A little help for a newguy please?

forgottonwolf Posts: 6 Arc User
edited May 2009 in Dungeons & Tactics
Alright, so heres the deal.
Ive looked at PWI, and im downloading it now on my flash drive (30 percent give or take some?). And, well, i'd prefer to enter this world with my major questions answered.
To make my and your life (and writing) easy, ill number my questions, so you can number your answers (I.E. when you write #1 your answering my #1 question, thanks).

1. First off, is the almighty question of wich class i should partake in! Now, ive looked at the classes yet, but id like opinions of people who have played and mastered the classes. Heres what i whant:*I whant to be tough, basically a damage sponge *i whant to be capable of being able to control earthly magic *something including nature (Hence my name Mr.Nature72 b:sin ).

2. Please, oh by GOD PLEASE tell me theren aren't as many love-nerds that go around blurting out "wanna be meh gf" and "looking for a gf, press 999" as RuneScape (my old MMO). I can take some of that, but not as much as freaking runescape!

3. This whole game is COMPLETELY free, correct?

4. Leveling, how is it done? dealing damage? Quests? Just curiousity

5. Ok, controls. Nothing can **** up a game like bad controls. So, how are the controls in this game. How do you control your character, and how smooth does it feel?

Post edited by forgottonwolf on


  • Zephyrx - Lost City
    Zephyrx - Lost City Posts: 1,563 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    Alright, so heres the deal.
    Ive looked at PWI, and im downloading it now on my flash drive (30 percent give or take some?). And, well, i'd prefer to enter this world with my major questions answered.
    To make my and your life (and writing) easy, ill number my questions, so you can number your answers (I.E. when you write #1 your answering my #1 question, thanks).

    1. First off, is the almighty question of wich class i should partake in! Now, ive looked at the classes yet, but id like opinions of people who have played and mastered the classes. Heres what i whant:*I whant to be tough, basically a damage sponge *i whant to be capable of being able to control earthly magic *something including nature (Hence my name Mr.Nature72 b:sin ).

    2. Please, oh by GOD PLEASE tell me theren aren't as many love-nerds that go around blurting out "wanna be meh gf" and "looking for a gf, press 999" as RuneScape (my old MMO). I can take some of that, but not as much as freaking runescape!

    3. This whole game is COMPLETELY free, correct?

    4. Leveling, how is it done? dealing damage? Quests? Just curiousity

    5. Ok, controls. Nothing can **** up a game like bad controls. So, how are the controls in this game. How do you control your character, and how smooth does it feel?


    1. You should partake this bread with me... But anyhow, you should pick an Untamed Barbarian. It's super tough, and super stupid... with super hp.. and super armor... and it probably never dies either. Well you won't control Earth magic but you will be able to control how little damage you take from Earth spells by using Earth resist armor. And oh yea, you can turn into a Tiger, it's nature like rite?

    2. There's too many noobs that yell out "wanna be meh gf", but they all pretty much QQed and got owned by better trolls who can actually get girls. So their numbers are actually quite rare in this game. But if you find such species of "wanna be meh gf" noob species, feel free to contact any friendly red named Professional Pker to RageQuit the noob out of the game.

    3. Yes, this game is completely free and it doesn't pressure you too much into buying cash shop items to survive. So overall, it's very good. 9.8/10 imo.

    4. Leveling is done by daily quests, regular quests, Dragon Quests, etc... other ****.. + Grind. But usually the grind doesn't start kicking until later on. Like lv 50+ ish. And the grind isn't that bad actually... So.. yea.

    5. Well controls are pretty ok... You use 1-9. F1-F99 for all your skills (you can't change them btw..). You use WASD to move.. and you can use your mouse to click. No auto-targeting however, so ... um.. you have to be skillful to click on that 1x1 pixel image of your opponent to Pk.

    And oh yea... this game actually is pretty real. There's like .. ugh... trees that you can actually bump your head against. It actually takes more time for your spell to start channeling if your back to your target... and other minor stuff that become important if you decide to professionally own noobs. (or.. PvP).

    *This has been a production of Zephyr's Professional Trolling Service* All rights reserved, and all noobs owned.

