Nico's Cleric Guide

ClericNico - Dreamweaver
ClericNico - Dreamweaver Posts: 83 Arc User
edited March 2010 in Cleric
First and foremost, let me say that this is MY guide based upon my personal experiences and observations. This is not by any means intended to be a guide for everyone, just something to help out those who are new to the class. Also, my cleric is built as a pure magic support cleric, so keep that in mind, as your perspective may be different if you decide on something different for your build.

I. Types of clerics

A. The Support Cleric: The support cleric is a party favorite. Everyone loves a good support cleric, though it takes a rare breed of person to play one well. This is the type of cleric I personally enjoy playing the most. Be warned however, that there are major drawbacks to this kind of cleric. You will be kept very busy with fb's, TT runs, Boss fights, etc. If you let someone die, be prepared to get yelled at. It happens, in fact it's unavoidable some times, you will occasionally let someone die. This does not make you a bad cleric, just a human one. Humans make mistakes after all. It also gets expensive to play a cleric. One Ironheart Blessing (the best and primary heal skill) takes about 300 mp at level 10. That's a lot of mana when you have to cast it over and over on a barb tanking a boss.

B. The Attack Cleric: The attack cleric is basically just another damage dealer. With their focus more on their attack skills than their heals and buffs, they do a good bit of damage and kill pretty quickly. Not nearly as in demand as a support cleric, you may get yelled at for simply having the audacity to build your cleric towards the attack end of the spectrum. While not as hard hitting as a wizard and not as helpful in a party as a support cleric, the attack cleric is versatile as they can heal in a pinch or deal damage if something is just not dying quickly enough.

C. The Hybrid Cleric: This is the happy medium when it comes to clerics. Focusing on both support and attack skills, the hybrid is the one you see dropping a couple attacks on a boss, then stacking a couple ironhearts on the tank before going back to attacking. The unfortunate part of being a hybrid is that you will not be able to level all skills all the time. You simply won't have enough spirit to afford everything, so often a hybrid's skills are usually a couple levels below what they have available at their level.

II. Playing your cleric

A. Mana Consumption: No matter what type of cleric you decide to go with, you will go through AN UNGODLY AMOUNT OF MP. This is unavoidable, as the cleric's mana consumption rate is simply horrible. The frustration of this can be eased somewhat by the use of charms. When I hit level 20, I had enough money saved up that I could buy 1 Gold from the auctioneer npc and get a Bronze Spirit Charm. These cost 80 Silver, and recover a total of 150,000 mp. So each gold and subsequent charm you buy will leave you with 20 Silver left over. Therefore when you've bought 4 charms, you basically get a 5th one for free. You should be able to get a new charm about the time one runs out if u spend your money conservatively. If you can simply not afford charms, mana can be managed with potions made at the apothecary which raise your mp recovery rate for 10 mintues. There are also ones that recover very large amounts of mp. Combine these with normal mana pots and you get pretty effective mana management. ~EDIT~ With current gold prices, keeping oneself in charms is no longer an economical option. Stick with regular pots, event mp foods, and apothecary items.

B. HP Potions: In general, HP Potions aren't useful for a cleric. There are times when they are needed though, or perhaps just helpful. Bosses with strong AOE attacks (such as Soulbanisher in TT 1-2 and 1-3) are a good example. Also, there may be times when you simply can't heal yourself before you're going to die, and they can be helpful in buying you the time to cast a heal.

C. Grinding: Like to solo most of your quests? Great! Then the cleric is a good class for you. While some mobs are going to give a squishy cleric some trouble, especially archer-type mobs, these troubles can usually be overcome without much difficulty. Personally, I favor the use of the in game macro system to help with grinding. Open up your skill window...down at the bottom, there are 3 buttons: Edit, Delete, and New. Click new. Drag skills you want in combo to empty boxes. Pick a pretty picture and click save. Then apply your nifty new macro to your hotkey of choice. The following macros have proven effective for me over the course of leveling my cleric:

Melee mobs: cyclone, plume shot, cyclone, ironheart blessing, cyclone, plume, cyclone, plume

Ranged mobs: cyclone, plume, ironheart, cyclone, plume, cyclone, plume, cyclone

Poison and other Damage over Time mobs: wield thunder, cyclone, plume, cyclone, plume, cyclone, plume, cyclone (purify when mob dies)

I'll leave it to you to discover other combos of skills that work well for your play style.

