Suggestion for TW because now that's ridiculous

Noelya - Lost City
Noelya - Lost City Posts: 22 Arc User
edited May 2009 in Suggestion Box
Just an idea like that... more i look to it, and more that **** me off...

Why you don't put a limit to the number of territory a guild can own? At the moment, that's ugly, everyone go in the biggest guild to get income to get their HH items, but when you look at that, slowly the biggest guild start to own every territory....

Same thing happened too on Malaysian server and that was one of the reason who made me leave Delphi server for PWI... but now if we look, for exemple Conqueror who hold at the moment 29 territory on 44 and attack this week to get another one...

And if we look to the other guild on Lost City, noone can beat them... So at then end of the summer i won't get surprised to see the entire map to Conqueror and alot of their member with fully +XX equipement...

The TW system is really good, but that's the only weak of that system. When a "little" guild attack them, they only send 1, sometime 2 team to defend and the guild who attack just can't do anything even if they just send 6 player to defend....

That's just ridiculous...

Sorry for that, but that make alot of time i'm bored of seeing Conqueror take more territory, and to see them this morning bid on RQ on the top of the map, even if they don't like RQ, it's just stupid to take another territory... Another territory who will be lost for every other guild...

So if you can answer me on that GM, why you don't put a limit on the number of territory a guild can hold, like 10% or 15% of the map, that will allow other guild to have some and get stronger, and the pvp system will just be better.... Because now TW suck with that... Noone is really motivate to go in war 40/50 people vs 6 and lose....
Post edited by Noelya - Lost City on


  • Bowlinbob - Lost City
    Bowlinbob - Lost City Posts: 3,446 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    It's nto the GM's fault that all high levels want to go to the same guild. I'm sure when you hit 80 ish youll want to join in.

    No use fighting it. It's not CQ's fault either that no group of 90s want to stand against them instead of joining.
  • Noelya - Lost City
    Noelya - Lost City Posts: 22 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    i know that but i ask them for a limit of territory a guild can hold, and for the information i wont leave my actual guild i can have my HH thing by myself with my guild...

    I don't ask them to tell people to don't join that guild, i was asking to put a limit on the number of territory, so the game will allow more guild to own territory and to make war together

    If you look now i'm sure you agree noone can take them out, and slowly they take the entire map.... that was the point of my thread
  • Inias - Heavens Tear
    Inias - Heavens Tear Posts: 440 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    actually a limit on amount of territory's u can own is kinda ridiculous .
    there is also no limit in real life wars :p

    i would like to see something similar tho

    some way that makes it almost imposible to have 15+ territory's
    as i suggested many times :
    legion events on territory's at random times
    as if they're trying to get their land back

    so the more lands u have, the more chance u have on having more legion attacks on your lands

    so if u have like 15 lands and because of the fact u have that many Territory's u have, as example: 3 legion attacks on your lands

    because it's a random time u don't always have alot of ppl online, example: 55 ppl

    so u need to defend 3 lands against legions with 55 ppl so there's a good chance that that guild loses a land to the legions , and that lands becomes white again , => so nobody's owning that land

    plz reply b:victory
    thanks to forsaken for this awesome sig b:victory[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]
  • Thelegion - Lost City
    Thelegion - Lost City Posts: 256 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    actually a limit on amount of territory's u can own is kinda ridiculous .
    there is also no limit in real life wars :p

    i would like to see something similar tho

    some way that makes it almost imposible to have 15+ territory's
    as i suggested many times :
    legion events on territory's at random times
    as if they're trying to get their land back

    so the more lands u have, the more chance u have on having more legion attacks on your lands

    so if u have like 15 lands and because of the fact u have that many Territory's u have, as example: 3 legion attacks on your lands

    because it's a random time u don't always have alot of ppl online, example: 55 ppl

    so u need to defend 3 lands against legions with 55 ppl so there's a good chance that that guild loses a land to the legions , and that lands becomes white again , => so nobody's owning that land

    plz reply b:victory
    Just an idea like that... more i look to it, and more that **** me off...

