Genie Skill Bugs - Report Here



  • Bioturn - Heavens Tear
    Bioturn - Heavens Tear Posts: 166 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    bioman3 wrote: »
    Life Drain
    Drains health from all targets within 15 meters. Causes 1154.4 Water damage and heals you for 5% of your Max HP. Causes Triple damage to targets in water
    ACTUALLY: does water dmg to all targets within 15 meters but only drains health from a few of them if not only 1 or 2
    It isn't actually meant to be a drain of their life. It's basically a normal spell with 2 effects. 1 to damage your opponent, and the other to heal you. I find it does it's job quite nicely.
    WoW has 11 Million people playing. 11 million people also bought the Sega Dreamcast console. Proof that 11 million people can collectively do something stupid.

    Chill with me on Twitter:

    Now! This is it! Now is the time to choose! Die and be free of pain or live and fight your sorrow! Now is the time to shape your stories! Your fate is in your hands! - Auron (Final Fantasy X)
  • EGiFZ - Heavens Tear
    EGiFZ - Heavens Tear Posts: 188 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    Here is a "bug" or "issue" that needs attention:

    If you have a Genie, in your inventory, do not attempt to re-organize your inventory by switching the chi stones around with a genie! Remember how often us gamers' switch, and organize items around once they get cluttered either in your inventory or bank?

    Well! I am always in the process of organizing everything, and I so happened to find out the "freaking genie", will consume chi stones even if it is not active in its proper slot.

    I lost 2,000k perfect chi stones in my bank that way, as well as, 1,000k perfect chi stones in my inventory that I thought I had eventually lost due to lag-g issues. "Beware this is a problem that needs to be dealt with, its like' if its not activated then it should not work!"

    I did not find any content relating to the fact that a genie will consume a chi stone while it was not active in your bank nor' my inventory slots. There is no sense in me sending a ticket or trying to plead' to get my perfect chi stones back.

    I just hope this issue is announced, so that every gamer has the knowledge of such losses that can occur, and expensive at that!
  • Alyyy - Sanctuary
    Alyyy - Sanctuary Posts: 3,165 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    Here is a "bug" or "issue" that needs attention:

    If you have a Genie, in your inventory, do not attempt to re-organize your inventory by switching the chi stones around with a genie! Remember how often us gamers' switch, and organize items around once they get cluttered either in your inventory or bank?

    Well! I am always in the process of organizing everything, and I so happened to find out the "freaking genie", will consume chi stones even if it is not active in its proper slot.

    I lost 2,000k perfect chi stones in my bank that way, as well as, 1,000k perfect chi stones in my inventory that I thought I had eventually lost due to lag-g issues. "Beware this is a problem that needs to be dealt with, its like' if its not activated then it should not work!"

    I did not find any content relating to the fact that a genie will consume a chi stone while it was not active in your bank nor' my inventory slots. There is no sense in me sending a ticket or trying to plead' to get my perfect chi stones back.

    I just hope this issue is announced, so that every gamer has the knowledge of such losses that can occur, and expensive at that!
    i kinda agree on that too, but do atack spels work properly already?
    Clerics are like cops...they always seem to be around.....until you actually need one b:surrender - DeadRaven
  • mrbeepa
    mrbeepa Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    Ya this is the 3rd skill I've found that doesn't work! I won't say genies you know what but I will say it would be nice if the freaking skills had tool tips that actually said what they do! Nullify Poison tool tip says it will nullify POISON! Apply it and it says makes you immune to METAL damage! Nice so in the mean time I die several times thinking it worked and I just used it too late! Sheesh!
  • Vangora - Lost City
    Vangora - Lost City Posts: 17 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    Electro Dance
    Summons Several thunderbirds to attack the target and all enemies within 12 meters of the target for 791.8 metal damage
    (This damage is when Electro Dance is at lev 6)
    STRENGTH: Every genie strenth point increases the damage by 1%
    Causes triple damage to targets on the ground

    Don't do much damage at all, I tried it on a blademaster with only 1800 metal resistance and it was only doing like 200 damage to them, I was in the air she was on the ground so in reality it should do triple damage like it says. So it should be able to do 2,400 damage. So ok I added 35points into my strength thinking it might just be that. So it should do 35% more damage if the STRENGTH part of it is correct. But I tried on the same blademaster and it did the same 200 damage.
  • Alyyy - Sanctuary
    Alyyy - Sanctuary Posts: 3,165 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    Electro Dance
    Summons Several thunderbirds to attack the target and all enemies within 12 meters of the target for 791.8 metal damage
    (This damage is when Electro Dance is at lev 6)
    STRENGTH: Every genie strenth point increases the damage by 1%
    Causes triple damage to targets on the ground