III. Building your cleric

There are a few viable ways to allocate stats for a cleric, and they are described below.

A. Pure Magic Build: My build and my personal favorite. Pure magic clerics are known for their strong heals and strong attacks. This build is all about getting your magic attack as high as it can possibly be. What can't be killed before it gets to you can be outhealed with a single ironheart for most mobs. Stat Allocation for Pure Mag: 5 magic on even levels, 4 magic, 1 strength odd levels (9 mag, 1 str every other level).

B. Vitality Build: This build is very popular. While the attacks and heals for this build won't be as strong, they have increased survivability due to higher hp. Stat Allocation for Vit: 5 magic on even levels, 1-3 magic, 1 strength, 1-3 vit on odd levels. (6-8 mag, 1 str, 1-3 vit every other lvl)

C. Light Armor Build: LA clerics get their survivability from armor as opposed to statting vit. As light armor takes dex to equip, clerics wearing it will have a higher critstrike rate. Every 20 points in dex = +1% critrate. Stat Allocation for LA: 3 magic, 1 strength, 1 dexterity every level.

IV. Skills

Exact Skill Stats by level can be found here:

A. Healing Skills

1. Blessing of the Purehearted: the basic healing skill every newbie cleric starts the game with. DO NOT LEVEL IT....EVER. As a heal, it's virtually useless, with a long channel time, and no heal over time or stack effects. For gaining chi, however, it is very useful, especially if it's left at level one. Level 1 only uses 10 mana, so it's very cheap chi. At higher levels, you actually regenerate your mana faster than you use it spamming this skill for chi.

2. Ironheart Blessing: the healing standard of the Perfect World community. This is the first good heal you get, and the one you will use most often. It has no instant effect but it heals a large amount of hp over 15 seconds. Also, it can be stacked, so if you cast ironheart on someone twice, they are getting healed double what they would with only one cast. For bosses, this should be used repeatedly on the tank. Max this skill ASAP.

3. Wellspring Surge: Don't have time to get an ironheart stack going before someone dies? Drop this skill on them to buy yourself the time. An instant heal without any stack or heal over time effects, it channels faster and heals more hp than blessing of the purehearted. Nice for healing arcane classes, as it will usually heal a good portion of their hp. Leveling this skill is a matter of preference, but wait till you have spare spirit.

4. Chromatic Healing Beam: Your first squad heal. Essential for AOE bosses. Level when you have the spirit.

5. Stream of Rejuvenation: A heal over time with an instant heal thrown in. The long channeling time makes it somewhat less effective than it could be, but it can be useful if your tank's hp is getting dangerously low. This skill will stack on itself, but WILL NOT STACK WITH IRONHEART. Some clerics find this skill very useful, other find it virtually useless. Try it out...level it if you like it.

6. Regeneration Aura: Also known as Blue Bubble, or BB. At the cost of 2 sparks and massive amounts of MP, you can cast this little beauty. Not only does it heal 500 hp plus a percentage of your magic attack every 5 seconds, it also cuts the damage anyone in range takes in half. This skill is a must have for much of the game's higher level content. It only has 1 level, so get it as soon as it is available.

B. Attack Skills

1. Plume Shot: The basic newbie attack skill. This is what you will use to 1-shot all those level one mobs in Battlemark Village. If only things stayed that easy.... Max this ASAP.

2. Great Cyclone: Your other basic attack skill. This has a chance to slow your target, which is nice for helping preserve your squishy life. Alternating this with plume shot is a pretty deadly combo, as their channel and cooldown times complement each other. Max this ASAP.

3. Thunderball: I personally don't have much use for this skill, but I've been told by people that have leveled it that it's nice for use on bosses, etc. Long channel time, and a mix between instant and over time damage. Level it if you like it.

