Protection vs. Elemental Ornaments?

Escobar - Harshlands
Escobar - Harshlands Posts: 94 Arc User
edited June 2009 in Archer
What kind of neck/belt do you use?

Protection Neck+Belt
Elemental Neck+Belt

And why? or do you switch out ornaments to counter people cheaply?

Edit: I should have added that I'm asking in a PvP perspective.
Post edited by Escobar - Harshlands on


  • Ju$tiCE - Heavens Tear
    Ju$tiCE - Heavens Tear Posts: 54 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    very good question, would like other people's opinion.

    I was debating whether to get sky demon pearl (hp+5% protection necklace) versus the swindler's necklace (hp+5% elemental necklace)

    Can someone post their opinions?
  • Devoted - Lost City
    Devoted - Lost City Posts: 3,634 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    very good question, would like other people's opinion.

    I was debating whether to get sky demon pearl (hp+5% protection necklace) versus the swindler's necklace (hp+5% elemental necklace)

    Can someone post their opinions?

    sky demon's is 123123812312x better. Use the str for dex.
  • Escobar - Harshlands
    Escobar - Harshlands Posts: 94 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    So the 87 elemental belt or 80 wraith(phys/ele) belt?

    That's pretty much why I want to know which is more important, phys or ele...
  • Elenacostel - Heavens Tear
    Elenacostel - Heavens Tear Posts: 2,822 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    Nature's Breath and an Elemental Protection Belt.

    I like MP Recovery.

    The Elemental Protection Belt came about due to massive scarring from my nightmarish encounters with Pyrogolth Hierarch and Pyrogolth Emissary mobs back in the 50s. I died once and lost 40 Life Powders to them *sobs*
  • Suiryujin - Sanctuary
    Suiryujin - Sanctuary Posts: 449 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    sky demon pearl and demon slaughter belt b:chuckle or at least i am trying to get both>.>
    My body is made of swords.
    Iron is my blood, and glass is my heart.
    I have overcome countless battlefields undefeated,
    Without once retreating,
    Nor once being understood.
    Always alone, intoxicated with victory on the hill of swords.
    Therefore, there is no meaning to that life.
    Perhaps this body is nothing but a sword itself.
  • KedgeSniper - Lost City
    KedgeSniper - Lost City Posts: 733 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    The Elemental Protection Belt came about due to massive scarring from my nightmarish encounters with Pyrogolth Hierarch and Pyrogolth Emissary mobs back in the 50s. I died once and lost 40 Life Powders to them *sobs*

    b:angry They like to atack 3 at the time b:surrender i have to kite them b:cry

    I would say.. all depends on yar set.. Sum people have extra elemental protection~

    I like to increase my Psy def.. or evasion~ since light armor are really weak..
    Face the fear. Face a war. Face the world.
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  • Geckofreak - Sanctuary
    Geckofreak - Sanctuary Posts: 2,280 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    I was unable to complete this poll, i dont use either, i use ornaments that raise evasivness
  • Thc - Harshlands
    Thc - Harshlands Posts: 214 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    Element resistance for PvE, Phys resistance for PvP..
  • Randoms - Dreamweaver
    Randoms - Dreamweaver Posts: 305 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    b:angry They like to atack 3 at the time b:surrender i have to kite them b:cry

    I would say.. all depends on yar set.. Sum people have extra elemental protection~

    I like to increase my Psy def.. or evasion~ since light armor are really weak..

    b:chuckle I grind them. They are soooo easy to kill, less than 200 mp on each and I get rep (one man army) and their drop rate aint bad at all, beside I need that thread they drop.

    Based on exp so far I would go physical ones. Mag mobs are easy to kill in my opinion.
    I kill things b:victory
  • tezuka
    tezuka Posts: 9 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    Sky Demon Pearl FTW always swindler's sucks, lv 80 nightfall Pendant (elemental belt from OHT) these to combination is the best an Archer can get b/c the demon belt is not worth 9m more for about 2-3 more vit / 150 more m.def / 100 def less
  • Randoms - Dreamweaver
    Randoms - Dreamweaver Posts: 305 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    Ok, as I understand its either element or physical defense ornaments, but how is it with evasion ones?
    Are those that bad that even aint worth consider?
    I kill things b:victory