[Heaven's Tear] Strife Wants You!!

Marmut - Heavens Tear
Marmut - Heavens Tear Posts: 16 Arc User
edited May 2009 in Guild Banter
Strife, a newly formed level 2 faction, is currently recruiting more members to add to its family. We're looking for lvl 40+ fun and active players. We help with difficult quests, TT, and the occasional FB. You can visit our website to find out more info:


If you're interested you can apply through the application link on the forum above or pm elfaelfa, marmut, tigerpoo or dalfster in game. b:laugh
Post edited by Marmut - Heavens Tear on


  • Revolte - Heavens Tear
    Revolte - Heavens Tear Posts: 314 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    By far one of the smartest and kindest factions in Heaven's Tear b:laugh

    Super Duper Uber Booper
  • Revolte - Heavens Tear
    Revolte - Heavens Tear Posts: 314 Arc User
    edited May 2009

    Fun, active, helpful, kind and more! Join strife today!

    Super Duper Uber Booper
  • Revolte - Heavens Tear
    Revolte - Heavens Tear Posts: 314 Arc User
    edited May 2009

    Just as an added update we do have a teamspeak server ( teamspeak is the same idea as vent ). also for those who are wondering we are planning on future TWs.

    Super Duper Uber Booper