    Why you don't put a limit to the number of territory a guild can own? At the moment, that's ugly, everyone go in the biggest guild to get income to get their HH items, but when you look at that, slowly the biggest guild start to own every territory....

    Same thing happened too on Malaysian server and that was one of the reason who made me leave Delphi server for PWI... but now if we look, for exemple Conqueror who hold at the moment 29 territory on 44 and attack this week to get another one...

    And if we look to the other guild on Lost City, noone can beat them... So at then end of the summer i won't get surprised to see the entire map to Conqueror and alot of their member with fully +XX equipement...

    The TW system is really good, but that's the only weak of that system. When a "little" guild attack them, they only send 1, sometime 2 team to defend and the guild who attack just can't do anything even if they just send 6 player to defend....

    That's just ridiculous...

    Sorry for that, but that make alot of time i'm bored of seeing Conqueror take more territory, and to see them this morning bid on RQ on the top of the map, even if they don't like RQ, it's just stupid to take another territory... Another territory who will be lost for every other guild...

    So if you can answer me on that GM, why you don't put a limit on the number of territory a guild can hold, like 10% or 15% of the map, that will allow other guild to have some and get stronger, and the pvp system will just be better.... Because now TW suck with that... Noone is really motivate to go in war 40/50 people vs 6 and lose....

    Is a Exelent idea... but they will no do nothing (GM)...b:shocked
  • Bowlinbob - Lost City
    Bowlinbob - Lost City Posts: 3,446 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    I agree there could be, but it would be unfair to CQ after all the work they put into building their faction to what it is today.
  • IceJazmin - Heavens Tear
    IceJazmin - Heavens Tear Posts: 4,206 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    actually a limit on amount of territory's u can own is kinda ridiculous .
    there is also no limit in real life wars :p

    i would like to see something similar tho

    some way that makes it almost imposible to have 15+ territory's
    as i suggested many times :
    legion events on territory's at random times
    as if they're trying to get their land back

    so the more lands u have, the more chance u have on having more legion attacks on your lands

    so if u have like 15 lands and because of the fact u have that many Territory's u have, as example: 3 legion attacks on your lands

    because it's a random time u don't always have alot of ppl online, example: 55 ppl

    so u need to defend 3 lands against legions with 55 ppl so there's a good chance that that guild loses a land to the legions , and that lands becomes white again , => so nobody's owning that land

    plz reply b:victory

    I like your idea. I have posted several times that they could also just make TWs a 24/7 event, with the defending guild getting a 15 minute warning. That sure would make the map change alot...
    Too often we loose sight of life's simple pleasures. Remember, when someone annoys you, it takes 42 muscles in your face to frown, BUT, it only takes 4 muscles to extend your arm and slap that mother#$@%#^! upside the head.
  • FangJingShan - Lost City
    FangJingShan - Lost City Posts: 75 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    I like your idea. I have posted several times that they could also just make TWs a 24/7 event, with the defending guild getting a 15 minute warning. That sure would make the map change alot...

    Faction A took a land from Faction B.

    Faction C attacks Faction A right after and takes the land.

    Right here is where the problem starts. Either faction A will not get the salary for that week even though they paid the money for the towers/charms/catapults, or they will get the money and every other guild who wins that same territory will get money for it too. If it is the first, then TW's will only happen just before the salary is given out so they have it in their possession when that time comes and they can repeat the next week. If it is the latter, then every guild just trades off getting each territory so they all get salary.
  • Noelya - Lost City
    Noelya - Lost City Posts: 22 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    No need to do system where u can attack at any time.... Just to stop the biggest guild to take every territory, so tu put a limit, before players get bored and stop playing...

    What is the fun to play in a guild war server if a guild got every advantage and can't be beat ? You'll need to spent what, 1000$ US to maybe catch their equipement? You can be sure atm their leader, director and marshal/executor got more gold then any normal member, and already got equipement where u'll need, if you want to buy them fast by selling zen, to pay like 1000$ US to be able to get the mirage, the orb and evevrything u need to get a 100% chance of upgrading the item...

