LAG/DC....GREED...enough is enough

SweetMisty - Heavens Tear
SweetMisty - Heavens Tear Posts: 8 Arc User
edited July 2009 in Support Desk
Hi all!

I've been playing PWI for some time now and always enjoyed the game. But lately it is becoming a real nightmare.....

It has always been laggy in West Arch because of traffic and I believe that everyone kinda accepted it...but lately, it has been insane and NOT just in West Arch but everywhere on the map...even when there is noone around...

Some people will say it's my system/computer? Well no it's not...this morning the whole faction kept getting disconnected, and we are players from all over...

I have been experiencing major lags/dcs since the last 3 patches wich makes me play a lot less...I is also costing people exp when they get killed because of is also costing angels, wich most people buy with real money...

Many of us are asking PWI to fix things...and apparently it got out of their hands....because the problem is just getting worse...and many people are now leaving this game.

Also, I have been playing mmorpg games for a while and one thing that makes me sad is when the host starts getting greedy....

This is a free game with a possibility of purchasing stuff in ends up that most of us spend way more money than those who play monthly-fee based games...but even then it seems that we are not spending enough money to please them...

I have noticed lately that the GMs are quite spamming with their "offers" (example: neinbeast, 50$ card with 10$ bonus), that they post every half hour or wasn't like this before....

Same thing happened in previous game I played, they started to put in boutique items that used to be aquirred only through fighting big bosses...and after a while was almost impossible to enjoy the game without putting in some real life money...

The result? They ended up killing the game...but they didn't care..the conceptors started a new one....

Is it what is happening here???

I find it sad because I truly think that PWI is a wonderful game with wonderful players. But lately it is becoming just like any other game owned by some greedy people.

They ask us to show respect to others, to apply the rules, wich 99% of the players do....and to get what in return? Do we get the same respect? There are more and more bugs/lags/dc............

So before everyone leaves this place to go play elsewhere, I urge the people from PWI to do something about it...otherwise, in my mind they will just be another IGG-like company.....
Post edited by SweetMisty - Heavens Tear on


  • TameThat - Sanctuary
    TameThat - Sanctuary Posts: 197 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    For the lag I would suggest you to go thread this thread I started. This is gonna point you what could be wrong about your computer.

    How to know what is making the game lag for you

    "Some people will say it's my system/computer? Well no it's not...this morning the whole faction kept getting disconnected, and we are players from all over..."

    Your whole faction ? Hum, how many people is that and how many are playing with insufficient amount of RAM ?

    "Many of us are asking PWI to fix things...and apparently it got out of their hands....because the problem is just getting worse...and many people are now leaving this game."

    They are actually working on the problem, the last patch has fixed some memory leak problem and I have notice some different on the RAM consumption. So it isn't going worse.
    ~~~ My Guides ~~~

    Mystical Tome (h ttp://
    AOE Grinding with Venomancer (h ttp://
  • SweetMisty - Heavens Tear
    SweetMisty - Heavens Tear Posts: 8 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    I do not believe that my computer is the problem because I went through forum threads and did what was said...and even more...

    You say that last patch fixed many problems but let me tell you that I never got so many disconnections since the last patch...

    Also, my computer was doing very fine until the last 3 patches...and you are telling me that now the problem is on my side?? Then, if it was would happen to just a few of us...wich is not the case...

    Sorry but after playing months with barely any lag and having major problems really think I will truly believe that the problem is on my side?
  • Lucifeara - Lost City
    Lucifeara - Lost City Posts: 27 Arc User
    edited May 2009

    It's not your hardware. i have the exact same problem at times, especially yeerday was getting lag spikes out of the blue, almost like a ddos attack. Everything running smooth on max settings, then 20 seconds of solid lag from nowhere. died in pvp 3 times because of it. I checked network, modem settings, processes, the works. And I know my IT and my gear is a monster setup, running xp pro with tonnes of ram, dual core, dual SLI gfx cards etc.
    I get a bit of lag in west archo, but not really bad, and it increased cos of the genies which is understandable. But this new lag is weird, I even thought was a **** till it happened a second time, with different players on radar.
    And today there have been 4 mass d/c's and the server goes down lol.
    I've seen this before on another mmo and that was caused by a ddos attack by someone they banned who was annoyed.I hope that isn't the case here or we could be in for a rough ride until they get on top of it.
  • Intrinsic - Lost City
    Intrinsic - Lost City Posts: 13 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    It is not insufficient RAM... I very much doubt the last patch was so complicated it will require a hardware update (maybe for a machine using the bare minimum requirements, but definitely not for ALL players... the disconnection problem is happening with everyone in my faction, also. Players with a variety of machines, ISP's and locations across the world.)

