The Value of Crafting Not Worth It?

Viper_girl - Heavens Tear
Viper_girl - Heavens Tear Posts: 541 Arc User
edited April 2009 in The Crafting Nook
I was wondering if anyone else felt that the value of Crafting is messed up in PWI? I started leveling up my Apothecary skills because I read somewhere that it was a good skill to learn.

Now I'm finding that unless I spend a huge amount of time gathering materials myself, I can buy most of the stuff I make (or equivalents) for much less than the cost of buying the mats... or I make much more from selling the Mats!

It seems about the same for the other crafting skills, they don't seem to pay off. Is there something I am missing?
Post edited by Viper_girl - Heavens Tear on


  • Ihazacute - Sanctuary
    Ihazacute - Sanctuary Posts: 435 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    Sadly, you aren't really missing anything.

    For further discussion, I recommend either This or a better discussion Here
  • MetallicFoo - Sanctuary
    MetallicFoo - Sanctuary Posts: 32 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    Honestly, the only reason to level crafting skills is to be able to craft your own TT/Legendary equipment.
    Apothecary, however, is a very useful skill in and of itself. You can make pots that are far superior to the ones the NPC sells, stuff to increase your physical and magic defense or attack, etc.
    Signatures are for fat, weak, obnoxious little doodyheads who sit on forums all day and think that the collection of pixels at the bottom of their typed idiocies properly perpetuates the minute details of their personalities to fellow forum-ers.

    That being said, this is my signature.
  • Viper_girl - Heavens Tear
    Viper_girl - Heavens Tear Posts: 541 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    Thanks for the replies. b:pleased

    I noticed I needed lvl 2 crafting skills when I went to make my first Legendary item. So I have all 4 skills learned now, LOL. I imagine the skill level required will go up for TT or higher level Legendary.

    As far as Apothecary ... any tips as to what items are worth crafting? If not now then later on.

    At lvl 40 I have yet to see any potion/powder that can't be more cost effectively handled by stat armor/weps or charms. I do keep some fast acting mana/hp on me for emergencies but have yet to use it.
  • Babyeaters - Lost City
    Babyeaters - Lost City Posts: 20 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    Well... Crafting in itself isn't a bad thing, but it saves you money (unless you're really really unlucky trying to get past lvl 3 manufacturing). Granted it's completely by luck to get any stats, and making your own equipment is a pain because you have to collect materials, but on the upside the only thing you pay for is the shard things that you use. It's free the craft equips, and you might get a random stat on it that can help, like my hp recovery +5 chest armor. Granted you could buy it, but personally I'd rather make my own if it's just gonna be a normal armor. Legendary, yeah I might buy instead of collecting the mats and molds etc.

    As for Apoth items to be crafted at lvl 40?
    If anything I'd get life powder and focus powder. Now granted charms are more useful in both departments, but these two will save your charms so you don't have to buy more in a shorter amount of time, basically just saving your money.
    Besides that, there isn't many other useful things that you can make from the Apothecary at your level. At level 45 you can make more things that're a lot better, but in the end, crafting these saves your charms and pots for free.
  • Mothergoose - Sanctuary
    Mothergoose - Sanctuary Posts: 1,320 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    Well... Crafting in itself isn't a bad thing, but it saves you money (unless you're really really unlucky trying to get past lvl 3 manufacturing). Granted it's completely by luck to get any stats, and making your own equipment is a pain because you have to collect materials, but on the upside the only thing you pay for is the shard things that you use. It's free the craft equips, and you might get a random stat on it that can help, like my hp recovery +5 chest armor. Granted you could buy it, but personally I'd rather make my own if it's just gonna be a normal armor. Legendary, yeah I might buy instead of collecting the mats and molds etc.

    As for Apoth items to be crafted at lvl 40?
    If anything I'd get life powder and focus powder. Now granted charms are more useful in both departments, but these two will save your charms so you don't have to buy more in a shorter amount of time, basically just saving your money.
    Besides that, there isn't many other useful things that you can make from the Apothecary at your level. At level 45 you can make more things that're a lot better, but in the end, crafting these saves your charms and pots for free.

    It may appear free if you collect materials yourself, but you can sell the mats for more than what the crafted item is worth.b:victory
  • Babyeaters - Lost City
    Babyeaters - Lost City Posts: 20 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    This is true... XP But I like making my things... it's addicting > 3>

    But he's right XD You can sell them for more than the weaps if you used the mats to make em... XP
  • Kamarile - Dreamweaver
    Kamarile - Dreamweaver Posts: 26 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    It may appear free if you collect materials yourself, but you can sell the mats for more than what the crafted item is worth.b:victory
    So, if the herbs sell well, then what is their use except making pots/etc.?
    There must be a reason people buy them.
  • Flyingpix - Heavens Tear
    Flyingpix - Heavens Tear Posts: 18 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    I enjoy making pots and I hardly ever buy them now. Apothecary is super easy if you have good guild mates willing give and or sell their herbs to you cheaper than market value. Also not that hard to get if you know where to look for them.

    Generally I make chaos powder (self use), life powder (self use if no cleric is in party other wise sell for 2-3k a pot), focus powders (selling it for 3k a pot), samsara orbs (instantly recovers 2k HP :D ) and flourish orbs (self use now...they are grand or sells for 5k a pot easy).

    Over last week between selling pots and extra mats I picked up I made just over 1 million coins to buy a mount. My collection time is now cut down to 50% so even more money should come in :D
  • Stilllove - Harshlands
    Stilllove - Harshlands Posts: 26 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    Is it worth going overl 3 (appart from apo). It is very expensive to buy the 2 star req items, and Im gonna b lv 44 soon and that means my last chance to farm theitems well enough to not have to buy them. (lv 45 means drop rate is 70% and then 17.9.....) I dunno - do you need lv 4 to make TT weps/armour?
  • JustForFun - Heavens Tear
    JustForFun - Heavens Tear Posts: 101 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    Yes, TT crafting requires lvl 4 crafting skills.
  • Ihazacute - Sanctuary
    Ihazacute - Sanctuary Posts: 435 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    do you need lv 4 to make TT weps/armour?

    Yes...TT60 stuff requires level 4.