are wiz good for strict pve

Guardgodess - Sanctuary
Guardgodess - Sanctuary Posts: 99 Arc User
edited March 2009 in Wizard
i've recently decided to build a wiz since i like magic and the flying sword

but before that, i just have a few questions which i would like to clear up

1)are wizards hard to solo?
2)are wizards expensive?
3)are wizards wanted for TT, FB and other instances

btw, i want to go for pure build with pdef in equipments

thanx for any input
Post edited by Guardgodess - Sanctuary on


  • Iney - Lost City
    Iney - Lost City Posts: 12 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    1. Yes, at least on certain levels (especially on 25-30, because there are many ranged mobs and your spells lack range).
    2. Yes, you'll need both hp and mp charms: you can't attack without mana and you lack fast healing spells. You can use hp/mp regen powders instead, but they also aren't cheap.
    3. Certainly! Greatest damage dealer ever.
  • Wildstar - Harshlands
    Wildstar - Harshlands Posts: 20 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    1. Not as hard as people like to pretend they are..... Very high damage output=fast grinding/questing/everything. You will always need help on bosses though because of your low health.

    2. Medium, the healing spell we get saves a lot of money in pots. I can kill all mobs my level without having to use a single health pot and whenever they do get a hit in I just use the healing after the battle. The slow casting doesn't matter.

    3. Don't know a whole lot about TT but I've personally been in a lot of fbs when the server first started. I got to level 20 early when low level parties really badly needed damage dealers and that is what a wizard can do better than anyone. Your healing spell can also save your squadmates a lot of potions if you have no cleric.
  • Sindygoboom - Sanctuary
    Sindygoboom - Sanctuary Posts: 61 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    My experience has been exactly opposite of Iney's.

    1) Yes, the upper 20s was tough, but with distance shrink to kite at 29, knockback at 39, and force of will at gets much easier. I'm pure btw, and have solo'd pretty much every quest i've had (sans bosses and FBs)

    2) I have never bought a charm. I've never bought potions. I used apoth stuff I crafted myself for a while, but since i've hit 59 and got my double spark erupt, I almost never run out of mana. Skills are expensive, but that's true for everyone.

    3) We deal damage...sure. But we are very replaceable. I haven't noticed too many areas where a wizard was the clear choice. I've got a good faction that lets me tag along, but I'm either lower than the rest of the squad so I don't seem to do much, or I'm higher and can't open up fully without taking aggro. A good barb will be your best friend doing things like TT.

    I also specifically do PvE stuff. Only PvP is the occasional TW and the dragon temple every week.
  • King_Solomon - Heavens Tear
    King_Solomon - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,341 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    1. no because you kill faster than most classes. at low level consider buying HP charms. levels 24+ can heal.
    2. some spells are expensive but you don't have to upgrade all. some are important only for lower level and some are really useless. wizards aren't exactly cheap because you need nice weapons and decent items.
    3. after 60, once you get your TT weapon, you'll have plenty of dmg to solo FB19 and prevent the runner from commiting suicide. at 70, with some self healing, FB29. It's hard to get 3 clerics to go TT squad mode. so a wizard can keep barb alive while the other 2 clerics keep squad alive and cut aoe dmg. in general, wizards play damage dealer role and do it nearly as good as archers. they aren't as wanted as clerics/barbs for TT but they turn to be very welcome to FF squads because their powerful aoe skills speed up things a bit and also force of will saves clerics and other damage dealers frequently. to sum up: if you help keeping your squad alive you'll always be wanted.

    If you're willing to join another online game do NOT join any hosted by K2 NETWORK. Want to know why? Check BBB complaints.
  • Ursa - Dreamweaver
    Ursa - Dreamweaver Posts: 2,634 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    i've recently decided to build a wiz since i like magic and the flying sword