    If you have been attempting to play for the past few hours, I would be very surprised if you haven't experienced 4-5 disconnections.

    ...oh and... how about the ENTIRE Perfect World website being inaccessible during the times we are unable to log in... this is not an issue with user's machines.

    For the lag I would suggest you to go thread this thread I started. This is gonna point you what could be wrong about your computer.

    How to know what is making the game lag for you

    "Some people will say it's my system/computer? Well no it's not...this morning the whole faction kept getting disconnected, and we are players from all over..."

    Your whole faction ? Hum, how many people is that and how many are playing with insufficient amount of RAM ?

    "Many of us are asking PWI to fix things...and apparently it got out of their hands....because the problem is just getting worse...and many people are now leaving this game."

    They are actually working on the problem, the last patch has fixed some memory leak problem and I have notice some different on the RAM consumption. So it isn't going worse.
  • Reivi - Sanctuary
    Reivi - Sanctuary Posts: 742 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    For the lag I would suggest you to go thread this thread I started. This is gonna point you what could be wrong about your computer.

    How to know what is making the game lag for you

    "Some people will say it's my system/computer? Well no it's not...this morning the whole faction kept getting disconnected, and we are players from all over..."

    Your whole faction ? Hum, how many people is that and how many are playing with insufficient amount of RAM ?

    "Many of us are asking PWI to fix things...and apparently it got out of their hands....because the problem is just getting worse...and many people are now leaving this game."

    They are actually working on the problem, the last patch has fixed some memory leak problem and I have notice some different on the RAM consumption. So it isn't going worse.

    Sorry to disapoint you but the problem isnt with the OP computer.

    4 disconnections this morning (morning for europe) each time, my 3 accounts ( running on different computers and ISP) got disconnected, my friends from faction disconnected too .. and the isnt reachable... ( server reboot, since the message is = connection reinitialised )

    all these since last patch (and server upgrades) 2 days ago

    There are 2 ways to see the problem

    1= the new servers needs to be adjusted , and balanced.; PWI teams are working on it.; it may take time.
    - if only we had more informations regarding the tests and advances, there would be less ppl complaining.

    2 = The ISP who sells the service to PWI has hardware problems and should begin to work on these problems.
    I look at all the trollers, and Pvpers.. and know they wouldnt have lasted 30sec on Camelot.

    Rules= Know your enemy (players and NPCs) gives you more chances to survive.
  • Lucifeara - Lost City
    Lucifeara - Lost City Posts: 27 Arc User
    edited May 2009

    lawl this alone told me it wasn't my computer.
    Your server status shows green on the perfect world web page.
    About time you included a script that actually worked and showed when the server was having problems, like the above one does.

    Patch HTTP Patch Server HTTP --- offline
  • Llewellyn - Lost City
    Llewellyn - Lost City Posts: 64 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    I got the same troubles and it keeps crashing with that stupid bug report thing too

    My pc is a Quad core 4x 3ghz , 4gb ram, 2x geforce 8800 GTX in SLI mode and i lag / crash like crazy (And only in PW)

    Owh and my connection is 15mbit wich cant cause any lag either as ive tried it in different games too
  • TameThat - Sanctuary
    TameThat - Sanctuary Posts: 197 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    Just make a clear difference between disconnection, lag and crash.

    - Lag is cause by your hardware.
    - Disconnection is due to the server or your connection to the server.
    - Crash is due to programm error.

    I am pointing out that lag (not disconnection and crash) is purely related to your hardware.
    ~~~ My Guides ~~~

    Mystical Tome (h ttp://
    AOE Grinding with Venomancer (h ttp://
  • Prowler - Heavens Tear
    Prowler - Heavens Tear Posts: 121 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    Just make a clear difference between disconnection, lag and crash.