4. Razor Feathers: Clerics have 2 useful AOE skills. This is the first of them. If you plan to do aoe grinding (either with a bm or by yourself), then this skill is a must have. Until you start aoe grinding however, leave it at level 1. Level when you have the money and spirit for it (if you plan to aoe).

5. Siren's Kiss: I have yet to find any practical application for this skill, other than unlocking the next skill on the tree. Being player-centric ruins this skill, as we are a ranged class. Otherwise, it does decent damage and has a pretty wide area of effect. But you have to be right up on your group of mobs to use it. Save your spark and your spirit and use razor feathers instead.

6. Wield Thunder: A pretty sweet single target skill. Long channeling time, but nice damage. Can be used as an effective opener. Level it casually.

7. Tempest: /drool. Out of all the skills from all the classes, this skill is my absolute favorite. I actually have dreams about using this skill in real life. My own pathetic lack of a life aside, this is a really great skill. Massive damage, large area of effect. The downside? Long channeling time, and a hefty chi cost of 2 sparks. This skill is a must for aoe grinders. It's also nice when healing for bosses as a nice break from spamming ironheart for a few seconds. While this skill can be skipped altogether (it is very expensive to level), if you plan to aoe grind, level it as fast as you can afford to.

C. Buff Skills

1. Vanguard Spirit: Physical defense buff. Party version is Greater Protective Aura. Max ASAP, get party version if focused on support (this goes for all 4 buffs).

2. Magic Shell: Magic Defense buff. Party version is Aegis Spirit.

3. Celestial Guardian's Seal: Increases HP and MP recovery rate. Party version is Exalted Renewal.

4. Spirit's Gift: Magic Attack buff. Party version is Arcane Empowerment.

~NOTE~ Standard buffs last 30 minutes. Party versions last 1 hour.

D. Debuff Skills

1. Elemental Seal: Lowers the magical defense of both the target and yourself. Useful for bosses, and sometimes pvp. Level later on (60+)

2. Dimensional Seal: Lowers the physical defense of both the target and yourself. Can be useful for bosses if you have lots of physical DDs in the squad. Level later on (60+)

3. Silent Seal: Not very useful for pve. Can be used in pvp for keeping melee opponents at a distance. Makes target unable to move. Level later on if at all.

4. Chromatic Seal: Nice for pvp. Puts your target to sleep. Can also be used to escape from something killing you. Level later on.

E. Misc. Skills

1. Purify: This is in the heals skill tree, but it's not technically a heal. Removes negative status effects from a player (ie. sleep, poison, bleed, fire, etc.) This skill is a must have, but can be left at level 1 till lvl 60 or so. Afterwards, level 5 or 6 is usually sufficient. Nice to have maxed for solo aoe grinding, but not a priority.

2. Plume Shell: Another skill I personally don't have much use for. Many clerics swear by this skill, however. It converts incoming damage into hits against your mp. Personally, I go through too much mp as it is, so I'd rather just cast an extra heal. Level it if u like it.

3. Revive: The only skill we have that is absolutely worthless to ourselves. Resurrects someone who has died, and depending on its level, cuts down on their xp loss. Since we can't use it when we ourselves die, leveling it is up to you. If you like people, max it. If you hate people, leave it at level one and let them take the same hit we have to take when we hit that Go to Town button. (There are times I regret maxing mine)

4. Flight Mastery: Increases the flying speed of natural white elf wings, and only the natural white elf wings. Let me say that again: ONLY WORKS ON NATURAL WHITE ELF WINGS. Level it if you never plan to get other wings.

5. Metal Mastery: Adds a bit of damage to Cyclone, Wield Thunder, and Tempest. Level it later on.

6. Heaven's Wrath: Also known as Red Bubble, or RB. This skill is downright tasty. If there are 2 clerics in a squad, this is extremely nice when cast during boss fights. Increases attack speed for melees, decreases channeling time for casters, and increases the damage of everyone. Not a huge priority, but I recommend getting it when you can afford it.