    but before that, i just have a few questions which i would like to clear up

    thanx for any input

    so, here's my 2c:
    1)are wizards hard to solo?
    No, on a PvE server they are not. With the right armor and weapon they are as easy as any other class except veno. 1 advantage we have: dmg. Exploit that to maximum. Put mag attk shards on your fb19 wpn, buy the best rings you can find for your lvl. Max out Pyro, gush, Divine Pyro, SS. Depending on what mobs you're fighting against, use the skills that make the most damage. Usually you have about 2-3 type of mobs/lvl,create combos for all of them, use the one you need. Start with slow cast - max dmg spells: SS or D.Pyro. Throw a gush and continue with SS/Pyro and Gush again. No mob your lvl should resist to 4 hits unless its "increased life" or "magic resistance". For ranged mobs use a short combo (max 3 hits) run back and use gush untill the mob is done.
    2)are wizards expensive?
    No, I don't understand why ppl say they do. At lvl 20 I had 1 mil, selling all my DQ items at low prices. Don't waste time on catshop for days, not worth it. Sell low, go grind/do quests. You'll lvl up and get money/items to sell too. Low lvls are not the moment to do money. You'll have enough time to make money after lvl 43.
    Save all the stone fragments, celestones. You'll find them usefull after lvl 33. Exchage them for Mirage as soon as you have enough
    Don't teleport unless you need to.
    Gather herbs and make potions. First one you need is hp restore, easy to do. Put your mana restore shield, max it, will help you a lot. Under lvl 25 in 20 secs you can have your mana full. HP recovery is **** so you need teh potions there.
    3)are wizards wanted for TT, FB and other instances
    yes, depeding what wizz are you. Pure magic is the way in my humble oppinion. Pure magic = max dmg, but you need to help this build with the best possible weapon for his lvl. This is the key because a wizz with crappy dmg goes nowhere. We only have one card to play: dmg, and there are no two ways about it: either do it or you don't.
    Now, i'm gonna go off line a little here, bear with me:
    At lvl 19 you get the wand: best weapon for lvl, comes for free. Use it until 33 when you can change it for Raybender. Start shopping for a raybender around lvl 25, it will take a time to find one. There are a lot of them with +23 magic attk, buy one with 2 sockets, should be around 100k, probably even refined at +1.
    At lvl 30 get your airgear and never teleport again. Saves a ton of money ( a tele to Archo is 3k). YOu get some gear too for free. Save money as hell now, because at lvl 43 you can wear the Wheel of Fate.
    This is the wpn you want to have and you need to have. Goes for around 1.5mil in AH, get it. From here on, every mob your lvl or 2 above will die in 3 hits, rarely 4th needed. Haven't been touched by a mob while grinding in the last 500kills or so.
    Let me give you a few numbers that will made up for a long explanation:

    At lvl 43 my wizz had this stat:
    magic dmg: 126x - 128x - was using some kind of wand. better than raybender anyway

    with the Wheel of Fate my stats are:
    magic dmg 17xx -21xx
    This is a close to 40% increase in dmg just by using the right wpn. out fire spells are using a lot of % from wpn dmg.

    Buffed from a lvl 40 cleric I'm getting 23xx-28xx magic dmg. With this dmg every party for FB 19-29-39 and (TT not the case yet) will look for you, because you're doing probably ~40% of the total dmg of the squad.

    btw, i want to go for pure build with pdef in equipments
    good idea, but balance it. best would be to have gear with hp recovery or vitality and drop pdef on sockets. you need kind of both, a litle bit higher hp and high def too. but max-ing one won't compesate the other. Again, balance is he key word

    These are my opinions, you can agree or disagree, it's just one man's thought.
    I have as much authority as the Pope, I just don't have as many people who believe it.
    George Carlin

    ~I listen to hardcore FIGHT songs when I visit the forum, just to get into the proper mood~

  • Kristoph - Lost City
    Kristoph - Lost City Posts: 2,016 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    No, I don't understand why ppl say they do. At lvl 20 I had 1 mil, selling all my DQ items at low prices. Don't waste time on catshop for days, not worth it. Sell low, go grind/do quests.
    1 mil at lv20 is bs unless you bought gold or resold things in some other way. If you level up by doing quests as a wizard you won't even have 200k normally by the time you hit 20.

