Less Lag In Archo

_Vinnie_ - Heavens Tear
_Vinnie_ - Heavens Tear Posts: 20 Arc User
edited June 2009 in Suggestion Box
ever since joinin' the game i never understood why so many ppl set up stalls in the west side of archo i mean you got everythin' there from low lvl stuff to really high lvl stuff and its confusin' coz you'd think low lvl stuff would sell better in low lvl towns and high lvl stuff in high lvl towns yes everyone has to go to archo for one thing or more but jeez come on ppl think of others it causes so much lag and ppl get dced all the time because of it so heres my suggestion to pw make it so only certain lvls can sell in certain towns (ie.low lvls can only sell in low lvl towns and high lvls can only sell in high lvl towns and so on) this would 1)cut the lag in archo makin' most ppl happy and allowin' them to get what they need to do done more quickly with less stress 2)make things easier to find (ie.if ya need armor and you can't find it on the auction you can go to the town for your lvl and bingo rather than spend all day lookin' in archo and gettin' no where coz theres to many ppl in there to search them all to find what your after) but i reccon ppl have said about this time and time again but i think it needs to be done because everytime ppl go in archo they can hardly move coz of to many ppl are in there sellin' stuff and its way to laggy and takes ppl forever to get anywhere they need ta go causin' ppl to get angry and fed up with all the lag and all the time it takes ta get through archo or to a npc in that area i don't know how many ppl agree or disagree with this b:victory and also another way to cut the lag in archo is to make the dailys like the crazy stone and the world quest like the one man army so its in all the towns but only appears when you are that lvl to the point you move on to another town this would make life easier because of the fact you wouldn't have to do your quests at a certain town then fly or ride all the way to archo then do the dailys then log off then when you come back on fly or ride all the way back to the town for your quests again cuttin' stress,time used and lag
Post edited by _Vinnie_ - Heavens Tear on


  • Wolfgang - Dreamweaver
    Wolfgang - Dreamweaver Posts: 438 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    It's a good idea, but not likely to work or be implemented imo. Some people on Sanctuary actually tried to move the catshops to a different area of Arch. It didn't catch on and I don't think anything about the game will be changed.

    Your lag can be cause by various things. If it is not from your internet (if your screen freezes or jumps around it's not your internet) then it is from your pc. Get a better video card and your lag will go away completely.

    Try using the Trading Post if you can't find what you are looking for in Arch.
  • vagrant0
    vagrant0 Posts: 290 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    There's so many shops there because there are people waiting on CS. People standing around bored tend to buy stuff, or atleast look in shops.

    When it comes to selling stuff, main cities actually tend to suck. Your best bet is to go to those smaller villages when you have stuff for a certain level range, or if that village is near some other point of interest. People are more likely to take notice of a shop setup in one of these smaller areas than amidst a sea of cats.

    The better idea is to just setup a 8 hour vending limit on shops. People can only leave a shop open for 8 hours, then need to wait 8 hours before they can open again, with the person being disconnected automatically afterward. Many of the shops which are open tend to be there 24/7. And even after they sell out, the person remains standing there for several hours until they return to check. With shops having a certain time limit, people will be a bit more pressed to price their goods to sell, instead of waiting a week for someone desperate enough to come along.
  • Sellen - Harshlands
    Sellen - Harshlands Posts: 33 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    It's a good idea, but not likely to work or be implemented imo. Some people on Sanctuary actually tried to move the catshops to a different area of Arch. It didn't catch on and I don't think anything about the game will be changed.

    Your lag can be cause by various things. If it is not from your internet (if your screen freezes or jumps around it's not your internet) then it is from your pc. Get a better video card and your lag will go away completely.

    Try using the Trading Post if you can't find what you are looking for in Arch.

    haha thats a good idea of them, i think a cash shop cap limit would really help though, not level controlled, thats not ganna work sometimes oyu wanna sell low lvl things or high and your not then what?

    I would say a cap, and a time limit like 2 hours with no sales thats long enough! well for afk chars, but most shops are
  • RazerXD - Lost City
    RazerXD - Lost City Posts: 13 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    Sad to say there are over 1213123 suggestions to get rid of the so called "lag".

    It will never happen. Why?

    Ur playing PWI with the minimum requirements. If you have a proper gaming machine you will not have these lags in Arch. When running thru West Arch u get FPS lags due to lots of players and catshops.

    Only way to get rid of it is to completely get rid of catshops and force players to use Auction House.

    Sure alot of players may crowd around AH but atleast there are lots of AH around to accomodate everyone.
  • vagrant0
    vagrant0 Posts: 290 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    Sad to say there are over 1213123 suggestions to get rid of the so called "lag".

