New to pw need help understanding genie

gyn247 Posts: 2 Arc User
edited May 2009 in General Discussion
Hi all im new to pw and need help to understand the genie and how to raise it and train it to my advantage. I also would value any insight in the game as a whole. many thanks for any help.


  • Niraneth - Heavens Tear
    Niraneth - Heavens Tear Posts: 236 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    Here is the link to the genie guide:

    Some important aspects:

    Make sure you READ everything on the genie skills, which you can access through right clicking genie icon on your screen, selecting affinities then skills. Some skills are better for some classes then others so READ carefully what it does before selecting to spend sp on it. It pays to plan ahead before you start statting your genie then finding out you cant use a certain skill cause of lack of stats. Depending on your level, it would be advisable to use sp to level your genie then xp, and they will give you bonus xp cubes for you genie at lvls 19 49 and 79 i believe. At higher levels spirit is pooling up like crazy so its easy to max a genie to your level with spirit then waste the xp. Its hard losing any xp at a high level but easy to come by lvls 1-40.
    Genies will require stamina which can be obtained through chi stones. Chi stones are obtained easily by decomposing purple statted armor (armor with a bonus) There are many different chi stones all with different amounts but all work on the genie.