I'll probably add to this again later. Especially as I get higher level and try out the lvl 79 skills and eventually decide on demon or sage and get some of those skills. For now however, I think this is good to give newcomers a decent grasp of the class. Also, at some point, I'll probably get around to color coding it so it's easier to read.
Sometimes, when I'm bored, I blow myself up. b:victory


ClericNico: 7x Cleric, Hate2Love Executor
_Poe_: 7x Barbarian, Tormented Executor (Hate2Love Alt Faction)
Durzo_Blint: 6x Blademaster, Tormented

The cleric formerly known as the veno known as Sheeeba. b:chuckle
Post edited by ClericNico - Dreamweaver on


  • ClericNico - Dreamweaver
    ClericNico - Dreamweaver Posts: 83 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    In case i want to add stuff
    Sometimes, when I'm bored, I blow myself up. b:victory


    ClericNico: 7x Cleric, Hate2Love Executor
    _Poe_: 7x Barbarian, Tormented Executor (Hate2Love Alt Faction)
    Durzo_Blint: 6x Blademaster, Tormented

    The cleric formerly known as the veno known as Sheeeba. b:chuckle
  • Mysticlifex - Heavens Tear
    Mysticlifex - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,175 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    Question: What scenario would support cleric be better than Pure INT cleric?

    which heals are the most important, why which situations would you use ironheart.
    is ironheart stackable?

    Metal mastery: yes or no?

    You explained builds but what are they? how to you set the attribute points?

    needs some improving.
    good start tho
    We're MysticAve my name is not Dave
    (Poem in the making - Shall be epic)
  • Alyyy - Sanctuary
    Alyyy - Sanctuary Posts: 3,165 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    why do so many ppl write so caled "cleric guides" ? there are enough of them
    Clerics are like cops...they always seem to be around.....until you actually need one b:surrender - DeadRaven
  • Mysticlifex - Heavens Tear
    Mysticlifex - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,175 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    I wrote my own extreamly biased cleric guide, my own faction members love it, but I'll get flamed if I post it >.>
    We're MysticAve my name is not Dave
    (Poem in the making - Shall be epic)
  • Holystic - Sanctuary
    Holystic - Sanctuary Posts: 81 Arc User
    edited May 2009

    B. HP Potions: Nothing makes me laugh harder than seeing a cleric pop an hp pot. Your heals are not just for healing others, they work just as well on yourself. If you get into a situation where it looks like you might die, run. Once you have enough distance to do it safely, cast wellspring surge to recover enough hp for u to be able to get an ironheart or two on yourself.

    I'm sorry you feel that way about HP pots but they are actually quite useful in situations where everyone is taking damage and you cant afford to heal yourself, there simply isn't enough time. This can be a case in a Aoe fight where you are the solo healer. Blowing a pot on yourself saves you time, time which you use to save your team. Don't get me wrong there are times when you will have to heal yourself, but to rule out a tool such as Health pots is not a good idea.
  • Sylvae - Sanctuary
    Sylvae - Sanctuary Posts: 1,018 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    I wrote my own extreamly biased cleric guide, my own faction members love it, but I'll get flamed if I post it >.>

    Wrote one as well back in later Oct/early Nov. Not sure how relevant it even is anymore, since it dealt with many of the things guildies were doing wrong at the time thanks to really bad posts by experts who got so many things wrong. I think most of it is more or less accepted as granted now.
  • Azazel - Dreamweaver
    Azazel - Dreamweaver Posts: 203 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    just post it guys, who care if it get flame? you may find out if your point of view is flawed somewhere, or point out to others where they wrong. It's good both way =P

    So please post yours xD
  • U_got_sniped - Lost City
    U_got_sniped - Lost City Posts: 292 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    Question: What scenario would support cleric be better than Pure INT cleric?

    which heals are the most important, why which situations would you use ironheart.
    is ironheart stackable?

    Metal mastery: yes or no?

