Most Hated Faction?

Apathia - Sanctuary
Apathia - Sanctuary Posts: 3 Arc User
edited October 2009 in Twilight Temple (West)
since every other server has it...
Post edited by Apathia - Sanctuary on


  • XAsch - Sanctuary
    XAsch - Sanctuary Posts: 855 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    Most hated faction.... is Carebears. They're just, so.. Kyoot!
  • Oracular - Sanctuary
    Oracular - Sanctuary Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    Steel: I'm just not a fan of their WC-ing.
  • Lady - Harshlands
    Lady - Harshlands Posts: 44 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    Steel: I'm just not a fan of their WC-ing.

    Steel, simply because their incessant quest for power led them to adopt captain dumbass Verticoli.

    EDIT: Thank you to the individual who reminded me that they also have in their ranks GodHatesYOU, the other white meat.
  • GodHatesYOU - Sanctuary
    GodHatesYOU - Sanctuary Posts: 72 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    Steel, simply because their incessant quest for power led them to adopt captain dumbass Verticoli.

    EDIT: Thank you to the individual who reminded me that they also have in their ranks GodHatesYOU, the other white meat.

    pft, **** you, atleast i havent run off to another server because i cant handle it
  • Lady - Harshlands
    Lady - Harshlands Posts: 44 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    pft, **** you, atleast i havent run off to another server because i cant handle it

    I'm sorry, can't you speak without being an ****? Who runs from a PvE server? I made this character on harshlands because I wanted this name for the forums, and for no other reason. Don't yell at me because you act like an idiot and people hate you. Try your smack talk over on a PvP server if you want to shoot your mouth off about running away, lets see how long you last there.
  • XAsch - Sanctuary
    XAsch - Sanctuary Posts: 855 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    He's got ya there, Lady. GHY is still trying to be a half decent cleric over here! If he'd left for another server, it would've taken him another 4 months to work his way back up to below average! Atleast he's still trying! Even against all the odds! Give him credit for that!

    /Edit: Ooo, you beat me to a response. Since you didn't run off, I'm sure you can still catch him failing at everything he does, daily. Just ask in WC where he is, and you can go laugh at him all day. ;)
  • YngWiE - Sanctuary
    YngWiE - Sanctuary Posts: 160 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    I hate Regicide and Nefarious.

    but it's because I'm a terrible person and I hate good people.
  • Evga - Sanctuary
    Evga - Sanctuary Posts: 779 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    rofl, aren't you in nefarious?
  • StrongWings - Sanctuary
    StrongWings - Sanctuary Posts: 31 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    just because many of their players were really stupid at the killing of beasts for oracle quests during jolly jones times - stealing kills from lover lvl ppl b:angry. they were ruinning the game and fun b:sad
  • Byno - Sanctuary
    Byno - Sanctuary Posts: 155 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    I hate people, not factions.

    However, I voted SW due to my daily reminders to my SW kids as to how much I hate them. I love logic.
  • YngWiE - Sanctuary
    YngWiE - Sanctuary Posts: 160 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    rofl, aren't you in nefarious?

    I'm disappointed you didn't get my joke, Evga :( haha
  • ZzzKyantezzz - Sanctuary
    ZzzKyantezzz - Sanctuary Posts: 171 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    i hate who kill me <3b:cute
  • Saitada - Sanctuary
    Saitada - Sanctuary Posts: 3,220 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    I am an equal opportunity hater... I hate everyone... but I gotta admit, some more than others. So... I voted for Steel. Why? Other than a few individuals who are decent, my experience with members from Steel has been negative, unlike my experience with the other factions listed. So... may they Rust and fall apart.

  • DarkRings - Sanctuary
    DarkRings - Sanctuary Posts: 168 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    Nice... more on Steel, please. b:beg
  • Falls - Sanctuary
    Falls - Sanctuary Posts: 544 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    I hate Conqueror.
  • YngWiE - Sanctuary
    YngWiE - Sanctuary Posts: 160 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    I hate Conqueror.

    Lies.. we all know Falls is a known Nefarious hater.
  • Falls - Sanctuary
    Falls - Sanctuary Posts: 544 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    Lies.. we all know Falls is a known Nefarious hater.

