PK Veno Builds?

Posts: 427 Arc User
edited August 2014 in Arigora Colosseum
Any PKing Venos around? I'm taking a vote on which Venomancer build works best for PKing and just TWing/PvP in general.

My friend uses LA with Nix+Herc and she does pretty well, but I am an Arcane Veno with Sawfly/Golem/Kowling and am pretty squishy. My magic at 66 is 243 with Vit at 70 and Str somewhere 35+ (enough for weapon).

I'm thinking of switching over to LA build to last longer in PvP and just need people's opinions and personal experiences on this.

Post edited by Lieal - Dreamweaver on


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  • Posts: 1,655 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    Robe/vit is a decent build, you need pdef shards in your armor to have much survivability.

    Pure int robe is also doable, but you need to have some sick gear and be good at using pots to pull it off.

    Light armor is just easy IMHO, thats why I'm doing it.

    Heavy is good after 90, but its kind of a pain to get all the items you need to wear heavy armor and use a decent mage weapon.
  • Posts: 427 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    Robe/vit is a decent build, you need pdef shards in your armor to have much survivability.

    Pure int robe is also doable, but you need to have some sick gear and be good at using pots to pull it off.

    Light armor is just easy IMHO, thats why I'm doing it.

    Heavy is good after 90, but its kind of a pain to get all the items you need to wear heavy armor and use a decent mage weapon.

    However, which build would have more survivability - Robe/vit + Def shards or LA? LA's HP is pretty low as robe's I hear, though its Pdef is obviously higher than robe's. Which shards would have to be used for Robe/vit (average, beautiful, flawless? I am asking this to know the cost of it) or would it be much easier/cheaper to just switch to LA at 70? If so, how many scrolls about would it take?
  • Posts: 1,825 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    I wouldn't do vit robe till 90 because good robes 7x-8x are really hard to find, and most aren't worth sharding. For LA up to 90 all you need is averages, but if you were to do robe vit at 90+ I'd recommend beautifuls or flawless.

    Overall light is cheaper and much easier to build due to availability of mold armor pieces... but if you put enough effort/money into it, robes could prove much better.
    "Amour is better suited to rainbow text, because he is a classy lady." - Nakhimov
  • Posts: 1,563 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    It's called going into the Class Discussion -> Venomancer noob..

    I'm not even going to troll this forum... geeze, people need to learn to read so I can probably troll them... k thx bai

    P.S. my advice for you is to get Heavy Armor.. yea... waste those skill points in Str baby.
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  • Posts: 1,655 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    However, which build would have more survivability - Robe/vit + Def shards or LA? LA's HP is pretty low as robe's I hear, though its Pdef is obviously higher than robe's. Which shards would have to be used for Robe/vit (average, beautiful, flawless? I am asking this to know the cost of it) or would it be much easier/cheaper to just switch to LA at 70? If so, how many scrolls about would it take?

    You want the best shards you can afford. The more you spend the better off you'll be.

    As a guide, in my 8x gear with average shards and armor refined to +3, I have about 4k hp unbuffed. Robe/vit can get significantly higher than that.
  • Posts: 292 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    LA's HP is pretty low as robe's I hear
    I call bs, i have almost double the hp compared to an arcane veno that's 5 levels higher than me. b:chuckle
  • Posts: 1,655 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    I call bs, i have almost double the hp compared to an arcane veno that's 5 levels higher than me. b:chuckle

    Gear, build, etc make a difference.

    A robe/vit build veno will be able to have more hp than you if you're LA simply because they have more available points to put into vit.
  • Posts: 8 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    light veno cant heal that well also think about thatb:chuckle
  • Posts: 438 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    I voted for heavy. I was thinking more towards end-game.
    Also, I've never even played a veno, but the foxes are cute.
  • Posts: 604 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    light veno cant heal that well also think about thatb:chuckle

    well, when u got a herc, it doesn't really matter.
  • Posts: 1,825 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    The best build is the Phoenix build.
    "Amour is better suited to rainbow text, because he is a classy lady." - Nakhimov
  • Posts: 11 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    The best build is the Phoenix build.

    I agree, with the phoenix build. O nthe LA build you can have more hp I just depends on what armor you use. My Hp is higher then most arcane builds, but I have lots of high lvl shards in my armor, and I use a mixture of arcane and Light armor on my veno. But it really comes down to your skill at pking and your tactics you use while pking. I have seen lvl 70s take out lvl 90s before. It just depends on you tactics.
  • Posts: 133 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    If a lvl 70 player can take out a lvl 90 player, that would depend on the lack of skill of the lvl 90 player, and not so much the skill of the lvl 70 player. Also, the lvl 90 player would have to not have a charm on, and be incredibly squishy. or afk.
  • Posts: 1,825 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    Not always true with a phoenix. A 9x wizard could be easily taken out by a 70 WF with a nix if that wizard didn't have good gear. Unless they have 3 sparks then they have no chance, since triple spark purifies you.
    "Amour is better suited to rainbow text, because he is a classy lady." - Nakhimov
  • Posts: 11 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    If a lvl 70 player can take out a lvl 90 player, that would depend on the lack of skill of the lvl 90 player, and not so much the skill of the lvl 70 player. Also, the lvl 90 player would have to not have a charm on, and be incredibly squishy. or afk.