    You explained builds but what are they? how to you set the attribute points?

    needs some improving.
    good start tho

    dude give the guy a chanceb:shocked

    ...answer 1.AoE bosses such as krimson...nasty little feller

    answer2. ironheart, and stream of rejeuvenation? (not sure if this one is the wellspring like heal) ironheart is good for healping barbs tank. also to spare party members a few pots.

    answer3. yes ironheart can be stacked.

    answer4. the extra dammage from metal mastery is too low to spend a few mill sp/coins on. (by low i mean the 2% increase every lvl. not the maxed) also it isnt really needed ecept for PvP so it would be best to leave it for later lvls.

    answer5. too lazy to start on themb:surrender how did i manage mystyb:cute
  • Azazel - Dreamweaver
    Azazel - Dreamweaver Posts: 203 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    ....Krimson is short range AOE, just stay out of his range lol >.>
    Situation which require a cleric to have some vit? hm...rebirth, TT 1-3 soul, belial ? =o
    yes, max metal, 20% of 1k damage is 200, not bad, but help you save some hit? dont put it over your main skill though.
    This is not actually a guide.....all I see is introduction and overview -.-!
  • U_got_sniped - Lost City
    U_got_sniped - Lost City Posts: 292 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    since when did crimson beomce short range o,o
    oh well iam not a cleric
    and that guide can be called a fast intro...maybe...
  • Azazel - Dreamweaver
    Azazel - Dreamweaver Posts: 203 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    ever since I just started....13 weeks ago =o
  • Catriona - Lost City
    Catriona - Lost City Posts: 88 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    :P I don't post guides o.o why would I want someone else to have my exact same build I do if my build works well? xD I'd rather not have it used against me possibly.
    Float like a butterfly; hit like a truck! b:chuckle
  • Narcotic - Harshlands
    Narcotic - Harshlands Posts: 11 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    This is not a guide. It's a introduction or a summary of healer. There is really no idept information, it just explains what a cleric is. Maybe one day it will grow up to be a guide.
  • meaangirl
    meaangirl Posts: 321 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    I wrote my own extreamly biased cleric guide, my own faction members love it, but I'll get flamed if I post it >.>

    You love the attention. Admit itb:cute
  • Aelric - Lost City
    Aelric - Lost City Posts: 1,031 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    I wrote my own extreamly biased cleric guide, my own faction members love it, but I'll get flamed if I post it >.>

    Send it to me!
    Thanks XRipetidex for the awesome sig!
    "I like nonsense, it wakes up the brain cells. Fantasy is a necessary ingredient in living, it's a way of looking at life through the wrong end of a telescope and that enables you to laugh at life's realities."
    -Dr. Seuss
  • Forp - Heavens Tear
    Forp - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,445 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    if mystic wrote it, it's probably a fail guide telling you to be pure int and full attack. last thing you want to do is read that.
  • Nelae - Heavens Tear
    Nelae - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,490 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    if mystic wrote it, it's probably a fail guide telling you to be pure int and full attack. last thing you want to do is read that.

    Welcome back Forp, i missed your comments xD
  • Forp - Heavens Tear
    Forp - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,445 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    i've had some serious internet issues b:surrender
  • ClericNico - Dreamweaver
    ClericNico - Dreamweaver Posts: 83 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    Sorry guys...haven't had much time to work on it yet...obviously a work in progress lol.
    Sometimes, when I'm bored, I blow myself up. b:victory


    ClericNico: 7x Cleric, Hate2Love Executor
    _Poe_: 7x Barbarian, Tormented Executor (Hate2Love Alt Faction)
    Durzo_Blint: 6x Blademaster, Tormented

    The cleric formerly known as the veno known as Sheeeba. b:chuckle
  • ClericNico - Dreamweaver
    ClericNico - Dreamweaver Posts: 83 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Finally took some time to work on this. Now complete enough to bump it. Still a work in progress though.
    Sometimes, when I'm bored, I blow myself up. b:victory


    ClericNico: 7x Cleric, Hate2Love Executor
    _Poe_: 7x Barbarian, Tormented Executor (Hate2Love Alt Faction)
    Durzo_Blint: 6x Blademaster, Tormented

    The cleric formerly known as the veno known as Sheeeba. b:chuckle
  • Paramedic - Dreamweaver
    Paramedic - Dreamweaver Posts: 1,801 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    ineed, ur 'guide' is based on ur own personal experiences - and that is it's biggest disadvantage

    some true but basic info with lack of details, experience and wrong interpretations or just wrong ideas

    if you arent enough experienced to write such guide then dont do it.
    if u have some good experience in something else related to cleric then make tiny, but correct guide