    If getting 1m was that easy, everyone would make low level characters, considering you get to lv20 in a day if you have nothing better to do.
    Wondering how much longer these **** packs are going to be around.
  • Ursa - Dreamweaver
    Ursa - Dreamweaver Posts: 2,634 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    yeah, if you do lvl 20 in one day you won't have that 1 milion, that's the difference. Money don't just drop out of sky.
    I didn't tip the guy on how to lvl up very fast, that's not my concern.
    there are some spots for DQ drops , you farm there you do around 50k worth of mats/dq/items in about 1h...1.5h. I'ts always a good thing to grind when you found an easy mob with nice drop. Grind the hell out of it and the money will flow.
    Patience is worth more than lvl-up race. lvl-up race is a short term gain long term loss if you don't put real money into it or not using it to make real life money - which in general is not the case
    I have as much authority as the Pope, I just don't have as many people who believe it.
    George Carlin

    ~I listen to hardcore FIGHT songs when I visit the forum, just to get into the proper mood~

  • Taurzo - Lost City
    Taurzo - Lost City Posts: 170 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    i've recently decided to build a wiz since i like magic and the flying sword

    but before that, i just have a few questions which i would like to clear up

    1)are wizards hard to solo?
    2)are wizards expensive?
    3)are wizards wanted for TT, FB and other instances

    btw, i want to go for pure build with pdef in equipments

    thanx for any input

    1) Yes, wizards are difficult to solo on any form of boss. As far as regular mobs we're great ^^.

    2) Yes, wizards are very expensive if you want to get REALLY good. Wizards are a definite Cash Shop Class.

    3) No, so far no one has said "NEED WIZ FOR FB/TT/etc." we are one of the most underrated and unappreciated classes in the game.

    If your going pure I'll advise you this:

    -Use P.Def ornaments
    -Use high lvl. Garnets for your open sockets
    -Don't give up when you get your butt handed to you constantly in PvP in the lower levels; just put those peeps on a KoS list and BELIEVE ME you will pay them back with a mighty vengeance xD
  • Kannone - Heavens Tear
    Kannone - Heavens Tear Posts: 907 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    yeah, if you do lvl 20 in one day you won't have that 1 milion, that's the difference. Money don't just drop out of sky.
    I didn't tip the guy on how to lvl up very fast, that's not my concern.
    there are some spots for DQ drops , you farm there you do around 50k worth of mats/dq/items in about 1h...1.5h. I'ts always a good thing to grind when you found an easy mob with nice drop. Grind the hell out of it and the money will flow.
    Patience is worth more than lvl-up race. lvl-up race is a short term gain long term loss if you don't put real money into it or not using it to make real life money - which in general is not the case

    Quoted for the truth.

    Thanks for the info here. About the only thing I have to say is that playing a wiz takes a certian amount of skill above and beyond the ability to roll one's face over the keyboard-- if you like a good challenge then playing a wiz will be extremely rewarding.
  • Iney - Lost City
    Iney - Lost City Posts: 12 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    3. after 60, once you get your TT weapon, you'll have plenty of dmg to solo FB19 and prevent the runner from commiting suicide.
    Hmm, when I played wizard (vit build), soloed it from 45, with charms of course. Not as easy as for cleric with leveled ironheart, but still quite smooth.
    3) No, so far no one has said "NEED WIZ FOR FB/TT/etc."
    As for PvE, wizards are best tankers for some magic bosses (krixxis for example) because of their elemental shields. And when they say "NEED DD FOR ...", they mean wizard or archer, wizard is better due to extremely rare crits (no crits -> dd don't steal agro -> everybody is alive and happy).
  • Mothergoose - Sanctuary
    Mothergoose - Sanctuary Posts: 1,320 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    Hmm, when I played wizard (vit build), soloed it from 45, with charms of course. Not as easy as for cleric with leveled ironheart, but still quite smooth.

    As for PvE, wizards are best tankers for some magic bosses (krixxis for example) because of their elemental shields. And when they say "NEED DD FOR ...", they mean wizard or archer, wizard is better due to extremely rare crits (no crits -> dd don't steal agro -> everybody is alive and happy).

    Archers get no love, lol...