    - Lag is cause by your hardware.
    - Disconnection is due to the server or your connection to the server.
    - Crash is due to programm error.

    I am pointing out that lag (not disconnection and crash) is purely related to your hardware.

    Not correct. Lag can be, and often is, due to an internetwork latency spike, ongoing latency issues (I play from India, and routinely see 150 to 350 MS latency to NorthAm) or ISP network saturation -the equivalent of a brown-out if we were speaking of power lines. This lag shows up as delayed response to inputs, random delays and / or repeating loops, and so on. These sometimes end with a disconnection, but not often in my case.

    So the way it looks when I am getting network lag: My pet continues hammering away at some boss in a repeating cycle (so client and my PC are not seeing a problem), but the boss HP does not drop any more, and my heals stop. After a while, there would sometimes be a flurry of heals from my character, and the pet would come back from the brink of disaster, or the pet would up and die, and the boss would be after my hide, when things return to "normal".

    Summary: "Lag is cause by your hardware" is incorrect.
    Prowler (Venomancer) on Heaven's Tear

    Former Leader of QuestSeek: International level 3 faction.
  • Reivi - Sanctuary
    Reivi - Sanctuary Posts: 742 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    i beg to differ

    you misunderstand lag, and framerate, like most ppl do.

    Framerate = is your computer having issues.; too slow to handle all it has to handle. (CG to slow to generate all the sprites on screen, HD too slow to read all that is needed in memory ... )

    Lag = a network lag, is when an information ( a packet/ or many packets) takes time to come back from the server, or to reach it.

    What most ppl do have for the last 2 days is :

    they do an action, and then.. mobs stops to attack, your actions dont act/take effect. Like when a movie director has all the actors ready but hasnt say "Action !"

    when the packets finally reachs both ends.; its like you look at a movie in fast forward.

    If the packets dont reach the end (server or computer) after a certain TTL ( time to live) it will simply die. And after some lost packets due to TTL you will be disconnected.

    But, you continue to live on the server, has do the mobs, till the server considers you ve been disconnected, because there are too many lost packets
    I look at all the trollers, and Pvpers.. and know they wouldnt have lasted 30sec on Camelot.

    Rules= Know your enemy (players and NPCs) gives you more chances to survive.
  • Releon - Heavens Tear
    Releon - Heavens Tear Posts: 5 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    Im having the same problems and i never lagged before... a little in west arch but now in all the parts of the map is a massive lag T_T i really enjoy PWI i hope they can solve this problem.
  • Llewellyn - Lost City
    Llewellyn - Lost City Posts: 64 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    Still countless crashes, also after that useless downtime earlier
  • Krimblack - Sanctuary
    Krimblack - Sanctuary Posts: 14 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    ok iv played this for over 7 mounths, and since the last updates ya iv had problems, too, i get a lag pike, then it takes 20secs for the game to respond, i click a spot to walk to it goes there and stops, but yet its running in place, i hit the fly buttan it takes 20sec beofre it starts to fly from all the joging in place, then i hit it again to stop flying then i fall then bouce up, i move a fall, i press the spacebar to jump then im jumpen in place with out well goen anywhare, loops over and over, it takes like 10sec to attak things, the funny thing is i know a few thing about computers to know its no mine as well, but there too many facters that goes in to it, it could be errors in the game, ur inten service provider(had disconect problems with them before, 10mbs), the server it self, hackers, viruses, it could be anything, but i do know is i have had no problems before these last few weeks. (i love 2negs in a sentance)
    ***Closed Beta***
  • shadath
    shadath Posts: 7 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    I know what I am doing with computers as well.

    I know for a fact my computer is more than suited to run PWI. I know because I went through west archo with maxx settings and didnt lag. AT ALL. Except for mabe a spike that was like...1/2 a second long, and my FPS didnt even go down much. In other words: My comp can handle even west archo normally. Without any lag to speak of.

    Now, when the genies first came out, lagg went up, alot. I had to start switching to the performance mode thing to reduce lag to almost nothing normally. But that was only in west archo, it was annoying, but that in itself was acceptable. Graphics requirements went up because there was more to load. Ok, fine, I can accept that. But it was lagging me to the point of crashing at random intervals, even with all settings down to minimal. Thats quite a huge jump in system requirements.

