June Calendar Creation Contest - WINNERS announced!



  • Posts: 54 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    Well I'm sorry, I just want people to be able to improve themselves through participating in this contest. If they don't want to, then it's not my call. If the sole purpose of this contest is to win and nothing less then I guess I'm wrong.
  • Posts: 11 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    For those who thinks the judges are bias towards hand drawn entries, I like to correct that concept because I submitted a handdrawn entry and didn't even made it to the runner up. Am I dissappointed? Yes, since I spend 3 days working on this calendar, but I realized in the end, I had lots of fun working on the project. So I still benefited from participating. In the end, is the experience that I enjoyed the most and all I know is that I'm happy with what I've created...This calendar contest has given me a motivation to exercise my art skills.

    To all those who didn't win, if you don't succeed, try, try again!

    I'm sure from this my skill as an artist will grow and that to me is the best prize of all. So I'll do it again!

    This is my entry
  • Posts: 323 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    Well I'm sorry, I just want people to be able to improve themselves through participating in this contest. If they don't want to, then it's not my call. If the sole purpose of this contest is to win and nothing less then I guess I'm wrong.

    I know many already try their hardest with photoshop to make great calendars every month and I feel that they do. I think your comment was unfair since all I asked was if it was possible to do 3 photoshop, 3 handdrawn.

    The sole purpose isn't to win, no but how is it we're supposed to have fun when comments like that are made? Is there any point in trying?


  • Posts: 54 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    In that respect I didn't ignore your suggestion, I agree that it would be great, however if the submissions for either style were weak (which they haven't been, just hypothesizing) I would feel bad being forced to pick 3 of each. The thing about rules is that once they're in you can't really make exceptions.

    Remember I'm just one guy, by no means am I the only one that makes decisions regarding the contest, my opinion does not need to be seen as fact.
  • Posts: 39 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    Well... after the answers in my last post (really thanks, you pushed me up again b:cute) I was truly thinking about to give it another try.
    Sure, the goal of participating in a contest is to win, but it's also important to have fun doing it. But if you get the feeling that it doesn't matter how hard you try and work, fun slowly begins to fade. And there is always a point, where every try to improve your skills find a limit. Posts like those I read here now, don't mean any fun and they really demotivate.

    Oh and please.... could you stop just talking only about hand drawing and manipulating (photoshop)? Else, one could get the impression, that these are the only two ways that might lead to win and that every other technic or style isn't even worth a try....

    I'm not sure what to do. I haven't decided yet, if I may participate once more.

    Just my two cents...
  • Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    bellaberry wrote: »
    For those who thinks the judges are bias towards hand drawn entries, I like to correct that concept because I submitted a handdrawn entry and didn't even made it to the runner up. Am I dissappointed? Yes, since I spend 3 days working on this calendar, but I realized in the end, I had lots of fun working on the project. So I still benefited from participating. In the end, is the experience that I enjoyed the most and all I know is that I'm happy with what I've created...This calendar contest has given me a motivation to exercise my art skills.

    To all those who didn't win, if you don't succeed, try, try again!

    I'm sure from this my skill as an artist will grow and that to me is the best prize of all. So I'll do it again!

    hi bellaberry!

    very nice design. just to let you know, i never saw your submission and i just checked with our events coordinator and she verified that she didn't see it either.

    for whatever reason, we didn't receive it!

    if it was an error on our part I do sincerely apologize! hope you participate again for the August contest!

    Follow me on twitter: http://twitter.com/pwe_dvorak
  • Posts: 11 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    hi bellaberry!

    very nice design. just to let you know, i never saw your submission and i just checked with our events coordinator and she verified that she didn't see it either.

    for whatever reason, we didn't receive it!

    if it was an error on our part I do sincerely apologize! hope you participate again for the August contest!

    Thanks Dvorak! I had a weird sneaking suspicion that was the case and I am relieve to hear that perhaps my drawing wasn't as badly received as I thought. Thanks again and I will definitely try again next month. Looking forward to it! b:victory

    and again...to everyone...I had a blast doing this. I haven't drawn for over a few years and it was nice to whip out the drawing pad and pencil and twink with photoshop once more. I forgot how much joy I received from doing art. Just ask yourself, do you draw for yourself or do you draw for others? I choose to draw for myself and as long as I get enjoyment out if it...that's all that matters. Hope to see everyone participate again next month.