    Don't get me started on those people, I've rage quit once before, and used to keep absolute silence on their faction chat...
  • GodHatesYOU - Sanctuary
    GodHatesYOU - Sanctuary Posts: 72 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    I'm sorry, can't you speak without being an ****? Who runs from a PvE server? I made this character on harshlands because I wanted this name for the forums, and for no other reason. Don't yell at me because you act like an idiot and people hate you. Try your smack talk over on a PvP server if you want to shoot your mouth off about running away, lets see how long you last there.

    lol, so i guess you dont have enough balls to show who you are on sanctuary because you are probably scared of being pked by the sound of it. lol not one person in the world has no enemies or people that hate them, and this is the internet, so what? its more than likely i dont know any single person in real life on this game and i wont be playing it in who knows, maybe a few months? so who cares what people think of me? its not like i use this alias for all the games i play, im just having fun which for me, yes, involves a bit of **** talking and pking. get used to it and shut up
  • Kalza - Sanctuary
    Kalza - Sanctuary Posts: 239 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    lol, so i guess you dont have enough balls to show who you are on sanctuary because you are probably scared of being pked by the sound of it. lol not one person in the world has no enemies or people that hate them, and this is the internet, so what? its more than likely i dont know any single person in real life on this game and i wont be playing it in who knows, maybe a few months? so who cares what people think of me? its not like i use this alias for all the games i play, im just having fun which for me, yes, involves a bit of **** talking and pking. get used to it and shut up

    what if their not in pk mode b:chuckle
  • XAsch - Sanctuary
    XAsch - Sanctuary Posts: 855 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    I wonder how GHY makes all the coin to pay for his GA's. It's honestly something I can't fathom.
  • Lady - Harshlands
    Lady - Harshlands Posts: 44 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    lol, so i guess you dont have enough balls to show who you are on sanctuary because you are probably scared of being pked by the sound of it. lol not one person in the world has no enemies or people that hate them, and this is the internet, so what? its more than likely i dont know any single person in real life on this game and i wont be playing it in who knows, maybe a few months? so who cares what people think of me? its not like i use this alias for all the games i play, im just having fun which for me, yes, involves a bit of **** talking and pking. get used to it and shut up
    what if their not in pk mode b:chuckle

    It's true, I'm not a PKer at all lol. Not everything has to relate to PK lol...

    I have no desire to say who I am, you're right about that, but since my main only has 4 posts anyway, this is going to be the only character I use for the forums. Again though, none of that is relevant to what I said, so let's get on to the part that is, which I have bolded. What you say is true, nobody is completely without enemies, but that's just because of human nature. As for behaving like a complete **** just because you don;t know any of those people in real life, well, I'll just say it'd be amusing if you were wrong, and that it's not a very good reason. If I say anymore I'll start an argument with even more people who read this.
    As for who cares what people think of do, obviously, or you wouldn't be here attempting to defend your position. That line is only for people who can't handle what everyone thinks of them, so they hide behind that. People who really don't care what anyone thinks, don't have to say it.
    Don't worry though, I am used to it, I'm not the one getting riled up here. As for shutting up, that's a personal choice on my part and I choose not to. Here's what I think
    I think you became more hated on this server than you ever would have predicted, the more people hated you, the more pissed off you got about it, not understanding how so many people hated you so much. So the angrier you got, the dumber you acted, and the more "smack" you talked. Getting yourself even more hate. Now you have a reputation you can't possibly outgrow. So you're only options are to keep on smack talking and behaving like an undersized gorilla, re-roll, or leave the game.

    P.S. You were wrong xAsch he is planning on quitting pretty soon. *points at underlined portion*
  • Evga - Sanctuary
    Evga - Sanctuary Posts: 779 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    I wonder how GHY makes all the coin to pay for his GA's. It's honestly something I can't fathom.

    rl money ftw
  • mbrunestud
    mbrunestud Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    ok b4 we wade any deeper into the flaming **** hole, lets remind ourselves that this is the internet. i know people on the other end are real, i know they have feelings, but after being exposed to the internet for extended periods of time, i also know some people get hardened towards what people say to them, and they get hardened to how they treat others as well. you just can't let it upset you too much.