    Don't do much damage at all, I tried it on a blademaster with only 1800 metal resistance and it was only doing like 200 damage to them, I was in the air she was on the ground so in reality it should do triple damage like it says. So it should be able to do 2,400 damage. So ok I added 35points into my strength thinking it might just be that. So it should do 35% more damage if the STRENGTH part of it is correct. But I tried on the same blademaster and it did the same 200 damage.

    damage in pvp is reduced for 75%
    Clerics are like cops...they always seem to be around.....until you actually need one b:surrender - DeadRaven
  • Azazel - Dreamweaver
    Azazel - Dreamweaver Posts: 203 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    Genie Nuke spelll can deal more than a mere 200.
  • Jamri - Heavens Tear
    Jamri - Heavens Tear Posts: 55 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    So just wondering about the other genie skills with problems such as the ones listed as "We will fix the description text in a future patch".

    Any word on the others that say "We are looking into getting a fix or clarification"???

    I've messed up my genie enough with skills such as blinding sand that doesn't work. Not to mention just being stupid and putting points in the wrong stats.

    Oh and how about the resets for the genies? Please, Please, Please!!!!

    You know what, nevermind, I'm just gonna get a new genie and start over.
  • Jamri - Heavens Tear
    Jamri - Heavens Tear Posts: 55 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    Ok just looked back at the first page and noticed blinding sand isn't on the list anymore. My bad. b:shutup
    So does it work properly now?
  • Zerza - Harshlands
    Zerza - Harshlands Posts: 59 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    Damn Reflective Aura still not fixed? What is this a beta?

    Hope the lack of effort fixing these skills isn't due to the effort on their upcoming game. Wouldn't be much fair to the already paying customers in perfect world.

    Just my 2 cents.
  • PrettySammy - Sanctuary
    PrettySammy - Sanctuary Posts: 171 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    Tree of Protection
    Description: Increases max HP by 15% for 5 seconds and restores full HP every 3 seconds for 6 seconds.

    If you use Tree of Protection almost immediately before or after a skill e.g. Gush, Stone Rain. You are immediately SHOT BY YOUR OWN SKILL.

    For most classes this is bad, for a wizard this is lethal. Thank god I hadn't fired off Blade Tempest or I would have 1 hit killed myself!!

    This needs to be addressed urgently. It almost got me killed in Fb51 twice. Thankfully Shimmish saved my ****.

    I don't need no pdef, cos I got ... BOOM HEADSHOT !
  • beardedclam
    beardedclam Posts: 14 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    Why do we have to wait till lvl 90 quest for the affin reset stones???????
    Its not enough that we simply have to eat the losses of raising genies and then have to purchase new ones. I'm on my 3rd Genie now. Raised 2 to lvl 30. Since this is something new you guys gave us,,,and their broken ALL OVER THE PLACE, and were SPENDING our time and money and gear on the genies, doing your bug testing for you (our resources), We should get not one but several resets,,,,or unending resets UNTIL all bugs are fixed. And why lvl 90???? Like i'm going to wait till then.
    The bugs are only making you guys money atm. And eating our resources to hell and back. Its unfair we are doing all the testing and getting no reward. Free reset stones are inorder. I refuse to use any more of my time and resources for testing. Not flaming,,just telling the truth.b:shocked
  • mrbeepa
    mrbeepa Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    I"m curious as to a time frame if PWI folks don't mind putting that out there. I'm new to the forums and the previous one in this thread was my first. Anyway is this something that will be dealt with in weekly updates or do we have to wait for some sort of major upgrade? Maybe even some of the other posters that are long time players can allude to that.


    Great game btw, with my highest toons only barely over 20 I think the game is awesome!
  • beardedclam
    beardedclam Posts: 14 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    mrbeepa wrote: »
    I"m curious as to a time frame if PWI folks don't mind putting that out there. I'm new to the forums and the previous one in this thread was my first. Anyway is this something that will be dealt with in weekly updates or do we have to wait for some sort of major upgrade? Maybe even some of the other posters that are long time players can allude to that.


    Great game btw, with my highest toons only barely over 20 I think the game is awesome!

    usually every wed. if its not to much of a fix.
  • Vangora - Lost City
    Vangora - Lost City Posts: 17 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    Electro Dance
    Summons Several thunderbirds to attack the target and all enemies within 12 meters of the target for 791.8 metal damage
    (This damage is when Electro Dance is at lev 6)
    STRENGTH: Every genie strenth point increases the damage by 1%
    Causes triple damage to targets on the ground

    Don't do much damage at all, I tried it on a blademaster with only 1800 metal resistance and it was only doing like 200 damage to them, I was in the air she was on the ground so in reality it should do triple damage like it says. So it should be able to do 2,400 damage. So ok I added 35points into my strength thinking it might just be that. So it should do 35% more damage if the STRENGTH part of it is correct. But I tried on the same blademaster and it did the same 200 damage.
    damage in pvp is reduced for 75%

    My friend has a genie that has a skill called thunderstorm, a lev 7genie skill on the tree diagram, and it is able to almost 1 shot people his level. It does metal damage as well, so it says eventhough it takes 7 fire affinity... so yeah something definitely wrong with Electro Dance if it is not doing similar damage.
  • keneva
    keneva Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    Ive been playing with Rainbow blessing and ive a few issues.

