No, Its not true :D

Posts: 346 Arc User
edited May 2009 in Dawnglory (EU)
Sorry Crimson, Im here. I find it quite funny that i was gone for a day to take care of some things and i come back seeing all these accusations of "botting" and "being banned" . Seriously, you guys are sad. You cant beat us in PK, so you have to spread rumors to try (and fail) to smear our name and reputation. I grind'd my way to 89 and it took alot of hard work/dedication, and im sorry that you cannot compete with that. But really, theres no need for all this rumor ****. Stop whining and get grinding b:bye

As for Suwaki, sue the kid, he took a vacation. Its actually a good thing. Gives our whole party a chance to catch up, you know because whats an individual without a good party to back him? Maybe you should learn these ways crimson, or you will continue to fail b:pleased
Post edited by Nova_ - Harshlands on


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  • Posts: 3,634 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    you're still going heaven. gg
  • Posts: 184 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    stfu botter b:laughb:laugh
    (='.'=) This is Bunny. Copy and paste bunny into your
    (")_(") signature to help him gain world domination. b:laugh
  • Posts: 19 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    Once again crimson makes themselves look even more idiotic.
  • Posts: 346 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    you're still going heaven. gg

    Devoted, Your a biased Hell archer. I prefer steady damage then **** luck based attacks. Plus, Heaven spark adds survivability, which is something pure dex severely lacks.
  • Posts: 3,634 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    I may be biased but read this thread and read the comments.

    99 Heaven Archer:

    I have to agree that hell archer is superior. So many of the skills like stun, quickshoot and sharptooth gives chance of critical add on. And as an archer u dont have any crazy powerfull skills, u rely on crits and attack speed to kill ppl. No crits and u cant even tick someones charm endgame unless their a badly geared out wiz. Which is why heaven is very ****, every skill gives fking chi, for wut? Not like archers have 3 ultis that need chi so u can 1 shoot chunks of ppl using triple spark.

    And how often u use barrage in any pvp beside TW. If i could change to hell i would gladly do so since im sage which is like a pve archer that works in HH lol. Sadly i was kinda dumb when i hit lvl 89, i really didn't plan to lvl after 90+ at all. I picked sage since i felt that the first 3 additional skills at lvl 89 is slightly better for sage than demon. Never thought u would be able to get a full skill set-up on this server this fast. So i was like, w/e i wont get any 99 skills so better go sage than. Specially after playing on MY-en for over a year and they still didn't have any 99 skills.

    I guess with the anti-stun from genies sage archer might have some pvp purpose, u can zhen 4ever in TW with the 33% dmg reduction lol. Beside that they're really only usefully to make HH bosses die a bit faster.

    And NO sage frost arrow does not **** heavy armor if anyone actually was dumb enough to think that. It does shiet dmg. Its useful if all metal skills are on cooldown and maybe its good in Dragon palace when everyone is water debuffed by mobs ^_^.

    And no sage take aim does not 1 shoot robes unless u use fury burst and they're like 10 lvls below u and your weapon is +12. And most of the time take aim miss anyway.

    99 Hell Archer:
    Its okay lily even tho u have crappy crit i still love you b:cute.

    Nice additions devoted might wanna give some numbers in the build section tho i did a few posts like a month ago with fairly accurate numbers based of our hp per vit and damage per dex with my weapon. Might also want to mention in heaven/hell that with +12 8jun hell passive has 18.5k max pattack and heaven has 19.2k max pattack which is a 700 difference so virtually nothing.

    About hell not relying on those crit buffs from sharp/stun. I have both sharptooth AND stunnning arrow hell(got stun today b:dirty) the crit buff activates whether u hit or miss so the minute u press the skill u have that crit increase. You can use sharp and stun separately or jus use one i.e. sharp crit buff lasts 15 secs and the skill cd is 15 secs whatever u do in pvp or pve a hell archer will ALWAYS have +10% crit. In fact if anyone asks me my crit rate i would just say 39% because whether im grinding or killing people that is what it is.

