
kupczyk Posts: 5 Arc User
edited June 2009 in Dungeons & Tactics
I see that 90% of players dont know whats mean:

"k" when someone writing this after number, for example 1kk

This is big problem because its really shame.
I wrote on World Chat selling mold xxx for 2kk and players spammed me:

"I'll buy NOW! where are you"

I got over 10 pms with same sentence. But all thought that is 2000 or 200 000. b:shocked

ROTFL LOL LMAO, are you went to school? Did you played any other MMORPGS before?

"k" = 000

1k is 1 000
50k is 50 000
400k is 400 000
2kk is 2 000 000
10kk is 10 000 000
300k is 300 000 000

remember this! b:angry
so I belive this topic read some that non educated newbies.

so if u see on chat somethins for 2kk its 2 MILION COINS!
anyway, do u belive that someone will seling good rare mold for 2000?
hahahaha funny.... PERFECT SHAME, I SHAME YOU ALL
Post edited by kupczyk on


  • Sawki - Sanctuary
    Sawki - Sanctuary Posts: 27 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    Uh, kk is not used as an abbreviation for millions, M is what is considered the norm for million of dollars, such as G being the norm for billions. I've never heard nor seen kk being used for short form in any type of number abbreviations.
    My Alts
    Alniant (Psychic) Level 5x; Triannia (Venomancer) Level 4x; Welmar(Cleric) Level 4x;
  • mooman321
    mooman321 Posts: 86 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    Agreed. 2M or 2mil I would read as million. 2kk I would read as a typo. I'm going to assume English is not your first language. If it is, I would seriously consider either deleting the reference to SCHOOL or edit your post for grammar. For the love of God man, at least hit the spell check button!
  • Ihazacute - Sanctuary
    Ihazacute - Sanctuary Posts: 435 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    I've *seen* kk used as the million abbreviation, but I hate it. Like mooman said, it could very well be a typo too. Use M or mil from now on.
  • DarkYin - Dreamweaver
    DarkYin - Dreamweaver Posts: 81 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    The OP makes me b:laugh.
  • Kirochu - Dreamweaver
    Kirochu - Dreamweaver Posts: 14 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    Yes, kk would be incorrect actually. k is to be only used for thousand. M or mil would be for millions.
  • Minta - Dreamweaver
    Minta - Dreamweaver Posts: 63 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    i mostly see russians using kk instead of m
    i really hate it
    please use m not kk
  • kupczyk
    kupczyk Posts: 5 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    I see why we have different opinions about it.

    Americans just using "M" or "mil" for milions
    All over the world using "k" by adding it depends of number what they want say. From 1k to 1kkk

    PWI is created for american so here is a point why we dont understand each another
  • azahlin
    azahlin Posts: 9 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    Well to a certain dergree each MMORPG has its own "language/abbrevations". In PWI kk obviously in an invalid expression.
  • Sawki - Sanctuary
    Sawki - Sanctuary Posts: 27 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    Canada uses M as well for millions, and if look here, you can see the official standard for millions has been M since 1960.
    My Alts
    Alniant (Psychic) Level 5x; Triannia (Venomancer) Level 4x; Welmar(Cleric) Level 4x;
  • Teh_fishey - Dreamweaver
    Teh_fishey - Dreamweaver Posts: 552 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    Uh, kk is not used as an abbreviation for millions, M is what is considered the norm for million of dollars, such as G being the norm for billions. I've never heard nor seen kk being used for short form in any type of number abbreviations.

    I'm gonna have to agree with Sawki.

    Yeah. K is the equivalent of 000 at the end of a number. For example 3k is 3,000. If you want millions you have the M or mil. For example 3M or 3 mil is 3,000,000. Although I have never witnessed this in-game, G does infact stand for billions. For example 3G is 3,000,000,000.

    Lol, KK does not equal millions, and in the history of the world, I don't think it ever has equaled millions, at least not it Perfect World (or the real world). Some people use kk to represent "ok" however it is not used to represent millions.

    So anyways, kupczyk, in Perfect World we do not use kk to represent a price. Maybe in other MMORPGs that you have played it does. But this is not those MMORPGs. Basically, just understand that kk is not millions.
    Note: No thats not me... I stole that from the interwebs b:chuckle

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  • Cynaya - Sanctuary
    Cynaya - Sanctuary Posts: 6 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    Let's make this real simple, in terms that should be easily understood around the globe.

    What does "k" literally mean? "k" stands for KILO.

    kilo = one thousand

    kk (kilo kilo) does not mean a hundred thousand, kkk (kilo kilo kilo) does not mean one million.

    Soooooo, before you tell people how stupid they are for not understanding *your* use of "kk" (which I've never seen used before in *any* game I've ever played in over 12 years of online gaming), do a little homework and find out what the abreviation actually stands for.