    GAME IS DEAD wiki-article:
  • yashino
    yashino Posts: 14 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    wtf is a support cleric and wtf is a attack cleric
    how the fk do you build them
    so I GUESS Support clerics: keep attacks lvl 1 or dont get them at all, and just go HEAL
    and attack cleric: ALL aTTACKS SKILLS CUz like you said support skills will weaken them


    already quit pwi, and yet my gears are still superior than 95% of you people.
  • Skybelle - Sanctuary
    Skybelle - Sanctuary Posts: 595 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    5. Stream of Rejuvenation: A heal over time with an instant heal thrown in. The long channeling time makes it somewhat less effective than it could be, but it can be useful if your tank's hp is getting dangerously low. This skill will stack on itself, but WILL NOT STACK WITH IRONHEART. Some clerics find this skill very useful, other find it virtually useless. Try it out...level it if you like it.

    B. Attack Skills

    3. Thunderball: I personally don't have much use for this skill, but I've been told by people that have leveled it that it's nice for use on bosses, etc. Long channel time, and a mix between instant and over time damage. Level it if you like it.

    5. Siren's Kiss: I have yet to find any practical application for this skill, other than unlocking the next skill on the tree. Being player-centric ruins this skill, as we are a ranged class. Otherwise, it does decent damage and has a pretty wide area of effect. But you have to be right up on your group of mobs to use it. Save your spark and your spirit and use razor feathers instead.

    7. Tempest: /drool. Out of all the skills from all the classes, this skill is my absolute favorite. I actually have dreams about using this skill in real life. My own pathetic lack of a life aside, this is a really great skill. Massive damage, large area of effect. The downside? Long channeling time, and a hefty chi cost of 2 sparks. This skill is a must for aoe grinders. It's also nice when healing for bosses as a nice break from spamming ironheart for a few seconds. While this skill can be skipped altogether (it is very expensive to level), if you plan to aoe grind, level it as fast as you can afford to.

    1. Purify: This is in the heals skill tree, but it's not technically a heal. Removes negative status effects from a player (ie. sleep, poison, bleed, fire, etc.) This skill is a must have, but can be left at level 1 till lvl 60 or so. Afterwards, level 5 or 6 is usually sufficient. Nice to have maxed for solo aoe grinding, but not a priority.

    5. Metal Mastery: Adds a bit of damage to Cyclone, Wield Thunder, and Tempest. Level it later on.

    I honestly have a lot of disagreements with this guide, sadly.

    Stream of Rejuvenation: The HoT stacking with IH thingy is an unproven statement.

    Thunderball: "I've been told..." is baseless. You have to try it yourself if you want an opinion on it. My opinion? The DoT on bosses may be helpful but you can use Plume>Cyclone>Plume over the time the DoT is working.

    Siren's Kiss: Siren's Kiss is used to stun mobs that are close to you when you're AOE grinding. 1 spark is not that bad for its okay damage.

    Tempest: Sure Tempest spike is pretty and all but it is not a must for AOE grinding. Don't get me wrong but Tempest gets interrupted like crazy due to its long casting time. Sure it has its uses but I don't see it being used that much for AOE grinding. Some of you may disagree with me but I personally think those 2 sparks can be used to heal mana and use some other skill.

    Purify: Level 5 or 6 Purify still has a long cooldown for some bosses and mobs. I'd say level 8 would be the most sufficient for AOE grinding and certain bosses (i.e. nob at bh 69).

    Metal Mastery: You should level this when your priority skills are maxed.
    - Ironheart Blessing
    - Plume Shot
    - Great Cyclone
    my C H A R A C T E R S ; feel free to message me in game.
    Skybelle (cleric; currently on break) | Psybelle (psychic; rarely on) | Cocobelle (veno; current main)
  • yashino
    yashino Posts: 14 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    +12 every of your gears and this guide is useless.

    already quit pwi, and yet my gears are still superior than 95% of you people.
  • LifeAfterDth - Heavens Tear
    LifeAfterDth - Heavens Tear Posts: 77 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    ClericNico wrote:
    C. The Hybrid Cleric: This is the happy medium when it comes to clerics. Focusing on both support and attack skills, the hybrid is the one you see dropping a couple attacks on a boss, then stacking a couple ironhearts on the tank before going back to attacking. The unfortunate part of being a hybrid is that you will not be able to level all skills all the time. You simply won't have enough spirit to afford everything, so often a hybrid's skills are usually a couple levels below what they have available at their level.