    Yes that is true in some cases, but I have fought 90 lvl that are good at pking, but the thing is that I know my veno very well and have set up my micros correctlly for my build(I died a lot trying to find the right combo for my fox build) and the fact is my fiends and me work in a squad when we pk( we use pking as training for TW) and use a lot of tactics to lure and distact the higher 80s and the 90s pkers, but only one of us actually attack. I know some of you may think this cowardly, but honestly it makes it challenaging on our part which in reality makes the game alot more fun.

    P.S. he did have a charm on, but I was able to stun him long enough for me to tak him down before the charm reset.
  • Posts: 405 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    lvl 1 armor any kind +nix= winb:victory
  • Posts: 11 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    In response to the nix build, I agree that the nix can easily be killed, but to only use your nix as your only attack weapon, is the wrong way. If a veno is using only the nix then he/she is not using his/her veno to the fullest. I will not tell you how I use mine because I have spent hours trying new ways and see what works and what does not work depending on what type of class I am fighting. I will say this use your nix has a diversion not has your main attack weapon.
  • Posts: 256 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    u need all heavy ...i doing some damge in HA + i can handle all ppl in my lvl +5 i kill any ppl the thin is easy if u good on pvp u can doit whit all build... u have to be smart an cuning in the choose of u tec.. an u need lear what u have to do against any class, i be HA even for lvl 20 all u need is look armor that add his str and u can wear u wep for u lvl and the armor for u lvl that is all, u have to put stones mag def, Why? cauze in pvp u need it .. people say Hp shard can help but realy whit mag Shard u can do it all good .. remember only u need is training out all classe an exploit the weakeness
  • Posts: 498 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    LOL@ all these people voting Arcane build. Arcanes are fun and easy 1 shots. Only decent arcane is lv99 full int veno but it requires pdef stones and refine to a minimum of +8/9.
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  • Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    for a veno i found out that sage veno is best get pk u want to get just enough magic get ur weapon then throw the rest in str and just enough dex to wear stage 2 lionheart legs and stage 3 lionheart wrist guards this serves as a double perpose u get extra aps and almost 15% phydeff added really great have then u want to get the 4 piece rank 9 s3 give u 100 mag 35 deff channeling ect buy ding this also serves as triple perpose the bonus mag makes it to where u have desent mag which min 300 mag- 400 max the 35 deff lvls serve very well and has redused phy damage :P with this gear set up no **** your phy deff around 60k magic deff around 28-32k so not 2 bad on mag deff with the rest of the gear get all reduced phy and believ it or not alot channeling gear has reduced damage if u do it right your phy reduce damgae should be around 40-50 % now u could go full heavy build do same as this and ur phy deff go through roof but u wont have **** for survive-ability and thats key to this build toss branble on your self grab a 3 same pets (damage dealing pets only) wont need tank pet also save step grab the 80% instant health for pets skill grab few copper weights few decent genie skill not gonna tell u every thing :P and go pk people just make sure to amp ur opponet and watch them drop like flys ......... fyi this my venos build and i can say she has held her own agianst 8 rank 9 s3 pkers im sure there are better builds out there but it really just comes down to how u play the game
  • Posts: 18,978 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    for a veno i found out that sage veno is best get pk u want to get just enough magic get ur weapon then throw the rest in str and just enough dex to wear stage 2 lionheart legs and stage 3 lionheart wrist guards this serves as a double perpose u get extra aps and almost 15% phydeff added really great have then u want to get the 4 piece rank 9 s3 give u 100 mag 35 deff channeling ect buy ding this also serves as triple perpose the bonus mag makes it to where u have desent mag which min 300 mag- 400 max the 35 deff lvls serve very well and has redused phy damage :P with this gear set up no **** your phy deff around 60k magic deff around 28-32k so not 2 bad on mag deff with the rest of the gear get all reduced phy and believ it or not alot channeling gear has reduced damage if u do it right your phy reduce damgae should be around 40-50 % now u could go full heavy build do same as this and ur phy deff go through roof but u wont have **** for survive-ability and thats key to this build toss branble on your self grab a 3 same pets (damage dealing pets only) wont need tank pet also save step grab the 80% instant health for pets skill grab few copper weights few decent genie skill not gonna tell u every thing :P and go pk people just make sure to amp ur opponet and watch them drop like flys ......... fyi this my venos build and i can say she has held her own agianst 8 rank 9 s3 pkers im sure there are better builds out there but it really just comes down to how u play the game
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