Clerics for solo play? Grind!?

dabrozwadowski Posts: 25 Arc User
edited March 2009 in Cleric

I'm thinking about starting a cleric.

I want to grind solo until 60lvl and them maybe aoe parties?

My question is: is cleric good for grinding?

At the moment I'm playing blademaster, but he isn't too good yet...

I'm not sure If I shouldn't switch to cleric or barb maybe?

I'm afraid of high costs of cleric's lvling... Should I?

What class would be the best for grinding solo alot and then doing TT/FB in parties? And AoE grind :P
Post edited by dabrozwadowski on


  • Ninnuam - Sanctuary
    Ninnuam - Sanctuary Posts: 1,086 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    Sounds like you want to both have the cake and eat it. Yes cleric is good for grinding. As in they have good survivability and kill fast. 60+ they can solo aoe grind, and are a key component to any zhen party or a tt/fb run. But that also comes with a price and you are going to be trying to make ends meet 90% of the time. Just enormous mana consumption; when you deduct charm/pot/repair cost you'll be left with little to no profit after a grind session.

    Veno can also be an option. Insane solo grinders, always welcomed to any tt/fb squad, however you can forget about zhen or aoe parties unless you're lucky enough to get into one as a puller.

    Barbs on the other hand, usually #1 choice for a puller in zhen (can be a bm or a veno), backbone of any tt squad, but they solo grind at a snails' pace (especially if they grind in tiger form in order to save a few coins).
  • Niraneth - Heavens Tear
    Niraneth - Heavens Tear Posts: 236 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    I agree with annuan. clerics are fast eficient killers when u use their skills right. i switched from Bm to Cleric and it was a great decision. i lvld faster, killed faster and solod all my quests. if ur thinking of a cleric, good choice my friend.....but beware, mana is crack for clerics, we eat it like candy. So the best way to live is to get MP charms, they pay for themselves with the pots they save u, and they are very handy in an fb or tt setting, and a must for zehn
  • Niraneth - Heavens Tear
    Niraneth - Heavens Tear Posts: 236 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    oh and about the cost of lvlng.....well yes its pricey but compare ur skill tree to a clerics skill tree, we dont have much in the way of skills so its easy to have all ur buffs, iron heart, purify and rez all lvld by 64. and since i have everything maxed which is necessary at this time i have some play money for toys b:pleased
    I got my BM to lvl 60 before i realized what i was missing on a clericb:laugh