    1. What exactly are the stat increases? If it says 24% Magic attack it to weapon, mag base? or is that the chance of getting an X value increase? ive use the stat screen to verify im getting 214 point boost in mag stat when it works.

    2. This brings me to the possible bug. When I get a critical boost, i look at the critical and Im still at 1%. At this point I can only assume that im only going to get a 7% critical hit rate from my BASE(?). This would mean that at lvl 10 (i assume) ill get a 10% crit boost to my 1 % crit rate....1.10% lol. So to actually get a boost I would need 10% crit hit base?

    You realize this is a cleric only skill. (whats with the phy attack buff btw..Cleric only?!)
  • necr0m
    necr0m Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    bioman3 wrote: »
    Life Drain
    Drains health from all targets within 15 meters. Causes 1154.4 Water damage and heals you for 5% of your Max HP. Causes Triple damage to targets in water
    ACTUALLY: does water dmg to all targets within 15 meters but only drains health from a few of them if not only 1 or 2

    True only 1 drain and sometimes only 1 damaged.
    But the worst is the 5 % healing, 3000 hp char will be healed 150 hp b:surrender, better use a basic Pots.( skill cool down 15 sec, pots 5 )
    Ok 1% every 20 dex, who will put 150 stats only into dex to gain finnaly some suitable heal effect ( get a genie queen or forget having 150 stats points with enough mag 20 and enough vit 20 ).

    Why not simply making it starting at 13-15% then 1% every 20 dex ok.
    Or increase the % increase with dex ... 2-3 % ?

    Right now i wasted 6 water grade and spirit for something healing me like a pot lvl 12 on a char lvl 60 b:laugh.
    Anyone have good experience with the genies Cause i really fell like i wasted xp, spirits, money and time on them ???b:cry
    All skills i tried are just nice ..very cool effects ..but im not in this game for that only b:thanks

  • kantorek
    kantorek Posts: 136 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    Oh Hi, b:victory

    Just a quick update:

    Reflective Aura
    Current: Reflects all damage from other players back at the caster for 4 seconds
    Actual: Has a chance to reflect magic attacks. Only available in Duels, Territory Wars, and against NPC Monsters.
    We will fix the description text in a future patch.

    For skills such as Wind Shield, you must close/open the Character window order for the stats to update.

    Have a nice Memorial weekend! b:bye
    Maintenance is my Constant. b:surrender
  • Kobo - Harshlands
    Kobo - Harshlands Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    Let me get this straight: if i have on me already my barbarian HP buff and i cast Tree of Protection does my initial HP buff dissappears after 5 seconds when the Tree's HP increase is done?b:surrender
  • heartless888
    heartless888 Posts: 41 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    Kantorek wrote: »
    Oh Hi, b:victory

    Just a quick update:

    Reflective Aura
    Current: Reflects all damage from other players back at the caster for 4 seconds
    Actual: Has a chance to reflect magic attacks. Only available in Duels, Territory Wars, and against NPC Monsters.
    We will fix the description text in a future patch.

    WAY to be lazy on yet another skill, why are the devs too lazy to fix skills and instead they just change the description to whatever the skill ended up doing? you know its pretty obvious right? jeez, the fact its a *chance* at getting the aura and dosnt work in world pvp (but TW? lol) made the skill a joke and useless, gg gg.

    PS for the barb above, tree of protection does stack with the barb buff
  • Okej - Heavens Tear
    Okej - Heavens Tear Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    The Cauterize ability doesn't remove bleed effects. Or I had bad luck 20-30 times... =/
  • crystyl
    crystyl Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    I know this isn't a bug but one effect the genies have obviously had on the game is LAG. Archosaur lag has gotten much worse since the update. Not that this will happen but it would be helpful if everyone put them away while in any city.
    "pay to WIN"? Ok you win! now go away and let the rest of us "Play in Peace" without your whining!
  • Lucified - Lost City
    Lucified - Lost City Posts: 43 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    Name of skill: Chaotic Spirit
    Current Description of Skill: Casts a curse to disturb your enemy's soul. Has a chance to cause a Soul Transfusion to swamp your target's HP and MP values.
    Actual Effect: Once Transfused, the target then regains 500 hp per sec.

