Leveling crafting skills?!?

Matriceqc - Heavens Tear
Matriceqc - Heavens Tear Posts: 3 Arc User
edited April 2009 in The Crafting Nook
I'm a lvl 24 BM right now and I have a lot of mats...

I wanted to break some necklace for the bleu gems is gives but it require lvl 2 so I tought...

What's worth leveling? I saw on the forum Apo worth it for pots and to sell stuff... But each time I look at people trading stuff I can't any anything crafted from Apo...

I don't want to make items for funs... if I can't use it or sell it at a decent price well it's not worth making imo...

Also, should I make a 2nd character (anything) and level it just to get those 4 crafting's skills leveled up and sending myself mats by Inbox ??

I don't know exactly what to do... any suggestion for someone who started this game last week and start to have his safe FULL of mats :P

Thank you!!
Post edited by Matriceqc - Heavens Tear on


  • Viper_girl - Heavens Tear
    Viper_girl - Heavens Tear Posts: 541 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    I came to the conclusion that it isn't usually profitable to Craft for the sake of making money. You will probably make more by selling the mats in Catshop mode and sometimes in the auction.

    That being said it can be tedious to figure out the going prices for all the different Mats. Just because someone has it at that price in that shop doesn't mean it will sell at that price.

    I found that Apo is valueable for making certain powders for my own use. When I tried to sell them it was slow going to make any more money than what the mats could be sold at. Powders are much more powerful and are on a different reuse timer than the NPC Pots. So for example if you are in a sticky situation you can trigger a HP powder heal even if the HP pot timer is in cooldown.

    For making items out of Molds you will need the other crafting skills leveled up. Generally it isn't profitable either, you can usually get it cheaper in the auction house, but you get the pleasure of having your name on your equipment. (I have no idea why some people craft items using Toons with dumb names ... personally I don't like buying/owning stuff made by a player with an idiotic or semi obscene name)

    As for having a 2nd char do the crafting, I don't see any point or advantage. Craft using the char you play the most.
  • Daerys - Sanctuary
    Daerys - Sanctuary Posts: 1,022 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    Later in the game when it's time to make legendary or TT+ gear you will need the skills, unless you have a friend you trust that can make them. Otherwise most players find them to just be a money sink, though you can find ways to profit.
  • Matriceqc - Heavens Tear
    Matriceqc - Heavens Tear Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    So leveling those skills are good.... at lvl 60+ for exemple... not worth my money right now I should concentrate on my "main skills"....

    I will send my craftings items to another character so I don't lose them or get my inventory full every 5 minutes and when the times come I'll level those skills...

    Also, I'll retake a look at the Apo stuff because I saw some stuff to reduce dammage or healing sutff like 2000 HP for 30 sec but I don't know if it worth the # of potions it gives...

    I tought blacksmith skills would be good for making myself godly weapons but like you said it look like a money sink and if I sell all mats and don't waste money on leveling those crafting skills I might end up begin able to pay Legendary or TT stuff with my own money...

    Well Thnx for the fast reply!!! Keep coming suggestions if anyone have some...
  • LloydAsplund - Sanctuary
    LloydAsplund - Sanctuary Posts: 3,899 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    Apo. skill is your best bet. Check out the life/focus powders, they're way better than buying pots.
    I was early taught to work as well as play,
    My life has been one long, happy holiday;
    Full of work and full of play-
    I dropped the worry on the way-
    And God was good to me everyday.
  • Deathsscion - Sanctuary
    Deathsscion - Sanctuary Posts: 325 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    Some equipment (Gold TT) cannot be bought and you have to farm the mats and make it yourself or find someone who can. I think it is really funny to see someone asking for a person with higher level manufacturing skills on world chat. Yes that has happened. Also apothecary gives 5 potions each time. herbs are easy to find and the supply builds quickly if you focus on the potions you often use.
  • petsu
    petsu Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    Can I have multiple professions or just one?
  • Kindyr - Sanctuary
    Kindyr - Sanctuary Posts: 6 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    Not sure about much but you can have multiple skills, im lvl 1 in all but blacksmithing. Im lvl 2 in it. Its tedious and hard to find enough mats for it all but its possible.
  • Bashusilly - Heavens Tear
    Bashusilly - Heavens Tear Posts: 219 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    You can have all the manufacturing skills. It is worth while having all of the skills, to a point. You will find that you may use mostly blacksmithing and tailoring....Or maybe you use Apothocary lots. Find the ones you use most and work to level those.

    The craftsman, blacksmithing, and tailoring become more useful when your wanting to make your legendary and TT gear. IF you dont have those you will have to rely on others to make your gear.

    As far as Apo. Look through the different levels of items you can make, you may find some pots that suits your toon good. And level your skill to at least that level so you can make your item
    Don't let my level confuse you. I've done this before.
    Leader-Vandals-Heavens Tear
  • Flyingpix - Heavens Tear
    Flyingpix - Heavens Tear Posts: 18 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    I don't know too much about the tailoring or the caftsman items as I haven't yet gotten around to leveling those up yet. However, I do a bit of blacksmithing and that has been a money sink and time waster trying to get certain drops to make copers. I primarily do Apthecary and believe it or not I have made a good bit off selling pots, but you must realize gathering herbs will take time out of leveling. But the return on a personal level has been huge since I don't have to go badger a cleric for buffs. I find that certain pots sell super fast for a tiddy sum. Over last week between selling random mats I picked up gathering herbs and making life powders and focus powders I was able to take in just over 1 million coins. To make a profit doing Apothecary greatly hinges on you setting up your catshop in the right location(s) and using that location each time because odds are you'll get repeat sales that way if they know you will always have those pots.