    The next update toned that down, ALOT. I lag like crazy to the point its annoying, even in performance settings, (or manually shutting it all down as low as possible to be sure,) but I was actually able to go through without taking like 5-20 minutes just to walk through without stopping in a straight line. That helped, and I much appreciate it. Its still laggy but acceptable.

    However. Now its gotten worse again. I dont crash, but I come very close to it. Also, your servers also started disconnecting pretty much everyone at a certain time of day, though the past day or two I havnt seen that happen again yet, not sure if issue was fixed. Or it was while I wasnt on, dunno.

    Now, I dont mean to bash the PWI developers. However. I dont see the reason for this. I'v played games with a lot more activity in 1 place and much higher graphics, and a lot more computation needs, and had no lag. So dont even try to tell me its my computer. Dont blame your failings on everyone else.

    As I said, my intention isnt to bash. But I'm kinda getting tired of seeing all of you link ppl to a thread to telling them "Its your computer, get over it and shut up." bassically. Firstly, I find it rather rude, secondly, I find it rather insulting.

    Now, would all the bashers please shut up? All this hostility isnt going to get anything done. Why dont we just calmly talk and resolve this peacefully, and quit throwing around "you suck!!!!!" statements.

    And to avoid sounding hypocritical: I'm providing evidence to back my statement. And I dont mean it to say you suck, if your honestly working on it, then say so instead of hiding it by telling us our computers suck. Its rude, and insulting. I mean this as CONSTRUCTIVE critisism, (sp?), I dont mean any ill will. I would just like to see this issue resolved peacefully, and see an end to all the insult tossing-around.
  • Fumika - Lost City
    Fumika - Lost City Posts: 59 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    having the same problem since the last updates -_-" and the gms still think that is my connection problem /hardware problem but its definetly not...
    playing on harshland and lost city... cant do anything... can always play like 3 mins without lag and then i have massive lag and cant do anything...

    oh i also lag when i am in a place where no one else is <.< and i usually never had any lag even with thousand of ppl in one place
  • bloblette
    bloblette Posts: 68 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    Well, network lag and disconnections have basically vanished for me in the last month or so :/ Just crashes here and there.
  • Krimy - Dreamweaver
    Krimy - Dreamweaver Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    you know i always thoght it was funny when u run a comp. better than what they say is recamended to play the game, and they blame it on ur system or ur net work.
  • Xdmghyper - Lost City
    Xdmghyper - Lost City Posts: 207 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    been lagging and dcing for 2 weeks already, cant safe grind anywhere cant lvl up b:cryb:cry
  • Darksnow - Harshlands
    Darksnow - Harshlands Posts: 27 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    Ive been having really bad disconnection problemsand the lagg is unbeliable now. ive tried everything i can with my computer to try and fix this but nothing has worked and now ive watched this one guy go from lv1-lv70 in just four weeks when ive been playing for almost five months andstill stuck at lv 64 bc of all the lagg and disconnections that seem to get worse every week. Is there just too many people for the severs too handle or have i missed something that could be interferring with my computer's peformance? as ive said ive already tried everything suggested in the forums but if u've found something that helped u and is not posted in the forums please let me know
  • soulice21
    soulice21 Posts: 7 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    In defense, the client's side is more likely to be the problem. Whenever I have a technical problem on Warcraft, they always spend most of the time telling me what could be wrong on my end, and what I could do to stop it. They just want to make sure the problem is solved in a simple way, because it takes less work to adjust your personal settings than it does to fix a problem with a server or the game on it. If more and more people report the same exact problem, then it is more likely that it is the server's side.

