Question About Fox Form

mortalove Posts: 2 Arc User
edited April 2009 in Venomancer
Hi all first , i have some questions..

I wanna try the fox form so.. first how i put the points? and what is the right choice to use heavy or light is a hard decision ,and what weapon i use melee or magic? for fox form?
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  • Baritomaris - Sanctuary
    Baritomaris - Sanctuary Posts: 34 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    Unfortunately, it's complicated, and depends largely on what you're looking to do. And a lot of it depends on personal preference.

    The most important question is, Do you want to use foxform exclusively, or do you want to switch back and forth between mage and fox?

    As for what weapon to use, all venos use magic weapons. You can't use any other weapon in foxform. Going barehanded is a very bad option as it makes your physical attack and pet heal way too weak.
  • mortalove
    mortalove Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    i want to build it for pvp and high dmg so i want to use only fox form.... i'm now lvl 19 and i want to know what to do choose.. and for fox form i dont know how ot put points..
  • Hasukurobi - Heavens Tear
    Hasukurobi - Heavens Tear Posts: 406 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    You HAVE to use a Magical Weapon or bare hands. The latter is not recommended. But you cannot even shift into Fox form without holding one or the other and you cannot switch weapons while IN Fox form so that ends that question.

    I would recommend a mix of Heavy Armor (For Phys, largely your main Chest Plate and Pants) and Arcane Armor (Bracer, Boots etc..) to keep up both defenses. You will want a lot of strength to keep your damage up anyway and should be putting in a near equal amount of Strength and Magic with a little more Magic in the beginning to keep up with rapid weapon changes. You can afford to use a weapon a few notches down so long as you get a 3* version of it (but wait until you are around lvl 35 or 45 to get upgrade happy like that). Save your cash always to get the best equip you can put on yourself.

    You may want a bit of Dex and Vit but no more than 50 in each EVER and I would not even recommend that much TBH. Play it as you need them, Vit being a bit more useful than Dex but still not really needed that much.

    I also recommend the Apothecary rout because using those Powders can make you almost invincible. I have survived what a full out Tiger Barb Tank my level could not handle with the combination of this set up and Powders.

    Remember, Befuddling Mist & Leech are your two best friends in the world and do not skimp on Amp Damage it is your claim to a party.
  • Ban_me - Dreamweaver
    Ban_me - Dreamweaver Posts: 22 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    Y wouldnt going light work?
    i mean, it has the mdef u need....
    also the pdef comes from the fox skill
    also weapon damage comes from passive skill that boosts it 120% at lvl 10 and 200 at sage
    im currently testing it, so i cant say how it will work out
    but befuddling mist and leech are GOD
  • Valdea - Dreamweaver
    Valdea - Dreamweaver Posts: 223 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    I agree. I think light would work out as well. I'm testing it with an alt right now, but because it's an alt I'm not making progress very fast.
  • Flyingpix - Heavens Tear
    Flyingpix - Heavens Tear Posts: 18 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    Also testing out a LA full fox build and have been quite happy with it so far, but only level 13 atm so who know how things will play out. I may still go for the arcane wrist over the LA ones unless I can craft a better pair same with the boots.
  • Succubae - Dreamweaver
    Succubae - Dreamweaver Posts: 53 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    I play LA in fox form, and I'm completely enjoying it. My pet (a Pentastral Beetle King right now) tanks and I have enough Pdef to survive to a little hits without running away (and Bramble Guard power !).

    I would not recomment you using heavy armour from the start, because you won't be able to wear the last armor and the last weapon for your level, and you heals will be very low.

    To wear the last LA and magic weapon, here's the stats you need :
    MAG = lvl * 3
    STR = lvl + 4
    DEX = lvl + 4

    You have 2 points left, I put them in STR to have a little more damage and Pdef.

    Magical weapon have a rather low Patk, BUT : You have the melee mastery skill that enhances it, and they are very fast: 1,25 atk/s (1 for pataka, which are very bad for Patk). So at the end the damage is OK (but lower than a pure MAG veno).