Faction WolfBlade

Forlorn Fang - Heavens Tear
Forlorn Fang - Heavens Tear Posts: 33 Arc User
edited June 2009 in Guild Banter
WolfBlade is a great lvl 3 faction for all players,we have fun,have great conversations,help each other out with quests,and have endless amounts of information on everything PWI. We are currently gathering players for a TW,as you all know a player must be in a faction for at least 100 hours before he/she can do a TW,but wed like to welcome players of all ages,lvls,and races. WolfBlade is always there to help out other factions as well as our own and would gladly help a person start his or her own faction. We are fair, we dont KS, but we do PK lol, anyone who would like to join WolfBlade PM in game, my email which is cyclone56789@aim.com , or send me a private message on here and ill respond as quikly as possible. My directors name is xEvilHerox, if im not online or i am taking a vacation,hes the guy to talk to. Any alliances to attack another factions territory will be discussed privatly between me,xEvilHerox,and the leader and that director alone. WolfBlade is located in Heaven's Tear, XD see you in game!
Post edited by Forlorn Fang - Heavens Tear on


  • Mastidon - Heavens Tear
    Mastidon - Heavens Tear Posts: 39 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    LOL Hey Boss . Just wanted to say that you guys are all great people and im enjoying being in your Faction. And I hope some day we will be owning some Territories lol . (We will ROCK PWI) People may also pm me in game as well if they'd like My Main is _Dreamz_ . And if she is not online then pm me on Mastidon he is my Barb. They are both in WolfBlade

    Tyvm GO WolfBlade