    have you ever heard of people acting completely different to other drivers while in a car? sweet sweet people, old grandmas (esp old grandmas with good want to merge into my lane? not in this life mister!), can get in a car and start displaying road rage. same thing here. if someone says something rude in game, he doesn't think about it a minute after he's said it. the recipient, on the other hand, may get upset for a long time. now do you think it's worth it? said rude person has probably forgotten about every person he was rude to, so why can't you forget about him? just as he brushes you aside with a rude comment, do the same with the blacklist button. i say this not to justify rude people's actions, but i am merely pointing out that it's not worth it to get upset over it. of course it's wrong to smack talk (well that's arguable...esp between friends hehe), but telling a person so isn't going to change anything.
  • XAsch - Sanctuary
    XAsch - Sanctuary Posts: 855 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    P.S. You were wrong xAsch he is planning on quitting pretty soon. *points at underlined portion*

    He already said he was quitting, when sarendena PK'd him a month or two back (and he lost his weapon). I won't go into details, but it was quite entertaining to witness.
    rl money ftw

    I spend money to buy Gold, too, but buying THAT many GAs.. I'd probably quit PKing long before that.
  • GodHatesYOU - Sanctuary
    GodHatesYOU - Sanctuary Posts: 72 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    1. i wasnt quitting because i lost my tt weap, i got a legendary 70 weap a day later so i couldnt care less, i was quitting because of business in rl, but thats calmed down a bit so i have more time lately.

    2. i havent spent a CENT on this game nor any game on the internet, i dont trust my money online so i never spend anything over the internet

    3. only reason im here explaining myself is because you seem to be missunderstood about what i do on the internet, i have fun, which includes smack talking, pking, having a reputation (even though its bad i dont care, i knew i was going to have a bad one as soon as i made the character). i like being known, it makes me feel alive not some random no one grinder who plays for a month and quits with no one even knowing his name

    4. thats my explanation, u can change it all you want "lady" but thats the reality and whatever else you interpret is wrong, so geez get a life already
  • AndromedaB - Sanctuary
    AndromedaB - Sanctuary Posts: 1,376 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    want some cookiez? b:laugh
  • Lady - Harshlands
    Lady - Harshlands Posts: 44 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    1. i wasnt quitting because i lost my tt weap, i got a legendary 70 weap a day later so i couldnt care less, i was quitting because of business in rl, but thats calmed down a bit so i have more time lately.

    2. i havent spent a CENT on this game nor any game on the internet, i dont trust my money online so i never spend anything over the internet

    3. only reason im here explaining myself is because you seem to be missunderstood about what i do on the internet, i have fun, which includes smack talking, pking, having a reputation (even though its bad i dont care, i knew i was going to have a bad one as soon as i made the character). i like being known, it makes me feel alive not some random no one grinder who plays for a month and quits with no one even knowing his name

    4. thats my explanation, u can change it all you want "lady" but thats the reality and whatever else you interpret is wrong, so geez get a life already

    you'll be happy to know I'm done arguing with you lol, after that entire explanation about your game play desires that YOU wrote, you told ME to get a life. I laughed so hard that I blew all my blood vessels and will die in about 5 minutes time, so you won't hear from me again lol oh god.

    I'm not changing anything you say either happy fun guy. you're just lying lol. everybody knows you're not out there having fun when you're pissed off and yelling at people. that's a load of **** lol. since you like using quotes, "reality" is that you can't accept your own stupidity in the choices you've made. *explodes*
  • Elentir - Sanctuary
    Elentir - Sanctuary Posts: 30 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    So I voted Steel, although I'm in it lol. Hopefully I don't get burned alive... I voted Steel b/c this faction has truly become a hated faction (sheesh just look at the polls and the replies), mostly because of a few select members (I hope I'm not hated by people <_<), but the only way that can be helped is if those hated members change their perception by others... Unfortunately since there's always trash talk about, that seems unlikely... I do enjoy this faction though (well most of the time), although people wish for it to fall apart...
  • Lwyna - Sanctuary
    Lwyna - Sanctuary Posts: 18 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    so geez get a life already

    "Get a life" on the internet is the epitome of failure.
  • Dominatiger - Sanctuary
    Dominatiger - Sanctuary Posts: 1,066 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    I hate people, not factions.

    However, I voted SW due to my daily reminders to my SW kids as to how much I hate them. I love logic.

    the same... but for some reasons... the people that i most hate are in steel
    Happy Sauce face

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