time farming something when I could buy it? Buying it is EZLIKEURMOM.
  • Lolno - Lost City
    Lolno - Lost City Posts: 11 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    apparently not if you need to make a thread
  • Aragorn - Harshlands
    Aragorn - Harshlands Posts: 230 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    There was one a few days ago on the AH for like 2.5m bid and 3.5m buy now.

    It took me forever and a day to farm the first one so I figured I would just buy one, but that's the only orb I saw on the AH in about 2 weeks so I figured if someone is holding one I might ask if they wanted to sell it to me. If not no big. I am not in a huge hurry to get my bracers or I would have bought the one for 3.5m.

    So if you got one pm or chat me in game (I spend a lot of time afk so it's better to chat me so I get it)

    I will try to continue farming, but I cannot pt as much for the next few weeks so I would rather just buy one.