    well thats upsetting.. wasting about 1m resetting the stats to get it to work and about all my affinity pts. I WANT MY SPIRIT/AFFINITY AND MONEY BACK b:cry
  • Leonnator - Sanctuary
    Leonnator - Sanctuary Posts: 24 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    Name of skill: Chaotic Spirit
    Current Description of Skill: Casts a curse to disturb your enemy's soul. Has a chance to cause a Soul Transfusion to swamp your target's HP and MP values.
    Actual Effect: Once Transfused, the target then regains 500 hp per sec.

    well thats upsetting.. wasting about 1m resetting the stats to get it to work and about all my affinity pts. I WANT MY SPIRIT/AFFINITY AND MONEY BACK b:cry

    Holy b:shocked that would suck, you infuse a barb and then his hp goes back to full so now he's got full hp and mp
    Casters FTWb:victory
  • nightfeather
    nightfeather Posts: 6 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    Genie skill bug:

    Earthblaze - Level 7(If it matters)

    Current Description: Throws a fireball at the target, dealing XXX.X fire damage
    and reducing the target's fire resist by 20% for 15 seconds. Temporarily increases the target's movement speed for 10 seconds then decreases it for 15 seconds.

    ACTUAL Description: Throws a fireball at the target(or fiery ring), dealing XXX.X fire damage to ALL enemies within 20 meters. Temporarily increases ALL enemies movement speed for 10 seconds then decreases it for 15 seconds.

    Problem: The fire resist debuff goes to all enemies within range, but fails to reduce their resistance as no damage increase occurs with many attempts.

    Cmon genie patch... b:surrender

    IMPORTANT EDIT: The fire debuff DOES work after further testing. I was testing on only metal mobs before; oddly enough. The problem is it doesn't stack with the damage increase from elements. Which means, the decrease in fire resistance on metal mobs doesn't work. I guess it simply wasen't programmed to stack with the increased damage done to mobs of the weaker element.

    Off topic:
    I wonder if this is the same for undine strike? My wizard is 71 so I obviously do not have it yet. If anyone wants to point that out or PM me about it. Appreciation in advance.


    Deals Fire damage to multiple targets around you, and reduce their Fire Resistance. Increases the target's movement speed, and then reduces their movement speed.

    Tried using this skill on earth-element mobs and the debuff part is not working. They only takes damage and gets a speed increase/decrease.


    Yin Yang Seal

    Deals Fire damage to target. Also reduces its attack level.

    The "attack lvl decreased" icon shows up, but there's no difference in damage dealt by the mobs targeted. Again, tested against earth mobs.
  • Xerobow - Lost City
    Xerobow - Lost City Posts: 28 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    The "attack lvl decreased" icon shows up, but there's no difference in damage dealt by the mobs targeted. Again, tested against earth mobs.

    Attack level is not the same as Phys or Mag attack. Attack level is that stat at the bottom of your character sheet that is 99% of the time a 0. Things like Warsoul Weapons or the level 50 weapons from the supply crate give you attack level (think Jones Blessing). So if something like mobs or people already have 0 attack level, you can't put them into negative values. This skill description is accurate.
  • Whiteleo - Lost City
    Whiteleo - Lost City Posts: 285 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    Evil Ward
    imute to Phy Dmg for 6 second?
    i already tested it and it doesn't imute to phy dmg at all.
    and the buff time is not 6.5 only about 4 sec.
    And i want to know the details description for that skill.
    please someone explain me about that skill.
    thanks a lot b:thanks
    best regards
  • Alyyy - Sanctuary
    Alyyy - Sanctuary Posts: 3,165 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    the initial skill of disciple doesnt work long enough. Instead of 4.5 secs it works for 2 seconds only
    Clerics are like cops...they always seem to be around.....until you actually need one b:surrender - DeadRaven
  • Reikara - Heavens Tear
    Reikara - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,321 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    Heart of steel.

    Grants immunity to metal damage for 5.2 seconds.

    The buff icon that comes up reads as 'immune to water damage'.
    I did test it in a duel with a cleric, scared that heart of steel didnt give the right immunity. It does give metal immunity but the buff icon description needs to be corrected.
  • Diviningsun - Heavens Tear
    Diviningsun - Heavens Tear Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    what happened to the genie healing skill?? i had healing as one of my skills i come on today to realize that i have cauterize which i never put on my char, i had healing, explosion and tree of protection, i put healing on there for a reason, and its a good thing i didnt hit cauterize when my hp was low in battle id have died, i want my healing skill back, it was a really good back up heal when my mana was low and my diamond sutra didnt cool down fast enough.. or heal enough... and the cauterize was the level of my healing skill before it disappeared?? if they were going to remove healing they should have warned people.