The Relic Hunters ( Heaven's Tear/ Dreamweaver Heavy RP guild)

Uindo - Heavens Tear
Uindo - Heavens Tear Posts: 31 Arc User
edited April 2009 in Guild Banter
Guild in the works! Need officers, and members! In game the guild is RELICS. We have it created on Heaven's Tear but will create it on Dreamweaver if we get more interest there.


We are all born seekers but only a select few ever realize what it is to become a true hunter. Our elite are scholars, scribes, historians, warriors, healers, rogues and scouts. In a harsh world torn between good and evil, we seek balance. OUr goals lie within the search and location of rare artifacts and hunting them down and retaining them so that those parties claiming, the greater good or greater evil do not obtain them for their own cause. We are The Relic Hunters.

The Relic Hunters are a neutral driven guild. While it would be easy for a good hearted person to join our ranks, they would have to either hide their personal goals or keep them to theirselves. (( This can easily be achieved if you are a good RPer). The same goes for any evil minded soul. Our goals and missions are not suited for such selfish likes . We may all have desires and wants but they will be satisfied as an added benefit to the tasks set upon us.


We are a Roleplay Guild first and formost!! Our goal is to build upon storylines, guild events, and personal character stories and developments to create a strong RP experience for all of our members. This guild is NOT for everyone, but it takes a committed roleplayer to join our ranks.
Guild events and storylines will assist in building character and interaction between members and our community. While real life will always win out, we do expect active members both in game and on the forums. The forums will be our hub of activity.
Most items mentioned as artifacts are more than likely items we have deemed as obtained one. (meaning the idea behind them is RP and the item itself is little more than nothing in game)

We also will be hosting a tavern which will become the main hub for all our activities and recruitment in game until the city is built. We will hold regular tavern nights to bring in recruits etc and this will become a large part of each members lives.

Decree OOC

First and formost we are all here for the same reason...TO HAVE FUN
Our stories, friendships, adventures and roleplay are here to add to that purpose. Our purpose is to add to the aspects of any game that so many of us hold on to and cherish. IF something is no longer fun, then something is wrong and we need to work on fixing it. In that case, please speak up! You will never be looked upon in a negative manner for voicing your opinions. All ideas will be taken into consideration!!

If you are NOT then you are in the wrong guild. Our purpose is to build character, weave tales and tell stories. In doing so we must keep our minds from wondering too far outside of this realm. OOC will be limited and there will be stipulations upon how it will be handled. We must also learn NOT take how another character feels about our character to heart.

Real Life will always prevail
Real Life will always be first! You will never be shunned upon for having to leave a group for RL reasons. If you are taken away from the game for any given length of time due to real life then all we ask is that you keep us posted, so that we will not worry. And we will!!

We will respect each other!
No matter how our characters may feel, react and act towards each other, we will always respect each other as players. We will not engage in pointless banter and arguing amongst ourselves. If there are situations that arise, as drama will occur even though some guilds say they are drama free. If there are problems amongst members then they MUST keep it to tells and if they cannot resolve it, then and only then are the guild leaders or officers brought in.

We will respect other players in the community
We will respect those in the community around us no matter how silly, stupid, rude, and flat out annoying they may seem. If you cannot say anything good then it is best you either say nothing or you walk away! BUT as part of the previous decree, we will defend and protect our own as long as the cause is just!

Guild groups are more than encouraged! We are an all inclusive guild!
The purpose of this guild is to include everyone! While soloing is acceptable when there is no other option, I and my fellow leaders/officers will do everything we can to help you with quests, storylines, and to ensure you have someone to travel with. Due to the nature of the guild, hopefully this will not be a problem. While there may be in game couples playing, it is not acceptable to continually seclude yourselves from the rest of the guild. Private moments are always welcomed but if you are spending more than 50% of your time in seclusive RP with another, then you are in the wrong guild.(This is only meant for intimate couples). It is encouraged that people participate in both in game and forum roleplay. Many times forum roleplay is set up to lead to something deeper in game, at least in my case. We will strive on making a good story for everyone to participate in.

Drama, while it likely will occur is to be kept to a private level
Please refrain from taking out your personal strafes in guild chat, say, and group chat. There are matters that some people could careless to hear about. If it does not directly effect the guild do not bring it to the guild. Try to keep issue to a minimum and only once something cannot be resolved between two or more people does the guild need to be brought in. If someone else is doing something to keep you from enjoying your game, whether its another guild member or not, then that is when you have all rights to speak up but do so privately.

Respect "The Relic Hunters" Title
Serve us proud and you will be doing yourself some good. When people see that tag, we want them to know that we carry a certain demeanor, aura and pride with it. So it is with all respect we ask that you do not slander, blasphemy the guild, that you do not cause unwanted just and judgment on us. Try to always show others what it means to be a part of this guild

We are a Mature guild
While we are not some rated X themed guild we do deal with mature situations including but not excluding, sex, slavery, murder etc. These are issues that will present themselves in this game plainly. At the same time, if you cannot act maturely in the game and your character presents itself like some animated 10 year old, then I suggest you find another guild. Childish antics do not work in this setting.

Decree IC

The Seekers and the Hunters
We are seekers of knowledge and not of gain. We seek out artifacts and treasure, to obtain it so that other powers will not. Once in our possessions, they are not to be used for personal gain. We are merely acquiring them so that the two waging powers, evil and good, may not! Only when it is truly necessary will we ever use them. However, any gains along the way are ours for the taking.

We are protectors of the unknown
We guard what we acquire and do not let others know our secrets. We are after all a secretive society. Our true purpose should never be revealed and our items are not to be put up on the auctioning block!

Protecting our own
While we are not a family in the traditional sense, nor are we necessarily vowed friends, we will however, always take care of our own. We will protect, guide, assist our fellow guild mates, no matter the stake.

Honor in the utmost sense
Honor to balance and to our society is first and formost. You betray one, you betray all and you cannot expect to live another minute. If you tell of us, or attempt to sell one of our artifacts, you will quickly find yourself at the mercy of your guildmates and it will not likely be something you will forward to.

We are not the protectors of any land but our own
It is obvious, our duties do not lie in rescuing the farmers daughter, or protecting the children of the city or doing deeds for the merchants, it mayhap be that we need to do these things to reach our own goals. But do not once think we are here to play the good guys. Nor are we here to do the deeds of the wicked. We know our place and our destiny does not lie within the simple lives of heroes or villains.

Are you interested yet?

If so, please email me at once you have copied and pasted the following questions and answered them accordingly. A website is in the works but until then please repectfully comply with these simple inquiries into yourself and your character.


Character Name:
Class and level:
Player Name: (first name only if you like)

What is your goals as a roleplayer?

What level (meaning hardcore, moderate, mediocre, light) of roleplayer do you consider yourself:

What is roleplay to you?

What can you bring to the table as far as roleplay goes?

What do you seek in this guild? What do you have to offer?

What is more important to you? Maintaining strong RP society/experience or gaining levels and getting "uber" equipment?

What is the first thing you do once you log in each time?

What does it mean to be neutral?


Why have you come to our doorsteps?

What is it you seek?

Are you running from something or someone?

Also you are welcome to post here if you have any questions. I would prefer however that you notify me by email as well.

Currently since we are a new guild and just starting to build our core, there are officer positions available to those who can prove themselves to be strong, fair leaders.

Uindo, Ashwynn, Cercin, Cyren - Heaven's Tear
Wynde, Ashwynn - Dreamweaver