    The problem is squads are rarely short of DDs. They usually call for clerics or barbs, instead of "need dd." Even if they have enough vital members, they'll often end up inviting a second cleric or veno instead of wizard or archer because they can fill role of secondary healer/lurer/debuffer as well as dd. Before lvl 100 and manifest virtue, venos can somewhat come close to wiz damage over time, and clerics can match or even surpass wiz. Everyone can deal damage.
  • Ursa - Dreamweaver
    Ursa - Dreamweaver Posts: 2,634 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    today i tanked Throm the Might in the human FB19 with a 4x (i think) cleric that spammed Ironheart on me. Fb runs are getting me lately, I love them.
    If you wanna have a party that does some damage, get a wizz or two with madass wpns and 1 tank & 2 clerics will do the job.
    A lot of ppl are building LA wizz...under lvl 80 thats a bad mistake, especially on a PvE server.
    I was in a squad with a 49 lvl wizz today, I was outdamaging him about 35%. Who said LA loses only about 20% just made that up with simulatios
    I have as much authority as the Pope, I just don't have as many people who believe it.
    George Carlin

    ~I listen to hardcore FIGHT songs when I visit the forum, just to get into the proper mood~

  • Guardgodess - Sanctuary
    Guardgodess - Sanctuary Posts: 99 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    wait, so wiz has more chance of goin into a a party/cave than archer?
  • Ishmah - Sanctuary
    Ishmah - Sanctuary Posts: 192 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    wait, so wiz has more chance of goin into a a party/cave than archer?

    b:laugh Too funny.
  • King_Solomon - Heavens Tear
    King_Solomon - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,341 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    I was in a squad with a 49 lvl wizz today, I was outdamaging him about 35%. Who said LA loses only about 20% just made that up with simulatios

    weapons, weapons...

    I can't believe no-one with +7 (or better) weapon have written a guide claiming heavy wizard does more damage than arcane.

    If you're willing to join another online game do NOT join any hosted by K2 NETWORK. Want to know why? Check BBB complaints.
  • Iney - Lost City
    Iney - Lost City Posts: 12 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    I was in a squad with a 49 lvl wizz today, I was outdamaging him about 35%. Who said LA loses only about 20% just made that up with simulatios
    35% is way too much for 49lvl, must be some different equipment. Magical attack is 35% less on 70-something, not on 49, but there is also that fixed part of damage, so real difference is yeah, about 20% or even less (due to crits). You can calculate it, you can try to restat, test it and see it with your own eyes. I've done it, for a cleric though and not LA but vit build, but game mechanics are just the same. 70lvl full int m.atk 2378-2409, vit m.atk 1554-1579. Wield Thunder strikes 69lvl BM for 1226 and 1142.
    wait, so wiz has more chance of goin into a a party/cave than archer?
    Lol, it basically goes to your skill, not to your class.
  • King_Solomon - Heavens Tear
    King_Solomon - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,341 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    Lol, it basically goes to your skill, not to your class.

    actually archers are hated because it takes a long time for them to get used to their criticals vs. tanker dmg. wizards have lower critical % so it's much easier to learn the right moment to attack or to stop.

    but I can't really disagree with you. if an archer/wiz is skilled enough to save clerics' **** from unwanted lures there will always be squad invitations. the only real advantage for wizards is that they may eventually play cleric role and heal the tank while the real cleric is busy with regen aura or soon the light.

    If you're willing to join another online game do NOT join any hosted by K2 NETWORK. Want to know why? Check BBB complaints.
  • Mothergoose - Sanctuary
    Mothergoose - Sanctuary Posts: 1,320 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    actually archers are hated because it takes a long time for them to get used to their criticals vs. tanker dmg. wizards have lower critical % so it's much easier to learn the right moment to attack or to stop.

    but I can't really disagree with you. if an archer/wiz is skilled enough to save clerics' **** from unwanted lures there will always be squad invitations. the only real advantage for wizards is that they may eventually play cleric role and heal the tank while the real cleric is busy with regen aura or soon the light.

    But how can you tell a noob from a good player unless you know the person? A barb just has to go out and attack, of course there's skill management, but it's still not that complicated, or completely vital. An archer has to basically walk a tightrope, and a noob archer that attacks and crit constantly can make things turn south very quickly.
  • King_Solomon - Heavens Tear
    King_Solomon - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,341 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    But how can you tell a noob from a good player unless you know the person? A barb just has to go out and attack, of course there's skill management, but it's still not that complicated, or completely vital. An archer has to basically walk a tightrope, and a noob archer that attacks and crit constantly can make things turn south very quickly.

    I cannot, since not even level means experience.

    If you're willing to join another online game do NOT join any hosted by K2 NETWORK. Want to know why? Check BBB complaints.
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