a unique veno



  • Terminator - Harshlands
    Terminator - Harshlands Posts: 14 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    b:pleased the only think i dont like at this build is that u do low damage.. i like seeing high numbers on my screen, thats why my veno was pure mage build... now i restarte playing as a cleric cos venos skills hit very poor even like this. pet takes all damage on pve, but i dont like pking with pet so i have to do as much damage as posible..

    well im happy as long as u help my poor cleric from time to time to kill some pshyhic mobs b:cuteb:thanks
  • Mrsurine - Sanctuary
    Mrsurine - Sanctuary Posts: 82 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    I love it too

    to be honest, I think it's because of the bg @ the char costom page in the very beginning (it being dark) that most of venos have white hair ^^ xP

    Thanks both :D
    I like my characters hair being white...quite sad a lot of other venos have white hair...especially with that like default gothika one...b:surrender
    "Who gives a sith?"
    b:chuckleHAHAHAHHA. I'm not funny. b:cry
  • XxRaynaHeart - Sanctuary
    XxRaynaHeart - Sanctuary Posts: 366 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    .... There's something called a period. Yes, that little dot you see after every sentence.

    Well, playing a "unique" character your way defeats the whole purpose of having that specific class. (My thoughts: "look im veno and i put on dex and strength :D cuz i like playing unique chars.")

    You can be unique having the right build and the right weapon. Do you want to be a girl that gets remembered in this way(?):

    Bob: Hey Joe I saw a Veno who messed up her stats and used a fist (and or bow)
    Joe: LOL fail, she may be unique but what's the point in being Veno if you're just gonna play like an archer(or whichever class uses fist- BM, Barb, maybe?)
    MizukiMinoru ll Charisma Executor ll Active
  • Wynve - Dreamweaver
    Wynve - Dreamweaver Posts: 44 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    More veno experimenting people! I do this too, I have some veno's with different builds, mostly only in their level 20's. Wynve is one of them, she has a normal arcane/magic build, but i added some dexterity into the mix (this was by accident at first, she was kind of a control veno for the others), then i learned it does help kill mobs. Your strength/dex build is new. Very cool, hope it works for you. Keep going! ^^
  • Veno_master - Sanctuary
    Veno_master - Sanctuary Posts: 11 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    I is a heavy armour fox form veno, I have my TT90 set already lol b:chuckle
    But currently using the high level legendary armour and 3*
  • Kittennice - Heavens Tear
    Kittennice - Heavens Tear Posts: 2,744 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    .... There's something called a period. Yes, that little dot you see after every sentence.

    Well, playing a "unique" character your way defeats the whole purpose of having that specific class. (My thoughts: "look im veno and i put on dex and strength :D cuz i like playing unique chars.")

    You can be unique having the right build and the right weapon. Do you want to be a girl that gets remembered in this way(?):

    Bob: Hey Joe I saw a Veno who messed up her stats and used a fist (and or bow)
    Joe: LOL fail, she may be unique but what's the point in being Veno if you're just gonna play like an archer(or whichever class uses fist- BM, Barb, maybe?)

    Lol but no other class has a battle pet or cool moves. We can regain health and mana and even save our self with soul transfusion XD

    That's like what some people said to me "go roll a barb/bm" lol bms and barbs can't use bramble hood or debuff mobs. Nor can they kill two groups of mobs because well there is only one of them :D
    The VenoX: Heavy Pure Melee (Axe User with a hint of magic) Venomancer and Proud
    Having fun since lv1
    5 more levels baby!
    {=^.^=} < I'll never give up. Never give in. )

    I'm for The Cursed!
  • OMGLAZERZ - Heavens Tear
    OMGLAZERZ - Heavens Tear Posts: 2,327 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    .... There's something called a period. Yes, that little dot you see after every sentence.

    Well, playing a "unique" character your way defeats the whole purpose of having that specific class. (My thoughts: "look im veno and i put on dex and strength :D cuz i like playing unique chars.")

    You can be unique having the right build and the right weapon. Do you want to be a girl that gets remembered in this way(?):

    Bob: Hey Joe I saw a Veno who messed up her stats and used a fist (and or bow)
    Joe: LOL fail, she may be unique but what's the point in being Veno if you're just gonna play like an archer(or whichever class uses fist- BM, Barb, maybe?)

    Who cares? Unless the veno is wearing arcane armor only, never uses fox form, and hides behind her pet most other players consider her a fail veno because they don't have a clue as to what the class is or how it plays.
  • Wynve - Dreamweaver
    Wynve - Dreamweaver Posts: 44 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    Who cares? Unless the veno is wearing arcane armor only, never uses fox form, and hides behind her pet most other players consider her a fail veno because they don't have a clue as to what the class is or how it plays.

    meh. Who cares what other players think. If your build works, and you can beat anyone who considers you a 'fail veno' into the ground, then who cares if they think you are one?
  • Mrsurine - Sanctuary
    Mrsurine - Sanctuary Posts: 82 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    Lol... You can totally be unique being a mag Veno. :P
    And I'm pretty sure we mag Veno's also have fun with our characters.
    And you are definatly not the only non mag build in the game :P

    I kinda lied about this....I'm not mag build, I'm light build but I basically use all magic. :P just so you all KNOW!
    "Who gives a sith?"
    b:chuckleHAHAHAHHA. I'm not funny. b:cry
  • Alphae - Lost City
    Alphae - Lost City Posts: 1,512 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    Who cares? Unless the veno is wearing arcane armor only, never uses fox form, and hides behind her pet most other players consider her a fail veno because they don't have a clue as to what the class is or how it plays.

    The way you talk makes you sound like you consider an arcane veno who only uses fox to amp and lets her pet take agro as a failure.

    My opinion? There's unique, then there is stupid. Play to your class's strengths. If your skills are all based upon holding magic weapon, FFS make sure you can use one <_< How you do that is up to you, and whether you can hold something else is also up to you.

  • Ladydeadlock - Heavens Tear
    Ladydeadlock - Heavens Tear Posts: 366 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    The way you talk makes you sound like you consider an arcane veno who only uses fox to amp and lets her pet take agro as a failure.

    Something like.... "learn to work a cleric without the heal?"
    *Semi retired*
  • Alphae - Lost City
    Alphae - Lost City Posts: 1,512 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    Something like.... "learn to work a cleric without the heal?"

    Yep, just like that.

    See, while you're welcome to experiment with what you like, you're just setting yourself up for frustration and failure if you play completely contrary to the way your class is geared just to be "unique." What's more, you're a waste of coding and a strain on the server if you've geared yourself so contrary that you can't even use a single skill. That is extreme but I see people talk about it as if it's the cat's meow, and it makes me sick. Unique =|= stupid.