Best ranged pet?

nqeib Posts: 0 Arc User
edited May 2009 in Venomancer
I've heard ranged pets are useful for luring and hitting other ranged mobs, and so I've been wondering what kind of ranged pet would serve me best. Someone said eldergoth marksmen are good, but those are just ugly. I'd rather tame a cactopod.

In your experience, what kind of ranged pets are the best?
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  • Succubae - Dreamweaver
    Succubae - Dreamweaver Posts: 53 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    Sadly, Eldergoth have better stats than cactopods. Then only have less HP recovery and accuracy.

    For the ugliness, have a look at
    Clic on the pet's name to see a screenshot. The Eldergoth Warrior is not that bad, with the red flames...

    Only normal attack are ranged : every pet skill is made at melee range.
  • Surfer_Rosa - Sanctuary
    Surfer_Rosa - Sanctuary Posts: 227 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    Eldergoth warriors don't have ranged attacks tho, just melee.
  • Akiratojo - Heavens Tear
    Akiratojo - Heavens Tear Posts: 102 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    Eldergoth warriors don't have ranged attacks tho, just melee.

    I think she was talking about the Eldergoth Marksman
    07-Ghost fan
    Warning: This user has bad spelling
  • nqeib
    nqeib Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    I was indeed.
  • Flyingpix - Heavens Tear
    Flyingpix - Heavens Tear Posts: 18 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    the level 46 eldergoth sharpshooter looks a little nicer the marksman and has a ranged attack. I went for the marksman simply because I was too lazy to level up the cactopod up to level 45 lol.
  • HoVulpes - Sanctuary
    HoVulpes - Sanctuary Posts: 61 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    honestly for luring im using a kowlin. if theres big group of aggroing mobs it gets hitted less times. and if monsters runs fast like those TT mobs its easy to lure it, cause pet is having 10.1 m/s speed if im right.
    I know its having low def and hp but for luring even 20lvs higher mobs its ok and wont die if veno do it in right way ^^
  • Succubae - Dreamweaver
    Succubae - Dreamweaver Posts: 53 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    Eldergoth warriors don't have ranged attacks tho, just melee.
    I think she was talking about the Eldergoth Marksman

    Well actually as the Eldergoth Warrior is from the same family as Eldergoth Marksman, I assumed It had ranged attack too. If it doesn't, just forget what I said...

    Though I guess at least the Eldergoth Sharpshooter has ranged attack, considering the name. He looks a bit different than the Marksmann.
  • Flyingpix - Heavens Tear
    Flyingpix - Heavens Tear Posts: 18 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    honestly for luring im using a kowlin. if theres big group of aggroing mobs it gets hitted less times. and if monsters runs fast like those TT mobs its easy to lure it, cause pet is having 10.1 m/s speed if im right.
    I know its having low def and hp but for luring even 20lvs higher mobs its ok and wont die if veno do it in right way ^^

    Not everyone can afford a Kowlin nor are a lot of us willing to camp for ages to get one ourselves. Besides he OP was asking about what the best ranged pet was and to my knowledge a Kowlin has no ranged attack.
  • HoVulpes - Sanctuary
    HoVulpes - Sanctuary Posts: 61 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    Not everyone can afford a Kowlin nor are a lot of us willing to camp for ages to get one ourselves. Besides he OP was asking about what the best ranged pet was and to my knowledge a Kowlin has no ranged attack.

    my mistake. and... ye camping is annoying. but its lv 60 pet. so i think its no problem for a veno to save 800k till this lv.