Caesar vs Triad

Kim - Harshlands
Kim - Harshlands Posts: 9 Arc User
edited May 2009 in Etherblade (West)
woot!!! next week will be the first clash between two of the top 4 guilds on the server!!

Caesar vs Triad

don't forget to vote.......excited b:laugh
Post edited by Kim - Harshlands on


  • Hisui - Heavens Tear
    Hisui - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,369 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    I don't think so.
    私の番ですよ。- Sig by Symour

    Check out ForsakenX 's sig thread O_O
    Enrage - We Eat.
  • SgtSIaughter - Heavens Tear
    SgtSIaughter - Heavens Tear Posts: 2,225 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    woot!!! next week will be the first clash between two of the top 4 guilds on the server!!

    Caesar vs Triad

    don't forget to vote.......excited b:laugh

    Triad can still attack courage path, Sanctuary and even White Ridge. Why would either faction change course if they have lands touching?
    "Strategy without tactics is the slowest route to victory.
    Tactics without strategy is the noise before defeat." ~Sun Tzu

    "Lennox Lewis, I'm coming for you man. My style is impetuous. My defense is impregnable, and I'm just ferocious. I want your heart. I want to eat his children. Praise be to Allah!"
    ~Iron Mike Tyson
  • BigBell - Heavens Tear
    BigBell - Heavens Tear Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    Wow, whats make u so sure they're bound to attack? Triad can always go courage path like what SgtSIaughter said.
  • Cat - Heavens Tear
    Cat - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,187 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    They should both attack Enrage next week!b:thanks
    "Jesus fricking christ on a pogo stick. Your a mass of fricking idiots I swear!"

    Didn't anyone tell you that you wanted to sleep with me?!?! I thought you knew....
  • KillerByte - Heavens Tear
    KillerByte - Heavens Tear Posts: 118 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    Nice to see everyone jumping into predictions for battles yet to be waged. If Triad do atk I'd say they'll play the extra cat advantage in Plume, it won't be till Triad vs Caesar on a level playing field that we'll really see if they have what it takes to be legitimate TW power.
  • Rocky - Heavens Tear
    Rocky - Heavens Tear Posts: 267 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    too early!
    but it will be interesting tho
  • TheGoliath - Heavens Tear
    TheGoliath - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,667 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    early, they'll just keep attacking Radiance until they feel satisfied
  • Akaiakai - Heavens Tear
    Akaiakai - Heavens Tear Posts: 35 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    Even though I will love the fun to fight with Triad but I'll rather see Radiance disappear from the surface of the map before doing so. Why give more money to ppl(our beloved Rawthrone and we have a new member Queenbii) that destroyed Radiance when it was all the ex-Rad that have left that did most of the work to get all the land that Radiance has now?
  • KillerByte - Heavens Tear
    KillerByte - Heavens Tear Posts: 118 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    Even though I will love the fun to fight with Triad but I'll rather see Radiance disappear from the surface of the map before doing so. Why give more money to ppl(our beloved Rawthrone and we have a new member Queenbii) that destroyed Radiance when it was all the ex-Rad that have left that did most of the work to get all the land that Radiance has now?

    Well if this was real life I'd agree and I'd want revenge, I'd want to take back all the land that I helped to win in the 1st place, after what we fought for was destroyed by a coniving few. However, this is just a game, a bunch of pixels and data flowing about for my amusement being controlled by people that I'll never meet (luckily for them). I just don't see the fun or entertainment in fighting Rad anymore, no challenge and no point, they aren't in the same league as the guilds with high levels. At least Triad might offer some much needed stimulation and game play.
  • Stickygreen - Heavens Tear
    Stickygreen - Heavens Tear Posts: 2,158 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    stimulation you say? o_O
    Less QQ more Pew Pewb:thanks

    "Don't argue with an idiot. They bring you down to their level, and beat you with experience."

  • KillerByte - Heavens Tear
    KillerByte - Heavens Tear Posts: 118 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    stimulation you say? o_O

    1 track mind I tell ya!!!