    About the original comment: it took me probably an hour to run from one end of the West side, to the other and back. Etherblade was never that bad, but there are more people in Archosaur.
    My suggestion is to suspend PVP in the major cities. That wont really fix the problem, but should reduce it, since I notice the game performed better when there were not fights all over the place.
    Otherwise, major lag issues like this could just be the server being full. It happens.
  • mrhungry
    mrhungry Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    Ive been having the same problems, Im running 2 gigs of ram and a Nvidia 8800 with dual core processors. The game has been find for the last 2 months ive been playing. But now when i log in I can even move without a 45 second lag first.
  • Shiori__ - Sanctuary
    Shiori__ - Sanctuary Posts: 11 Arc User
    edited July 2009
    Ok, i've been playing Pwi a long time, and never had problems with lag, except a bit in Arch, which i already gotten used to, but 2 days ago while i played and i have been suffering major lag, not only in arch, but anywhere i go.

    so i tried everything i could think of to fix it, i got rid of programmes that took lots of space, i tried increasing virtual memory, i tried re-installing my router, i checked my internet connection, i checked my RAM memory, reduced the computer's activity, i lowered the graphics and quality of the game, i checked if the game files were corrupted, i tried playing with another user, and i tried playing on another computer (with the same connection) and i tired playing with other characters... etc

    so it's not my computer, what i've been going through is the following:

    my character gets stuck, and i become a treat for mobs, and i've been losing lots of exp, and can't lvl, so i'm stuck, beside i can't talk to ncps nor buy things from cat shops, i can't chat, when i reply my reply appears 5 min later, and my skills gets stuck while i performe them, and i can't summon my pets nor fly, i can't feed my pet either (it's becoming wild on me) and i can't log out unless put forced log out.

    i'm going crazy, please help me to fix this!!!
  • Shiori__ - Sanctuary
    Shiori__ - Sanctuary Posts: 11 Arc User
    edited July 2009
    i've been thinking how to fix the lag in Arch, there r too many cat shops there, for example in another MMORPG they had a parallel "dimension" where u could teleport by talking to a certain ncp (without paying) where every1 who wanted sell things in a user shop could go, in order to reduce user shops in big cities.

    and i do agree to a comment made before, if many people are reporting the same lag problem it may not be our computer but the server.

    Can any1 tell me what this means? (when i checked the server status it said the following)

    - sanctuary 3000ms (this number in red) High
  • MarioElguer_ - Sanctuary
    MarioElguer_ - Sanctuary Posts: 18 Arc User
    edited July 2009
    hi.. is good know that im not the only player with this problem.. i writed a post yesterday with this problem in this section.. and you can see that 4 players more have the same problem and not only in sanctuary..

    and many players in sanctuary have lags, but not many have dc..

    i hope that gm can fix this problem u.u

    see you..
  • Abriel - Lost City
    Abriel - Lost City Posts: 20 Arc User
    edited July 2009
    I've been experiencing the same lag problems described since about 3 patches ago. Admittedly I'm on linux so I'm not directly supported [nor do I ask to be client side] but if the problems appear to be server side related, I expect a response before I intend on spending cash on pw. I've been a reasonably long time player so I know this is a new issue.

    Checked my router, network settings, changed affinity in linux. Rebooted all my network gear. Only thing I haven't done is direct connect past the switch.

    Edit: Q9550, 4gb ram, Nvidia 9800gt ultimate
  • l1t3
    l1t3 Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited July 2009
    I havent been able to even log in. Ive unistalled and reinstalled the game twice and verified files numerous times. I just got a new CPU with 4gig ram and dual processors so Id think my system can handle it. But it says ever single server is down. Has said this for 5 days now...its really friggin aggrivating I havent been able to play. Ive made posts and filled out a ticket but have gotten no response. Ive been playing for a whhile on heavens tear and never had this problem. Ive spent a lot in cash shop and have gold to still spend, but cant get in game to spend it. I jsut want some answers...
  • SarahAngelic - Sanctuary
    SarahAngelic - Sanctuary Posts: 6 Arc User
    edited July 2009
    I have also been experiencing the massive lag. It started a couple weeks ago, but the last 2-3 days have been unbearable. I can't even play the game anymore. I am going thru the exact same thing as Shiori (sp? sorry) described above. I have never had problems like this in all the months I've been playing, until now. And since I see others going thru the same thing, I know it is not me. It took me a good hour to complete a cs quest due to the incredibly awful lag issue. And fighting mobs......forget it. I couldn't grind mobs if I wanted to. Please fix the problem PWI....
    Whoever said "As easy as taking candy from a baby"....obviously never tried taking candy from a baby, hehe. b:chuckle
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