Chienkun Stones (GM PLS respond)

Krasava - Heavens Tear
Krasava - Heavens Tear Posts: 274 Arc User
edited April 2009 in General Discussion
I've posted this question on "Genies" thread, because it was being read and updated by GM's. Not sure if this one will be :(

But admittedly, it was off the topic. And it quickly got buried among all the emoting generated by speculations surrounding possible castration of veno's beloved fire chickens. And among the bitter flamings that ensued.

Question: can we expect Chienkun Stones to be introduced any time soon?
(They are for refining transfer, for those that don't know). Because i really want to refine beyond +5, but as i switch gear, i have to start from scratch. If i could transfer for reasonable price, i'd spend on higher lvl orbs.

Any info on this subject would be greatly appreciated. b:beg
Post edited by Krasava - Heavens Tear on


  • XPapewaiox - Lost City
    XPapewaiox - Lost City Posts: 178 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    Logically, any item that would allow a player to spend LESS money at the boutique will not be implemented. As the server has an abundance of higher level people who will use refining, they may implement it to get people to spend the extra money to go even higher.

    I'm not an authority on the matter, but I don't see them coming for quite a while, especially with 2 new servers just added.
  • Zoe - Heavens Tear
    Zoe - Heavens Tear Posts: 3,814 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    There is a reason I don't put my gear past +3.
    Main characters
    Celestial Sage Venomancer Zoe - 100
    Sage Barbarian Malego - 91
  • kantorek
    kantorek Posts: 136 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    We currently have no plans to release Chienkun stones.
    Maintenance is my Constant. b:surrender
  • Literature - Harshlands
    Literature - Harshlands Posts: 822 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    Do they have those in other versions? O_o
  • Mosz - Heavens Tear
    Mosz - Heavens Tear Posts: 3,181 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    kantorek wrote: »
    We currently have no plans to release Chienkun stones.

    wtf why is the npc option there, wtf not release them as they are part of the game, PLEASE give me a valid excuse besides wed see less money from CS sales of dragon orbs, PLEASE redeem yourself...
  • Aesthor - Heavens Tear
    Aesthor - Heavens Tear Posts: 3,845 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    wtf why is the npc option there, wtf not release them as they are part of the game, PLEASE give me a valid excuse besides wed see less money from CS sales of dragon orbs, PLEASE redeem yourself...

    That's actually not even a valid reason to not release the stones because at higher levels of refine, deciding to level it +1 more costs more than all the previous refines. I think by letting people keep their refines they actually will make more money...
    ಥ_ಥ MOAR.
    SkyKoC - How long is yours?
  • Krasava - Heavens Tear
    Krasava - Heavens Tear Posts: 274 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    kantorek wrote: »
    We currently have no plans to release Chienkun stones.

    b:surprised b:sad b:cry
  • Enina - Heavens Tear
    Enina - Heavens Tear Posts: 263 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    Meh. If refining transfer was an option, I'd have a go at refining all of my gear to +7 or +8 with Dragon Orbs. As it is, I don't use money on Dragon Orbs, simply because it is too expensive to refine a weapon or armour over and over every time you need a new one - at most, I refine a weapon to +3..
  • Viper_girl - Heavens Tear
    Viper_girl - Heavens Tear Posts: 541 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    I would definitely spend way more on Orbs if I could transfer the refining. ATM lvl 3 is the most I would do and only on a legendary. But if I could save some of my investment as I level up I might consider going past lvl5 even on lvl 4x char equipment.

    What I don't understand is why there are all these NPCs that offer capabilities that don't exist ... and from what I can see in some cases may never exist b:shocked . I felt so stupid asking everyone where to buy Wedding Candies, for example. (and no one bothered to respond) b:cry
  • Coldflash - Dreamweaver
    Coldflash - Dreamweaver Posts: 88 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    Chienkun stones would make just as much money as dragon orbs, especially if someone made +12 gear and tried transfering it, as to my understanding the higher the refine the more likely it is to transfer (about 0.014% chance to transefer +12 from item to item). Honestly yeah, price them at 1g, you will make $100-$1000 per item someone wants to transfer refines on, which admitedly isn't as much as getting a completely new set of 1-12 orbs (costing something like $2000-$3000), but it will make people WANT to make a complete +12 set making you alot of money, and as new players come in, yeah they will want +12 equips as well, and since they can transfer it they will pay the money. Honestly its a never ending circle as long as you can get new people into the game, it hardly matters.
  • Mothergoose - Sanctuary
    Mothergoose - Sanctuary Posts: 1,320 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    I believe it's already in the Chinese version. Since coding was done in china, it stands to reason that the npc would exist for items that PWI choose not to release at cash shop.
  • Ninnuam - Sanctuary
    Ninnuam - Sanctuary Posts: 1,086 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    One thing though; I may have misunderstood what the NPC was saying but doesn't it say that the source equipment level has to be higher than the targets? As in you wouldn't be able to transfer refinement from a tt60 to a tt70 weapon, only viceversa.
  • Mothergoose - Sanctuary
    Mothergoose - Sanctuary Posts: 1,320 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    One thing though; I may have misunderstood what the NPC was saying but doesn't it say that the source equipment level has to be higher than the targets? As in you wouldn't be able to transfer refinement from a tt60 to a tt70 weapon, only viceversa.

    I thought it was refining level, as in +5 to +4.