[Lost City] Trading Plumed outfit for different colors

Mothra - Lost City
Mothra - Lost City Posts: 32 Arc User
edited June 2009 in The Trading Post
I'm looking for dark green versions of the clothes below (if you have another type of green, screenshot the piece while it's on if you want to trade and I'll see if it will work.
EDIT: Also please post in this topic if you're interested; I'm not going to be in game at any certain time or for long enough.

I can't find any matches for the actual color names, but here are the hex (and decimal) values from Photoshop straight from the uncompressed BMP screenshot:
Bracers: c088a0 (192,136,160)
Embrace: 10d8d0 (16,216,208)
Skirt: 60c8d0 (96,200,208)

Post edited by Mothra - Lost City on
