Zhen Camping



  • Notbad - Heavens Tear
    Notbad - Heavens Tear Posts: 374 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    nothing...to say
    Baby theres no other super star you know that i'll be..Listening to lady gaga b:laugh
  • Tearvalerin - Sanctuary
    Tearvalerin - Sanctuary Posts: 3,787 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    what i thought
  • Literature - Harshlands
    Literature - Harshlands Posts: 822 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    so you kill one cleric.

    how will a phoenix save you from 4-5 other people?

    a veno could kite the whole party. That would be easy on a max speed fly mount. A person could also drop to the ground if someone gets close...theres a ton you could do.

    I don't have time to explain strategy to inexperienced pve players but theres a ton you could do to keep distance long enough for the nix to drop everyone in the whole party.

  • Ty - Heavens Tear
    Ty - Heavens Tear Posts: 604 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    a veno could kite the whole party. That would be easy on a max speed fly mount. A person could also drop to the ground if someone gets close...theres a ton you could do.

    I don't have time to explain strategy to inexperienced pve players but theres a ton you could do to keep distance long enough for the nix to drop everyone in the whole party.


    LF nerf flesh ream thread, need 2 DDs and cleric
    I like pie
  • IceJazmin - Heavens Tear
    IceJazmin - Heavens Tear Posts: 4,206 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    a veno could kite the whole party. That would be easy on a max speed fly mount. A person could also drop to the ground if someone gets close...theres a ton you could do.

    I don't have time to explain strategy to inexperienced pve players but theres a ton you could do to keep distance long enough for the nix to drop everyone in the whole party.


    I usualy agree with you Literature, but this time I have to disagree.... BMs have 2 skills that when used together let them close in 32 meters in an instant. on top of their extra speed one, on top of that they can pretty mich stun lock anything in sight. So you attack one member, BM can either stun lock the phoenix and kill it, or if you recall nix, he can use the 2 leap skills, close on you, and stun lock you. If everyone just sits there basking on the glory of the veno, than yes, the all party will be wiped, but if they attack the veno and the phoenix, you will have a very dead or a running away veno.
    Of course this is assuming everyone is pretty much about the same level. If the veno is much higher (10+ level) than you will be looking into a nice party wipe)
    Too often we loose sight of life's simple pleasures. Remember, when someone annoys you, it takes 42 muscles in your face to frown, BUT, it only takes 4 muscles to extend your arm and slap that mother#$@%#^! upside the head.
  • Tearvalerin - Sanctuary
    Tearvalerin - Sanctuary Posts: 3,787 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    lol, you talk as if youre a pvp god, pull your ego out your **** for a minute and lets come to reality check->

    say a veno is in ruined zen party. veno just happens to has an elysium foul on them, catches upto the running away crasher, slows him with the slow spell they have, archer uses aim low, crasher is not paralyzed. who is now archer and mage bait? crasher.

    you speak like theory actually works in real life, dont forget about murphy's law buddy :). take it into account before making stupid egotistical, posts; stupid cash shop abusing lame **** veno.
  • Nayiro - Sanctuary
    Nayiro - Sanctuary Posts: 1,275 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    Actually, best way to kill them would be to kill the cleric RIGHT when the pullers pull a big wave of mobs, kills the DDers (who are almost always afk [lol]) then you get on your mount, fly in the air, use yer nix on the pullers, and run for safety. b:victory

    But then again I'm a little PvE Sever player that knows nothing about PvP QQ
  • Tearvalerin - Sanctuary
    Tearvalerin - Sanctuary Posts: 3,787 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    lol PVE server PVP'ers are way more knowledgabe and hardcore than stupid PVP server players, who fight the same people over and over, and nab on little noobs for free kills. PVE server players never know who will be white name, when, where etc, and the enemy is never the same, making you have to adapt then and there. on a PVP server you can learn a **** bag's tactics because theyll always be in PVP mode. having to be prepared for any element in an instant's notice gives you the edge over someone big time
  • Devoted - Lost City
    Devoted - Lost City Posts: 3,634 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    I've seen WF's solo whole parties with phoenixes, it isnt hard.

    The phoenix has more range than any class so as long as you keep your distance you can easily kill parties solo.
  • Smexxyfox - Heavens Tear
    Smexxyfox - Heavens Tear Posts: 722 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    So the veno is so far out of range that no spells can kill it, and the ENTIRE zhen party (which should have at least one BM) cant for the life of them stun a single phoenix and instakill it?
    I agree that a zhen party where all the DD's are afk and everyone else is 1/2 asleep anyways can be killed by a single veno, oor when a lvl 90 veno takes on a lvl 70 zhen party. Apart from that its just a bunch of nosense talk.

    @OP, **** zhenners. Like somone else said, blacklist em and do ur own thing. Ideally the solution would be for everyone to form 2 or 3 aoe squads and get along but lol who are we kidding here, the population on PWI is such a bunch of selfrighteous ******'s that partying and getting along is impossible.
  • Kannone - Heavens Tear
    Kannone - Heavens Tear Posts: 907 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    Sry to hear that. You just met the 25% of pple on MMOs that lack manners and do any to anyone cause their safe behind a monitor b:surrender

    b:sad that 25% must be really fat cuz they tend to take up a lot of space.

    Anyways, I agree--characters in zhen parties tend to be incredibly abrasive towards what they consider to be intruders... too sad
  • Michael - Harshlands
    Michael - Harshlands Posts: 348 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    Actually crashing a zhen is no were near as hard as people make it sound, a BM can solo crash by running up with cloud sprint while a lure is coming in (so the lurers cant react) stopping just short of the Barrage/Dragons breath and roar the nearest DD (breaks the DD and if he is close enough to the cleric the clerics AoE skills), then everyone else turns off their AoEs to get you, pop Will of the Bodhivista and run they then have to ditch the lure rechi and reset the AoE's.

    Wait 2 mins and come back and repeat after 5-7 runs of this the zhen party in general gives up on zhenning and will start chasing you around. It wastes their mijis and prevents them from earning exp, should only be done in cases where the zhen party is KoS.

    The point of crashing a zhen isnt always to kill the whole party (as thats hard with 1 player) but its definately possible to break up the grinding and make it so they cannot effectively zhen and as such they will leave.

    Its actually easier with a cleric though to crash as when a cleric sleeps the cleric doing blue bubble the bubble animation remains until the sleep duration ends (which means unless the cleric is at his computer watching the lurers have no idea the blue bubble is out) this means that the party can be wiped while thinking the bubble is up.