    For those who had participate in the past months, I have been lurking on the forum and watching you guys and I have been inspired by you guys. So don't give up! Cheers!
  • Posts: 39 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    Erm, just a silly question:

    Why can't you tell us the theme August allready now?
    That way, we would have more time to work on our projects?
    Why waiting until first week of July?
  • Posts: 130 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    The people who didn't win shouldn't be discouraged. There's only FIVE winners per contest and hundreds of applicants. Even if you work hard and give it your all, others have worked just as hard or even harder. It's not fair to the winners of any month to suggest that you deserve their position more than they do.

    If I followed the logic that's been going around in this thread, as a (very surprised) lucky winner I must have the "technique" or "style" the judges are looking for; therefore, I will win every contest. Right? (Trust me, I don't believe that for a second). It just doesn't work like that.

    Unfortunately now chances of winning have been reduced to half of what they were since contests are every other month, but that doesn't mean you won't luck out next time.

    Besides, 1 out of 200 are better odds of winning than 0 (not entering at all).
    So please continue to enter! Especially you, Dreamweaver folk! We can't leave all the prizes to Sanctuary and Heaven's Tear >:P
  • Posts: 137 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    Hey Bella I just noticed your hand drawn calender as an artist myself I give huge kudos to you. Amazing piece you created keep up the good work.
  • Posts: 73 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    Yeah guys. Don't be discouraged and drop out. All the entries I've seen are representations of your own personal style. You're all putting pieces of YOUR work out there, awesome tings YOU created. It's a contest, but don't let that be the only thing it's about. And don't be discouraged for not wining. You guys have fans amongst the other players following this contest. I guarantee you, you all have someone on this forum who has browsed your calendar entry and thought " wow, that's pretty nice!" And I think that goes to show you're doing good!

    It's like if you made spaghetti. Maybe you can't win iron chef with it, but to you it tastes good right? You enjoy it, you are proud of it, and maybe other people enjoy it too. That's the important thing, and that's where the real heart in your creation is.
  • Posts: 11 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    Thanks Dianocus! b:pleased
  • Posts: 2,686 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    It's like if you made spaghetti. Maybe you can't win iron chef with it, but to you it tastes good right? You enjoy it, you are proud of it, and maybe other people enjoy it too. That's the important thing, and that's where the real heart in your creation is.

    I miss that show. And not the crappy American rendition.
  • Posts: 197 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    Lol mine was hand drawn to, and definitely took me longer than a few hours to make. I didn't win nor did I make it to the runners up, there are a few in here that happened too. It's okay i think many people thought of the same theme i did so the judges might have found that boring or not unique as many of the winners have a lot of difference. No offense but it's not like they are biased towards hand drawings it's they choose what is best and original.

    I do agree with eat with spoons there are a lot of entries where people just throw something together and send it in. I agree there are probably many drawings that are just as bad as people photoshoping images. Hmmm most of the drawings and images are simple with one theme but very well drawn out. So I'm not sure if mine was good or not it's a bit confusing, but still I'll keep drawing and try again for august.

    Also the idea of picking three hand drawn and three photoshop is unfair too the competitors. When there might be some handrawns that are definitely better that photoshops or some photoshops better than handdrawns. That would only cause more discouragement. Take your loss with some pride and learn to try again. If every Olympian quit after a loss or iron man stopped running because he couldn't win there would be no more competitions. To every competition there must be a winner and a loser until the next one. Besides a little practice never hurt nor does constructive criticism.
  • Posts: 84 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    I have actually myself been brushing up on my artistic skills just to enter in said contest.

    To those who have been entering, all work is appreciated and everyone's work is unique. As many have said, being discouraged for not winning is not sportsman-like, and I can use the term "What doesn't kill you, makes you stronger", well, in this case, What you don't win, only makes you better and more prepared for the next.

    Everyone's work is good or well-done, Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.

    As for said winners of the contest, I would love to see screenshots of what YOU chose for your prized possession.
  • Posts: 88 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    So... can we know the theme for August's calendar contest?? I want to start working on it already!
    Remember, some people are alive only because it is illegal to shoot them.
    Perfect World International, customer dissatisfaction is guarenteed.
  • Posts: 256 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    Ooohhh i in the runners up Thx ....... b:victory
  • Posts: 39 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    I know that this was asked before, but I can't remember ever to have read an answer on that question. Are we allowed to publish our work on other sites like deviant art or own private hps?
  • Posts: 256 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    I know that this was asked before, but I can't remember ever to have read an answer on that question. Are we allowed to publish our work on other sites like deviant art or own private hps?

    Of course they are our intelectual creation, they no pay us to make it.
    is like MIME.


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