Best PvP Weapon(s)

Goblox - Harshlands
Goblox - Harshlands Posts: 3 Arc User
edited June 2009 in Blademaster
I'm sorry if this thread is redundant, but I'd merely like to have a pure PvP perspective on which weapon combination is best.

I've read all of the guides and have seen often that axes are best due to stun, however, Lyndura and other high levels have recommended different weapons for different reasons (i.e. spear allowing for more stat points allocated to Dex/Vit and superior weapon stats).

There is also the possibility of there being combinations of different weapons (i.e. Axe/X for the stun) for maximum effect and I've seen other posters recommend such builds for effective PvPing.

So what would you experienced PvPers recommend?
Post edited by Goblox - Harshlands on


  • LloydAsplund - Sanctuary
    LloydAsplund - Sanctuary Posts: 3,899 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    THE endgame melee PvP weapon is GX axes. Due to the berserker ability and being axes.
    I was early taught to work as well as play,
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    Full of work and full of play-
    I dropped the worry on the way-
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  • Norgannon - Lost City
    Norgannon - Lost City Posts: 234 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    I have only experienced PvP with Axes.

    The damage is good, a bit slow though. Stunning is just...awesome. With luck and done correctly I can stun people for about 30 seconds. But mostly 12-15 seconds, which is enough to kill someone. Plus as Axes you have the XS Axes, which are great PvP weapons due to Berserk skill.
  • Lyndura - Lost City
    Lyndura - Lost City Posts: 829 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    I'm sorry if this thread is redundant, but I'd merely like to have a pure PvP perspective on which weapon combination is best.

    I've read all of the guides and have seen often that axes are best due to stun, however, Lyndura and other high levels have recommended different weapons for different reasons (i.e. spear allowing for more stat points allocated to Dex/Vit and superior weapon stats).

    There is also the possibility of there being combinations of different weapons (i.e. Axe/X for the stun) for maximum effect and I've seen other posters recommend such builds for effective PvPing.

    So what would you experienced PvPers recommend?

    I don't recall suggesting purely Spear for PvP, so don't quote me on that.

    By making this thread, you will get a lot of biased answers (and maybe generate flames) from biased players towards their weapons. So if you're really interested in knowing this I suggest you to not take the advice of any player that is not level 85+ (or the poll itself) , simply because the real PvP doesn't starts until level 90.

    Now, for low levels (30~70) it doesn't really matter what weapon you choose, most of them do good/bad, depending on the equipment, mostly because most people have just quest/NPC/etc equipment, and not really refine/shard it.

    At level 70~80, if you're able to get XS (Calamity Axes of Blood) you already have an advantage over the other weapons due to Berserker.

    From level 80~88 if you got a Misty Forest ring (or two) then Axes will still give you an advantage over the other weapons.

    At level 89 if you went Hell, Sword and Spear get a very good use of Hell Spark, giving the ability to kill 8x Heavy users (or crappy 9x ones) using it, that becomes an advantage at level 89 over Axes.

    At level 90, assuming you can get GX (Calloused Lionheart Hatchets) then you pretty much have the best PvP weapon for your level. Firelotus or Angder are not match for GX.

    Past that you should already know what your class/weapons are like, and you wouldn't need further help.

    All that comes from my experience using all the weapons and knowing what the differences are. Even when I know that Axes are the best, I still always used Spear, because of other reasons, but it is still a good weapon for PvP.

    Said that, this is assuming that you can get the best equipment for your level, and that you have money to refine it. If you're poor the you would be better using another weapon like Sword.
    THE endgame melee PvP weapon is GX axes. Due to the berserker ability and being axes.

    The very end-game PvP weapon is this one:
  • vagrant0
    vagrant0 Posts: 290 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    Axes... Stun, stun, kill. Enough said.

    Claw as a close second, if only because of the higher attack speed, crit rate, and few useful skills. REALLY sucks against anyone with reflect damage though.
  • Axemanek - Heavens Tear
    Axemanek - Heavens Tear Posts: 588 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    as Lyndura said above ^^ i havent experienced much PvP in PK mode as i am only level 56, but i think axes are good for stunning and do decent damage, but as soon as a wizard uses a distant shrink against you, and begins to cast, you can only pray to god he doesnt one shot you! =P
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  • Dishy - Harshlands
    Dishy - Harshlands Posts: 27 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    I don't recall suggesting purely Spear for PvP, so don't quote me on that.
    You said pole weapons are best 1v1 in your guide. I have read it. I have experienced soo much PvP from 30-32. I haven't been lvling much, I've just been going and picking fights, which I only lose when they have a 5x+ on their side :).

    Sword BMs to amazing damage to the ppl who it needs to be done to. Noone cares BMvBM or BMvBarb, rlly, let the casters take them out. The only way to win against a BM is to spark and crit, otherwise it's a charm burner for both sides. Same with barb, except barbs lose more charm :).

    Sword BMs take out robes with 1 hit with an atmos strike crit(which @ lvl 70 u will have around 15% crit) and LA with a single sparked crit.

    ^ My opinion is "Biased" as Lyndura says but, I have seen PvP with 7x BMs+ and I know what is good in PvP.

    I know that if a PURE(LA is fail :D<-- my opinion, dont flame -.-) wizard nukes you, you die.

    If a cleric spark nukes you(Full attack cleric), you die.

    If an archer gets 3 crits in a row(Deadly shot crit, lightning arrow thingy crit and lightning strike crit) you die (assuming the archer is at range.)

    I know that if its BMvBarb or BMvBM it usually ends in "Truce, lol?" ">.< sure". (This also happens BarbvArcher).

    I know that venos who switch their hp(assuming they don't use bugged skills) can be tough if not stun locked.

    I also know, if you stun lock(Sword/axe for drakes bash when u get extra spirit) Pretty much everyone goes down.

    From my experiance so far, archers(I fought a lvl 42 archer((With mold slingshot)) for 10 min -,-) can't take me down close range, but 10 with 10 levels higher than me, I miss JUST enough to let their charm catch up. So far, In my BM PvP career, I have killed 30 ppl(That I can remember) and been infamous 0 hours. This is not counting the 50+ ppl that run away.((Yes, I pick alot of fights :P, what of it xD.))

    One with PvP as a BM, is that if your target runs and has a charm, its difficult to kill if its your level. The only way this can be achieved is to stun lock, and at my lvl my stuns total to 6.6 seconds when added together.(No axes, not enough spirit, that comes l8r)

    Another problem with PvP as a BM is the following: PEOPLE WILL RUN. It's happened to be around 10 times, a mage hits me with a spell and runs because their sandstorm did like 600 damage without alter marrow magical.(about 1/3 my hp) and then you have to chase them down (Hopefully, you have a fast mount with lots of accelerate.)

    Going along with the chasing is this: YOU CANNOT KILL A RUNNING BARB OR BM WITH A CHARM. You can't kill them normally without spark and crits, how are you going to kill them with them taking in about 1/2 your normal attacks? Just let them run, SS it and trash talk :P