Anyone buy gold this morning not get bonus?

shazyousuckbot Posts: 19 Arc User
edited June 2009 in Cash Shop Huddle
The 3 extra gold you get when u purchase 50 is not showing up.anyone else having this problem?
Post edited by shazyousuckbot on


  • shnuggles
    shnuggles Posts: 7 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    The 3 extra gold you get when u purchase 50 is not showing up.anyone else having this problem?


    This account has never made a purchase, and your main, Jebbediah, has not made a purchase since 2/20/09. Please contact the billing department if you are having an issue with your purchasing. According to everything on our side, this function is working 100% normal.
    -Your friendly neighborhood Shnuggs-
    [PWE Billing]
    Perfect World Entertainment Customer Support System

    "Any man worth his salt will stick up for what he believes right, but it takes a slightly better man to acknowledge instantly and without reservation that he is in error."
    -Andrew Jackson

    Shnuggles [Shh-nugg-ulls]
    -proper noun
    1. He who turns negativity into giddiness.
    2. Has an IRL cat that plays fetch b:victory
  • theshazzbot
    theshazzbot Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    shnuggles wrote: »

    This account has never made a purchase, and your main, Jebbediah, has not made a purchase since 2/20/09. Please contact the billing department if you are having an issue with your purchasing. According to everything on our side, this function is working 100% normal.

    hehe PWND! oh yeah, thanks for the lovely PM I received from you. BRING IT! b:chuckle
    Remember, posting on these forums is not a right - It's a PRIVILEGE!


    Thus the ShazzBot has spoken...
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