Guild_Less Faction

Confused_ - Heavens Tear
Confused_ - Heavens Tear Posts: 37 Arc User
edited May 2009 in Etherblade (West)

“Where less is more”

The only faction that is about nothing, and proud of it.

No level requirements, No gear requirements, No requirements whatsoever.
No TW, No TT, No FBs, no help whatsoever, that’s our promise to our membership.
Heck we may not even talk to you…

Join when you want no more annoying random guild invites…
Join when you are in between guilds…
Join when you just want to hang with a friend…
Join when you just want to meet people…(no guarantees on this one)

If you manage to find a Guild_Less officer just ask for an invite.
Don’t bother asking who the officers are, longest person in faction is leader, second longest is director, and so on until titles are all gone. Why, because less is more of course. There are no real leadership challenges in Guild_Less.

Leave for whatever reason, whenever you feel like and never have to hear a word about it. Period end of story.

Leave/Rejoin/Leave/Rejoin it’s all good, heck we even encourage leaving.

Why encourage leaving you may ask? Because “Less is More” of course.

Well really because everyone else moves up Leadership chain and can one day be
Guild_Less Leader denoting the ultimate status of nothingness, and having done nothing to achieve it. At which point all faction members are encourage, but never required, to flame the leader for not having gone somewhere else by now.

What you “may” get out of being a Guild_Less member

You may make a new friend
You may find groups to do things with
You may find help on quest
You may find fun in playing PW with no expectations

Guild_Less disclaimer: Guild_Less™ and Guild_Less members, is in no way libel for your game/real life experiences in the faction. The word “may” implies each users experience will be different and souly the members responsibility.

Thanks and good luck finding our officers
Post edited by Confused_ - Heavens Tear on


  • Konariraiden - Heavens Tear
    Konariraiden - Heavens Tear Posts: 6,505 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    Oh, this is hilarious! Confused, you are one creative man...or woman...or panda. :P If I ever become Faction-less again, I know where to turn now!

    Kudos! ^_^v

    Yeah, it's me. Don't read to much into it, though; I'm only here for myself now, killin' time and chillin' when need-be. So sue me. Tch...