    Remember, only you can own noobs b:cool
    Position: Professional Forum Troll
    Position Details: Be able to incite people to flames and perform miracles such as telling people what's right and what's wrong. Be able to dish out flames to other people so fire extinguishers are needed to put out the flames. Most of all, giving others a piece of reality.

    ZephyrX is better than crack... he's your Anti-Drug
  • Mosz - Heavens Tear
    Mosz - Heavens Tear Posts: 3,181 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    #3 this game is completely free, dont need money to get past a lvl or enter an area BUT charms (for hp/mp insta recover) refining items(refining without them is utter hell) training scrolls (+50% xp an hour) and a few more are in cash shop besides the of course fashions fast mounts, fast flying gear ect
    at higher lvls the charms and refining items (dragon orbs) are pretty much a necessity, but can be bought from other players for a realistic price, ive gotten 9x without charging money so yes it is doable, the cash shop advantage in this game of course exists, but it is NOT as bad as some games
  • Dollet - Sanctuary
    Dollet - Sanctuary Posts: 94 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    1. Sounds like you should be a barbarian, if you want to be a damage sponge. The nature-oriented earth magic doesn't fit that role though. That sounds more like a Venomancer (they have Wood damage).
  • Tiaque - Sanctuary
    Tiaque - Sanctuary Posts: 293 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    1. First off, is the almighty question of wich class i should partake in! Now, ive looked at the classes yet, but id like opinions of people who have played and mastered the classes. Heres what i whant:*I whant to be tough, basically a damage sponge *i whant to be capable of being able to control earthly magic *something including nature (Hence my name Mr.Nature72 ).

    Damage Sponge: barbarian, barbarian, barbarian. Unfortunately, you cannot be a damage sponge and still control magic in this game. Elemental magic belongs to the Wizards, the Clerics, and the Venomancers.

    Play a wizard if you want nothing but elemental attacks, as they have control over fire, water, and earth spells. However, wizards are among the squishiest classes in the game, and are (debatable) among the hardest classes to level until about level 39. Clerics are (duh) healers, though you can go full attack and use Metal magic attacks. Again, very very squishy, and (usually) difficult to level. Venomancers are the summoner/tamer class, and should you play one a la Arcane, you have Wood spells at your disposal, as well as a little pet that attacks things upon your command. VERY easy to solo/level with, at all levels.

    2. Please, oh by GOD PLEASE tell me theren aren't as many love-nerds that go around blurting out "wanna be meh gf" and "looking for a gf, press 999" as RuneScape (my old MMO). I can take some of that, but not as much as freaking runescape!

    Ehhh....probably not, but every female character that I've met (whether the player be male or female) has been hit on at least once by the time they hit level 30. World chat has a few drama-freaks like that, but the game has a very handy little feature known as "Blacklist", which makes it so you never have to see that characters text again. Also, the Report **** button has its uses again the unwelcome flirters.

    3. This whole game is COMPLETELY free, correct?

    Yes. The entire game is free, however, there is a "Boutique" in which you can purchase items for real-life cash. These items, however, are not required or necessary to enjoy the game, and most are available through trading with other players for in game coinage.

    4. Leveling, how is it done? dealing damage? Quests? Just curiousity

    Quests are your best help for leveling at lower levels. At higher levels, when normal quests seem to dry out, there are repeatable quests that you can do as well. EXP can also be gained from simply killing mobs, also known as grinding.

    5. Ok, controls. Nothing can **** up a game like bad controls. So, how are the controls in this game. How do you control your character, and how smooth does it feel?

    The controls are rather cemented (ie, you cannot change what does what). At first, I found them to be slightly awkward, though that was probably a result of coming off another game with differnet buttons for the same thing ^^;. After a bit of playing, you should get the hang of them, and they're all rather smooth. Everything is within a finger's span, so it's not like you need both hands on the keyboard.
    "In the end, its not about LA vs robe - which is better? Its about knowing your character and how to play it." ~Blosque, Sanctuary

    Director of Tsunami
    Contact me in-game if you're looking for a new home!

    Ayjia (5x veno), Celys (4x full support cleric), Eirel (3x claw blademaster)