    I don't know if you can image the insane income and advantage that give to the leader and members of those guild...

    for exemple, like Conqueror in Lost City...
    They are maybe 180 members...
    They own :
    2 territory who give 30 M
    4 territory who give 20 M
    24 territory who give 10 M
    + some biding refund from guild who sometime attack them and lose
    that make something like 380 Million gold per week, so a little more of 2 M for each member if we split it... But we know they give the income with the lvl, so at the end the higher lvl get more gold, and people who don't help them in world boss, TW or anything else don't get income... so it's not every member who get it, at the end, each week, that make alot of money in extra for those players...

    Now if you think that's not a big advantage for them... Just think to that :
    1 M gold in game is near of 10$ US, a little less since a zen cost near 125k in average, but still... For a free game, that give them incredible chance to upgrade their items...

    And if u still think a guild with alot of 9x can win against that, go on My-En server, for exemple Delphi, and go look to Imortals☆ members. They are almost all lvl 100+ with +12 equipement and grade 12 gems inside... And they hold the entire map... That's just ruin the game... And i just want to avoid that here...

    In a way i can understand PWI and i'm sure they'll do nothing against that... Big guild members don't need to buy zen with real money, so they buy them with ingame gold... That make normal player who want to get easy gold to buy zen, and sell them... So they make alot of money with that... We saw it, PWI just think to make money, each week there is a new patch where u always need to buy something at the cash shop, new special, new items... that never happen to get a patch where they only solve ingame problems... And for people who still think 2M each player of that guild for a weekly income is not so big, i'm sorry but here as a normal player, i can't buy 20$ of zen each week to be at the same level of gold they got... And i'm pretty sure i'm not alone in that case...

    I'm sorry if some players think we shouldnt do that, but just understand this is useless now if you want to hold a territory, u won't get any, or if you do, u'll lose it fast and wont keep it... And if you hold only 1 territory, that's nothing compared to the strongest guild of the server, they can easily take it in less than 10 minutes... So the pvp side of that game is almost dead for the major % of players on that server, since at the end only 2 guild will fight until one of them take out the other, and after that... that's over...
  • RisenPhoenix - Sanctuary
    RisenPhoenix - Sanctuary Posts: 593 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    Sanctuary is beginning to have the same exact problem.....

    Nefarious and Legendary now own the map, almost split center. This weekend, Nefarious is beginning to chip away at Legendary's territory. Starting with Etherblade.

    My own faction, Regicide, is one of the top guilds on the server. We have been relentlessly attacking Nefarious for three weeks in a row, with two other top guilds. To no avail.

    Would be nice for the Dev's to show some respect to their players and reform the TW system a bit.
    [SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]Duke Shouts: WTT PWI for Your Credit Card! It is the duty of all warriors to do so NAO! b:bye LeirtA - Lost City PWI = Pay2Win International

    b:bye Quit as of 10/09 b:bye
  • FangJingShan - Lost City
    FangJingShan - Lost City Posts: 75 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    You also need to remember everything that we get must first be filtered through the parent company, then go through every other version of PW when it comes to large scale changes in order to see if it will work at all. So, considering the age of this game, it is unlikely we will see a reform in TW system for quite some time. Not saying you shouldn't keep protesting for reform, but do remember that it will take some time and will not be done within even the next 6 months if even that.
  • Harukie - Lost City
    Harukie - Lost City Posts: 59 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    No need to do system where u can attack at any time.... Just to stop the biggest guild to take every territory, so tu put a limit, before players get bored and stop playing...

    Do you realize, if they did this. Conqueror would most likely make another guild named Conquerors or something like that, so there would probly still be one guild owning the map, just in more parts.
  • Inias - Heavens Tear
    Inias - Heavens Tear Posts: 440 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    if they would do that they would still need to split their force tho
    thanks to forsaken for this awesome sig b:victory[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]