    Not true at all, might want to reconsider some of this info. Im on 115 base vit and all buffs/heals/attacks/debuffs maxed with no prob. Dont take it personal, you've tried to compile something usefull but you need more accurate info and not just best guess's. Regardless of ones build, sp is based on how much killing you actually do, surely you know that. What is all the xtra sp needed for on hybrids? I use the same skills a "good" full magic build would.

    As far as tempest goes, wipe your mouth because its not worth drooling over. As stated above, it has its uses but aoe grinding isnt really one of them.
  • LifeAfterDth - Heavens Tear
    LifeAfterDth - Heavens Tear Posts: 77 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    ClericNico wrote:
    3. Silent Seal: Not very useful for pve. Can be used in pvp for keeping melee opponents at a distance. Makes target unable to move. Level later on if at all.
    Its just as usefull in PVE if not more so keeping melee mobs off of you.
  • Torsay - Sanctuary
    Torsay - Sanctuary Posts: 210 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    4. Razor Feathers: Clerics have 2 useful AOE skills. This is the first of them. If you plan to do aoe grinding (either with a bm or by yourself), then this skill is a must have. Until you start aoe grinding however, leave it at level 1. Level when you have the money and spirit for it (if you plan to aoe).

    5. Siren's Kiss: I have yet to find any practical application for this skill, other than unlocking the next skill on the tree. Being player-centric ruins this skill, as we are a ranged class. Otherwise, it does decent damage and has a pretty wide area of effect. But you have to be right up on your group of mobs to use it. Save your spark and your spirit and use razor feathers instead.

    7. Tempest: /drool. Out of all the skills from all the classes, this skill is my absolute favorite. I actually have dreams about using this skill in real life. My own pathetic lack of a life aside, this is a really great skill. Massive damage, large area of effect. The downside? Long channeling time, and a hefty chi cost of 2 sparks. This skill is a must for aoe grinders. It's also nice when healing for bosses as a nice break from spamming ironheart for a few seconds. While this skill can be skipped altogether (it is very expensive to level), if you plan to aoe grind, level it as fast as you can afford to.

    Demon or Sage version of Siren's kiss is pretty good for aoe grinding. It deals about 30% more dmg to wood mobs than razor feathers, since it is metal attack skill, and yet it is quite fast. Good for AoE attack combos. After you get 3rd spark this and tempest gives you alot of new options how to kill mobs much faster than with razor feathers.

    In some extent with the right build and good enough weapon you can two shot all the poison mobs you pull then. Excluding razor feathers from that completely.

    This makes clerics pretty superior above other classes if you consider grinding.
  • DeathBanana - Heavens Tear
    DeathBanana - Heavens Tear Posts: 2,674 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Siren's Kiss: Siren's Kiss is used to stun mobs that are close to you when you're AOE grinding. 1 spark is not that bad for its okay damage.

    Slightly off-topic; Hovering over the skill says that it has a chance to freeze mobs, anyone know what this chance is?

    9x Demon Cleric
  • AeonieX - Heavens Tear
    AeonieX - Heavens Tear Posts: 158 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Most useful Cleric guide i've seen on here, a mod should sticky this.
    AeonieX - Hybrid Vit Veno 6x
    HarmieX - Pure Mag Psychic 6x
    KyraneiX - Axe/Fist BM 4x
    KyranthoX - Axe Barb 2x
    KyyranthoX - Hybrid Cleric 2x
    AskariX - Pure Dex Assassin 2x
    KyraneiiX - Pure Dex Archer 0x
    AeoniiX - Pure Mag Wizard 0x
  • yashino
    yashino Posts: 14 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Most useful Cleric guide i've seen on here, a mod should sticky this.

    b:angryb:angry you're wrong
    go die in fire.b:angry

    already quit pwi, and yet my gears are still superior than 95% of you people.