things that annoy me in this forum



  • Osiris - Dreamweaver
    Osiris - Dreamweaver Posts: 218 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    the only time anything on my list is done by myself is for pointing out an obvious disgust for it. such as in the list "people who call a phoenix, 'nix' " that doesnt count.

    pointless and annoying threads isnt in my list either, so i believe youre making things up off the spot like half the forum does and considers it fact.

    You know exactly that each of your so called 'sarcastical' threads is going to become another repetative OP discussion - you are not dumb. What you are trying to do is wipe out threads about a topic you don't like, by spamming the original threads and opening clones until a mod is forced to close them.
    Thats how you try to get your way...
    if youre going to quote something, do it right. otherwise, dont post two bit nonsense ****.

    And again you are avoiding the confrontation with a valid argument by just ignoring it and pointing out a simple irregularity instead.
  • Oldbear - Sanctuary
    Oldbear - Sanctuary Posts: 486 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    I know it's just a theory Tearvalerin, but let's consider all possibilities here. What if all these nix, rez, plz, zomg, nuf people have really tiny keyboards? or the other way - really big fingers? I mean isn't it a pain to type long words in such an uncomfortable situation?

    Or...not to overlook fact that there are lot of handicapped people out there who use their mouth, nose, toes or whatever they have left that's moving to type?

    Well it's a possibility, you know.
  • Zostar - Harshlands
    Zostar - Harshlands Posts: 23 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    I know it's just a theory Tearvalerin, but let's consider all possibilities here. What if all these nix, rez, plz, zomg, nuf people have really tiny keyboards? or the other way - really big fingers? I mean isn't it a pain to type long words in such an uncomfortable situation?

    Or...not to overlook fact that there are lot of handicapped people out there who use their mouth, nose, toes or whatever they have left that's moving to type?

    Well it's a possibility, you know.

    I agree *nod nod* accept people for who they are and stop complaining. You hav your quirks as well...
  • Tearvalerin - Sanctuary
    Tearvalerin - Sanctuary Posts: 3,787 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    avoiding a confrontation with a valid argument?
    Well if you're not willing to take the effort, then don't make pointless threads about others. You have done multiple things from your own list in this thread HILARIOUS!
    the only time anything on my list is done by myself is for pointing out an obvious disgust for it. such as in the list "people who call a phoenix, 'nix' " that doesnt count.

    pointless and annoying threads isnt in my list either, so i believe youre making things up off the spot like half the forum does and considers it fact.
    Hilarious? The only thing I see missing from Tear's original post is a lack of grammar. He hadn't pointed that out, so I don't see how he's done anything in his list.

    Oh, also, good job with the whole lack of completing your sentence, thing. Good try though. Thumbs up for effort.

    asch has good eyes, how about you? the thing you quoted is just adding insult to injury
  • Zephyrx - Lost City
    Zephyrx - Lost City Posts: 1,563 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    I think not only your tolerance level is down but your direction of anger is wrong too. There are people out there who have English as their first language and still have difficulty spelling, and using correct grammar terms. I myself because of a handicap make many errors. Although, I use spell check it does not always catch every little mistake I make. Second you give so much focus on unnecessary things. Such a little thing to rant about, and it sounds a lot like you let your anger build and build. If everyday life is so hard for you and venting is something you need to do, wouldn't it be better to direct your stress positively instead of negatively.

    What I mean is venting usually comes from a lot of pent up anger, usually you blow up over something little, but in truth it's about something much larger. Attacking people isn't a healthy way of venting at all. Believe me your list attacks at players that don't play or speak the way you do. When I' get stressed like that or upset instead of attacking others, I paint, or go jogging. Sometimes I listen to music, or write poetry. I release my anger in the proper way. Less people are offended and I develop a more tolerance of others.

    Although you're venting and you say you don't care what everyone thinks. How come you posted this on the forums for everyone to see, knowing you would get the negative responses you did? If you didn't care what people think wouldn't this be something you would keep to yourself. I believe you meant to cut down other people in order to make yourself feel better. Not only that but when someone disagreed with you already you blew up at them and added something about them to your list of things you dislike. Then you tell him to keep his opinion to himself. Earlier you said you didn't write this to make people conform to your way of thinking, but your words and actions show something else. If you vent on the forums, in fact if you post anything on the forums everyone has the write to disagree and therefor state it. If you don't like it then don't post snobbish **** like this.


    pointless and annoying threads isnt in my list either, so i believe youre making things up off the spot like half the forum does and considers it fact.