    It will never happen. Why?

    Ur playing PWI with the minimum requirements. If you have a proper gaming machine you will not have these lags in Arch. When running thru West Arch u get FPS lags due to lots of players and catshops.

    Only way to get rid of it is to completely get rid of catshops and force players to use Auction House.

    Sure alot of players may crowd around AH but atleast there are lots of AH around to accomodate everyone.
    Except that many things can't be sold in auction house. Also, it's much easier to control the market if there is only an auction house. Then there are the fees with using the AH.

    The problem is not the existence of cat shops, but rather how many of them there are. in a single place. As to the lag aspect, even with a good system you get lag going through WA, this is not because of graphics. You can lag even when you're flying at 78 altitude, with improve performance checked. The lag comes from the 200-300 people who are all sitting in one area, some of them moving around. It is not graphical lag, it is connection lag. If it was all graphic, there would not be people who are losing sync with the server if they decide to start their CS at midnight with the other half of the server. Of course, this depends alot on the server. A server with a smaller population, like LC, Harshlands, Dreamweaver may not be having this problem as bad as others.
  • Sellen - Harshlands
    Sellen - Harshlands Posts: 33 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    vagrant0 wrote: »
    Except that many things can't be sold in auction house. Also, it's much easier to control the market if there is only an auction house. Then there are the fees with using the AH.

    The problem is not the existence of cat shops, but rather how many of them there are. in a single place. As to the lag aspect, even with a good system you get lag going through WA, this is not because of graphics. You can lag even when you're flying at 78 altitude, with improve performance checked. The lag comes from the 200-300 people who are all sitting in one area, some of them moving around. It is not graphical lag, it is connection lag. If it was all graphic, there would not be people who are losing sync with the server if they decide to start their CS at midnight with the other half of the server. Of course, this depends alot on the server. A server with a smaller population, like LC, Harshlands, Dreamweaver may not be having this problem as bad as others.

    OH no, I am in the harshlands server and let me just say there is some horrible lag here as well.. and yeah I noticed that it had to be something other than grafic lag, I have tried going up high as I could over it and it still messed really bad I hate it =(
  • _Vinnie_ - Heavens Tear
    _Vinnie_ - Heavens Tear Posts: 20 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    don't wanna sound mean or anythin' but my computer is not the problem my computer is what ppl would call a gamin' machine it can run most games easy and with the graphics maxed thats what i had it built it for to be able to play games easy and so i can play them where they look good plus anywhere else in the game i'm fine but the moment i head into archo i can't move and its not my internet either coz of the fact if it was i'd lag everywhere not just in the west district of archo but i'm fine everywhere else its only in the west district of archo that i lag its to many ppl in one area thats causes an overload on the pw servers which causes lag
  • Kalibur - Lost City
    Kalibur - Lost City Posts: 96 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    Qustion: Want to know why west archo is most crowdiest District?

    Answer: Beacuse in West Archo Balcksmith Craftsman and Tailor and other npc is closest to each other compare to other Districts....

    Explain for the slow people: Compare the npc location to each from District North and South. Yes West district Npc is closest to each other and they easy to find.
    Below is my Signature dont steal
    b:angry World Domination b:angry
  • XxRaynaHeart - Sanctuary
    XxRaynaHeart - Sanctuary Posts: 366 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    Archo is the most populated area in PWI. That's the reason why everyone sets up their shops there. There's more of a chance that someone will buy. And the NPCs are closer than most places.

    The only reason why most people lag is because of the massive amounts of people there. So I'd suggest turning on best performance, avoiding West District and hope for the best.
    MizukiMinoru ll Charisma Executor ll Active
  • Muah - Heavens Tear
    Muah - Heavens Tear Posts: 163 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    don't wanna sound mean or anythin' but my computer is not the problem my computer is what ppl would call a gamin' machine it can run most games easy and with the graphics maxed thats what i had it built it for to be able to play games easy and so i can play them where they look good plus anywhere else in the game i'm fine but the moment i head into archo i can't move and its not my internet either coz of the fact if it was i'd lag everywhere not just in the west district of archo but i'm fine everywhere else its only in the west district of archo that i lag its to many ppl in one area thats causes an overload on the pw servers which causes lag

    I can move easily in west district.... It might lag a sec once i enter but thats just loading everything but I can duel there if i want.. and No my computer isn't a high performance gaming machine but it handles the games i do play.b:thanks
    I just optimize my settings for the game. I don't need everything on high .. no point really..I'm not looking at the scenery while im grinding.
    ~Mrs. Curry~
    Since 7/4/09