How do i Kite?

blazingpulse Posts: 1 Arc User
edited June 2009 in Wizard
I'm a lvl 27 mage... How do I kite?
I'm a robe mage, so pure int... I can't let the monster get close or they eat me in 1 hit... current atk skills are.
Lvl 6 Pyrogram
Lvl 2 Divine Pyrogram
Lvl 5 Gush
Lvl 5 Stone Rain

Usually i open up with Divine Pyro cuz its the longest cast skill, then pyro or gush or stone, based on their element.... then run back, then another skill, then run back, then it heals....

How do i kite without it healing?
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  • Lareish - Harshlands
    Lareish - Harshlands Posts: 647 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    If the monster is healing (yellow aura) you have lots its interest. This means that you ran too far without attacking enough, and it gave up on having you for dinner. This happens with most mobs after 15 seconds. If you're really fast, the distance is what kills the aggro.

    1.) First, zoom out your screen and get an overhead view. Make sure you know where clear pathways and open areas are so that you don't run into a monster or a respawn while you're kiting.

    2.) Choose your mob, open with Divine Pyrogram, or whatever long-channel spell would work best for its element type.

    3.) While the spell is channeling/casting, click on a spot of terrain about 20 meters (one spellcast distance) away from your current position. When the spell casts, you will automatically run there.

    4.) When you are almost to the run-away spot you chose, cast your next spell. Gush is a good follow up for the chance to slow, Stone Rain is a good one for how hard it hits.

    5.) While the spell is channeling, click another spot 20 meters away from your current position, continuing the run away from the monster. It doesn't have to be a straight line, but they have more trouble reaching you that way ;)

    6.) Repeat Cast Click-run, Cast Click-run until mob is dead.

    PS: You can avoid the need to kite with most monsters by taking a Life Powder. When you reach level 30, make some Focus Powders too. Life will add +50 HP/sec regen, Focus +30 MP/sec regen. This will let you grind without resting, and take most of the mob's hits so well that they'll barely be a tickle (On LA, anyway; on Robe it might be more noticible). The only time they fall short is if you get more than one mob on you, or the mob uses Poison. It's best to wait or meditate through Poison, because if you go to the next Posion mob with Poison still on you, it stacks. The Life Powder can't fight against stacked Poison very well.
    Harshlands || Lareish (Wz), Enraged Executor || AKA Howl Leader Garmr

    ~~ ~~~ The semi-sane, optimistic cynic with a light heart. ~~~ ~~
  • Rinnve - Lost City
    Rinnve - Lost City Posts: 473 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    Usually i open up with Divine Pyro cuz its the longest cast skill, then pyro or gush or stone, based on their element....
    Gush must be first or second skill on all elements. It's slow effect helps a lot. Also, i'd suggest you to add some vit points; it also helps. I level 6 mag/1 str/2 vit per 2 levels, and i don't regret it. (I plan to restat to pure, of course, but i'll do it much later, probably somewhere in 9X.)
    --, Sirius: Иней, 70 cleric - off.
    PWI, Lost City: Rinnve, 7X wiz (frozen);
    Allods Online, Раскол: Риннве, 2X occultist
  • meaangirl
    meaangirl Posts: 321 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    Press 'S' key to run back and use gush during intervals.
  • nqeib
    nqeib Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    I've heard mages get an insanely low amount of hit points per vitality point. Like 4? Dump your vit into magic, and add hp shards to your gear, at later levels also refine your gear. More expensive maybe, but you get way more hp that way.
  • juboforce
    juboforce Posts: 7 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    As a MG, you need ZERO points in VIT. You only gain 10 HP per VIT point.

    Also, being an MG, open with Divine Pyro IF AND ONLY IF the mob is Metal. Otherwise, the slow will help far more.

    You can also semi-perch. Monsters in PW are programmed in such a way that they will drop you off their aggro table if you are unreachable. However, if the monster merely has to go around an obstacle, it will continue following you. You can jump; monsters can't.
  • Rinnve - Lost City
    Rinnve - Lost City Posts: 473 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    nqeib wrote: »
    I've heard mages get an insanely low amount of hit points per vitality point. Like 4?
    10, like all other magical classes.
    nqeib wrote: »
    More expensive maybe, but you get way more hp that way.
    It's not just more expensive. It is VERY expensive. For pure mag to get hp just equal to vit build means +4-5 refine all his armor.
    juboforce wrote: »
    As a MG, you need ZERO points in VIT. You only gain 10 HP per VIT point.
    Funny logic here. You can say as well: "as a robe user, you gain very little refining your gear, so don't. save this money for your weapon." Why highlevel wizards/clerics/venos do refine their armor? They must be fools, 'cause LA and HA gives more, so why bother?

    Those "little" 10 hp per vit helps so much i just dont get proper words to say.
    --, Sirius: Иней, 70 cleric - off.
    PWI, Lost City: Rinnve, 7X wiz (frozen);
    Allods Online, Раскол: Риннве, 2X occultist
  • WitchBurner - Sanctuary
    WitchBurner - Sanctuary Posts: 1,394 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    10, like all other magical classes.

    It's not just more expensive. It is VERY expensive. For pure mag to get hp just equal to vit build means +4-5 refine all his armor.