    Wt da heck??? I think you must be on crack or something.... I mean seriously, there is something ****ing wrong with you today. Normally your an *******, but now your an idiot ****hole.... Seriously, I really wonder wt da **** is going on!

    Ok... first of all ponitless and annoying threads are in your list... Like.. here's a quote by you.

    bumping of dead threads

    those who make constant spam threads about phoenixes

    repeat threads

    Zoe does it all the time! so it must be ok!

    also ****...

    Oh great. looking at Zoe's problem to solve your own... That's seriously just lame.... really... ****. Like what lazy people do anyhow, look at other ppl's problems and see who's worse. Oh yea, it's like the best thing near crack to solve your problem. I have nothing on crack, but sometimes there's better things to go high than crack.

    And seriously, this rant is severely affecting you negatively... Like seriously, this post has the IQ of a 4 year old... MY god!

    You even call other people **** when you didn't even look at the quality of your post...

    if youre going to quote something, do it right. otherwise, dont post two bit nonsense ****.

    Here, hope this isn't ****ed up ****...Good day, sir

    Hi b:bye.... hope you aren't sick or something....
    Position: Professional Forum Troll
    Position Details: Be able to incite people to flames and perform miracles such as telling people what's right and what's wrong. Be able to dish out flames to other people so fire extinguishers are needed to put out the flames. Most of all, giving others a piece of reality.

    ZephyrX is better than crack... he's your Anti-Drug
  • Tearvalerin - Sanctuary
    Tearvalerin - Sanctuary Posts: 3,787 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    You know exactly that each of your so called 'sarcastical' threads is going to become another repetative OP discussion - you are not dumb. What you are trying to do is wipe out threads about a topic you don't like, by spamming the original threads and opening clones until a mod is forced to close them.
    Thats how you try to get your way...

    i make phoenix Op threads? LOL are you kidding me? i mock idiots who make those posts, i do not make them myself.

    most recent threads made:

    questions about a level 84 quest set -

    off topic picture about phoenixes for a joke between rogue and i:

    asking if anyone wants to trade weapons:

    my guide:

    **** rebirth pictures:

    a "post a pic of your veno" thread:

    asking which reset scroll i should use:

    telling people not to revive old threads: (mod agreed in this one)

    some weird video:

    happy cinco de mayo thread:

    sarcastic spam to show people a light that venos dont have it all:

    asking for help on patching errors:

    thread about music interest:

    you sir are a dumb ****.

    if any of these had any thing to do with spamming and cloning topics, then i must be blind. care to look at my "all posts created by tear page?"
  • Oldbear - Sanctuary
    Oldbear - Sanctuary Posts: 486 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    Oh come on let's not fight. Let's sit together, drink sake and sing kumbaya b:laugh

    (And after that I'll give you both an UZI and get outta there ASAP b:sin )
  • Tearvalerin - Sanctuary
    Tearvalerin - Sanctuary Posts: 3,787 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    Hi .... hope you aren't sick or something....

    its nothing too serious i suppose.
  • Osiris - Dreamweaver
    Osiris - Dreamweaver Posts: 218 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    sarcastic spam to show people a light that venos dont have it all:

    Thats what i meant. You opened this thread right after you managed to get 2 threads closed.

    This thing has gone on long enough, stfu already geez.

    The thread you've opened could be any veno post from the thread that just got closed.
  • Tearvalerin - Sanctuary
    Tearvalerin - Sanctuary Posts: 3,787 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    lol. did you see page.. 86 of that? someone tried DDoS'ing that thread. also, how did i get that thread locked? it was 87 ****ing pages of spam and flame wars, bumped and necro'd 50 million times. it needed to be locked from page 2.

    whatever, good night PW, sleep brings what life cannot.
  • aryannamage
    aryannamage Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    Killing this thread.

This discussion has been closed.