    Quick note the crit buffs do not replace each other so if u use one the time will not be extended by using the other which can be a problem if u start with stun as u will have 5 secs without the buff but is no problem if u start with sharptooth. Its always better to start ith sharptooth anyway unless the target is running as the skill removes the hp AND THEN does the damage so its like ur doing skill damage+16% hp. Also other classes have crit buffs the main one being hell wb attack buff gives 5% crit for 1 minute nd as crit buffs do not replace each other u are stuck with 5% crit instead of ur usual 10. I only know of one wb who has this skill ad thats God_Evil so i always tell him not to rebuff me attack buff until its about to run out.

    EDIT: dev copy lily's post then paste it into ur original post and manually turn it into a qoute (have to type summin like [/QOUTE]) then do a reference to the page number that lily posted it on
    Pro guide dev soooo many fail archers on lost city its not even funny.

    A few things to mention:

    Archers with Ling yun
    Vit build Archers
    Archers using the Dragonbow(90hh bow)
    Str build archers
    Archers using evasion stones
    Archers using DoTs EVER

    Also a good thing to bring up is archer damage at 9x. Many people seem to believe archers have some amazingly high damage when really our damage comes from our crits, we rely on them sooo much. A full buffed 9x does not die to an archer who doesnt crit no matter what their build/class. This is probably the main reason why hell>heaven as hell build on our main attributes CRIT evasion and acc.

    Something to note envy and i checked out heaven/hell masteries with a +12 8jun bow and found heaven has 19.2k max hell has 18.5k max. So when u have 18,500 max pattack being heaven would give u 700 extra.

    I now have hell zhen, sharptooth and deadly shot. Since you always get the crit buff when u use sharp whether u hit or miss it is as if i ALWAYS have 39% crit and 2-3 crits in a row pvp and pve is not uncommon.

    EDIT: when this is finished it should be stickied

    It's ok you can go heaven just don't expect to be any good.
  • Posts: 346 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    You acquire Sharptooth from cube?
  • Posts: 3,634 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    Takes 30 pages of fate

    Random one of these:
    Thunderous Blast
    Deadly Shot
    Sharpened Tooth Arrow
    Barrage of Arrows
    Stormrage Eagleon (ew)

    30 pages of fate = beat cube room 50 30 times at 90+

    not hard especially since most people start doing cube daily.

    you can also get them from the wushu tournament that was removed. it will be implemented again and if you don't suck at pvp the pages of fate are so easy to get from it. qqme will probably hold that event down.

    wushu also gives these:

    Thunder Shock
    Aim Low
    Stunning Arrow
    Bow Mastery
    Serrated Arrow
  • Posts: 11 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    yep yep you are here but you got baned bye 3 says so go away boter
  • Posts: 19 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    yep yep you are here but you got baned bye 3 says so go away boter

    If he got banned how the hell did he post, you are a freaking re-tard
  • Posts: 538 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    yep yep you are here but you got baned bye 3 says so go away boter

    Are u really portuguese?
    If yes u are embarrassing all of us. If u dont have anything to say STFU and get 90 so u can start pking lvl 30's in silver poolb:bye
  • Posts: 110 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    nova went hell lolololololol

    lets discuss
  • Posts: 277 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    nova went hell lolololololol

    lets discuss

    lol devoted is goodb:laugh
  • Posts: 110 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    missqq wrote: »
    lol devoted is goodb:laugh

    or nova is bad lololol
  • Posts: 3,634 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    I'm not good so nova is bad. b:chuckle
  • Posts: 346 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    yep yep you are here but you got baned bye 3 says so go away boter

    Yes, im banned, thats why i can post, play the game and make WCs about how much Crimson sucks b:bye
  • Posts: 358 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    Yes, im banned, thats why i can post, play the game and make WCs about how much Crimson sucks b:bye

    pfft you just have pro scripts. Makes a computer science major jealous.


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