    Funny logic here. You can say as well: "as a robe user, you gain very little refining your gear, so don't. save this money for your weapon." Why highlevel wizards/clerics/venos do refine their armor? They must be fools, 'cause LA and HA gives more, so why bother?

    Those "little" 10 hp per vit helps so much i just dont get proper words to say.

    1.Only Clerics and Wizards get 10hp per Vit. Veno's get 12hp.

    2.Yes it costs but endgame there isn't much else to spend your money on.

    3.We refine armour to give us the hp that the Vit stat does not.(yes this means Vit build for Wizards=Failure, Pure will match your hp while producing much more damage, LA will match you whilst having much more Defence)

    4.That little 10hp doesn't mean much, even if your up to +500hp, you'll still lack the defence/power to use it effectively.

    You can't give a pure the defence of an LA with shards, but we can get your hp with shards.

    P.S. I also found it hilarious when that girl just posted a list of quotes from you that showed how noobtacular you can be.
    Currently flying internet spaceships around dodixie, moving to amarr soon.

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    Sanctuary's retired king of wizards alongside queen Saintblu.
  • Magicz - Dreamweaver
    Magicz - Dreamweaver Posts: 189 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    It will get easier once you get DS, FoW, Sutra, and Phoenix KB. I use gush because it slows and has a large range and is pretty strong. Also just keep using DS, running away from target's range. This also applies to PvP.
    Member of Dynasty! BTW RBorn died b:sad

    ARCANE b:dirty > LIGHT b:surrender!!! b:angry b:angry b:angry

    Current Goal: SPAM teh_fishey!

    Highest PvE Attack: 22k on FB59 Drake Boss, non-sparked, non-critted, BM dragon, Veno Amped debuffed Sandstorm, lvl 62 Attack, ARCANE FTW!!! b:dirty
  • Rinnve - Lost City
    Rinnve - Lost City Posts: 473 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    2.Yes it costs but endgame there isn't much else to spend your money on.
    Going 9X takes about half an year. Without proper equipment, pure wizard sucks. You want to suck for about half an year?
    3.We refine armour to give us the hp that the Vit stat does not.
    Hey, vit does provides some hp. So does refinement. But you say that its bad to pump vit 'cause wizards get lesser hp per 1 vit than other classes. Why it's good to refine when just the same goes for robes? Let LA and HA users refine their armors, you are wizard, better get your weapon to +12.

    If this logic is wrong, then not touching vit stat is wrong as well, 'cause it's exactly the same. Money highlvls spend for better armors can be spent for better weapon. Stat points vit build spend for better hp can be spent for better mag (= damage). What's the difference?
    4.That little 10hp doesn't mean much, even if your up to +500hp, you'll still lack the defence/power to use it effectively.
    Now the funniest part. You are telling me about my experience, not having seen me in action. Smells of some too self-confident man.
    You can't give a pure the defence of an LA with shards, but we can get your hp with shards.
    Easy to tell, not so easy to do. That's my current build (well, not exactly, recently i've changed some eq to get a bit more hp, but still):
    Get my hp with shards on pure, and try to get some defence as well - even 2.5k hp will not save you if defence is too low.
    --, Sirius: Иней, 70 cleric - off.
    PWI, Lost City: Rinnve, 7X wiz (frozen);
    Allods Online, Раскол: Риннве, 2X occultist
  • _makina_ - Sanctuary
    _makina_ - Sanctuary Posts: 747 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    Hm......all this person was asking for was tips on how to kite, nice way to turn it into a flame war. Vit mage is fine...who cares if he wants to build his char that way let the person do what he wants people are like crazy trying to convert everyone >.> reminds me of some(not all) religion all over again. Believe my shiznitz or your going to hell and your a ****!!!! These topics already been spoken for keep them in their respective threads.
  • DishyWiggles - Harshlands
    DishyWiggles - Harshlands Posts: 130 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    Divine pyro is for sutra combo only >.< nooooot foooooor PvE. lead with gush. then pyro then gush then run a little then gush then pyro.

    Once u get to 39 theres no kiting needed. its gush pyro gush will of pheonix gush then they die (for me).

    for PvE, Idk i dont rlly kite. I killed a lvl 57 archer last night in a duel before he got my hp down 400 >.<. blink, phoenix, genie thunderstorm (lvl 2), gush he died ^^. works for BMs and Barbs also.

    the above strategy is great my thunderstorm from genie hits around 900 on my lvl(46) BMs and aronud 750 on archers but like.... 400 on robes.
  • Ursa - Dreamweaver
    Ursa - Dreamweaver Posts: 2,634 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    Divine pyro is for sutra combo only >.< nooooot foooooor PvE.
    Wrong. DP is your hardest nuke until u get SS at a decent lvl (7+). Want to kill fast? use it. Someone did some math a while ago about the dps and use of spels. He was a gush/piro/repeat guy, the math changed his mind.

    Anyway, In the end it's a matter of preferences, at your lvl the mana/kill is not really a problem. I remember I used a gold MP from lvl 19 that lasted me untill 5x. Now I burn through a MP in about 10 hrs of gameplay = less than a lvl.
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