Evasion Needs to EVADE Magic Too!



  • Keita - Heavens Tear
    Keita - Heavens Tear Posts: 133 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    If this happens, don't blame the cleric for your death b/c you have so much evasion that the buff, purify, and heals missed.

    But no, evasion should not dodge magic. You're asking to gimp wizards even more than they already are now. And you're only level 27, go level up and eventually you should see that this suggestion is idiotic.
  • Rule - Heavens Tear
    Rule - Heavens Tear Posts: 579 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    ROFL. DO IT! Make magic evadable! That would be Awesome! Also remove those chain stuns and all magic from Blade Masters, those guys should have NO SPECIAL SKILLS. Imagine some lug with a sword casting magic. HA! Nope your a thug, you only get to smack things. No running fast either in your heavy armor! I want to see encumberance! ROFL. Since we are at it, Barbs changing shapes! WHAT?! Thats crazy! Barbs in other games hate and fear magic!

    Wow, with all these strange things...this is almost like its own game...man we can't have that. Make this more like every other one! Actually, get rid of all games except that Everquest one, now that one....that one everyone should play...but they should only be allowed the one human class...and they can only wield a stick! For BALANCE! And no genders either, that might make it interesting.

  • OMGLAZERZ - Heavens Tear
    OMGLAZERZ - Heavens Tear Posts: 2,327 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    ROFL. DO IT! Make magic evadable! That would be Awesome! Also remove those chain stuns and all magic from Blade Masters, those guys should have NO SPECIAL SKILLS. Imagine some lug with a sword casting magic. HA! Nope your a thug, you only get to smack things. No running fast either in your heavy armor! I want to see encumberance! ROFL. Since we are at it, Barbs changing shapes! WHAT?! Thats crazy! Barbs in other games hate and fear magic!

    Wow, with all these strange things...this is almost like its own game...man we can't have that. Make this more like every other one! Actually, get rid of all games except that Everquest one, now that one....that one everyone should play...but they should only be allowed the one human class...and they can only wield a stick! For BALANCE! And no genders either, that might make it interesting.


    Barbs are actually Werebeasts, not true barbarians.
  • Bobncut - Sanctuary
    Bobncut - Sanctuary Posts: 419 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    truekossy wrote: »
    Venomancer: Pet loyalty now determines whether or not the pet will listen to you or try to bite your head off. As loyalty and pet level increase, the pet will start finding smarter ways to kill your veno.

    What a great idea. Could we get messages from the Duke when this happens? "SoAndSo just spent a lot of money buying a Phoenix... and it immediately killed her." or "Enraged wild Herc is attacking cat shops in West District of Archosaur. Help them!"
  • Granrey - Sanctuary
    Granrey - Sanctuary Posts: 2,050 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    Summary: BM can fight effectively with magic/physical mobs, full magic mobs, and magic class players IF they use FULLY all the skills that are given to us for preventing or countering magic attacks. No need to go and neuter the magicians.

    Can you give me some advice on this?

    I use roar of the pride to block but it consumes Chi, which I need for my sparks (mainly for diamond sutra)

    I use marro magical but gettting a buff on low mag defence is still low.

    I try to carry two sets of armor with me. One on me and the other on my bag storage. I swich from heavy to light armor but doing this takes space from my storage.

    Am I missing anything?
  • OMGLAZERZ - Heavens Tear
    OMGLAZERZ - Heavens Tear Posts: 2,327 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    Can you give me some advice on this?

    I use roar of the pride to block but it consumes Chi, which I need for my sparks (mainly for diamond sutra)

    I use marro magical but gettting a buff on low mag defence is still low.

    I try to carry two sets of armor with me. One on me and the other on my bag storage. I swich from heavy to light armor but doing this takes space from my storage.

    Am I missing anything?

    No, that's about it. Only thing I can suggest is to get a super inventory extension stone, unless that's already been done..in which case...
  • AndromedaB - Sanctuary
    AndromedaB - Sanctuary Posts: 1,376 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    truekossy wrote: »
    Wizard: The pretty blue ball is removed from the game. That's right, we're nerfing you guys even more.


    b:angryyou dareb:angry
  • truekossy
    truekossy Posts: 7,021 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    What a great idea. Could we get messages from the Duke when this happens? "SoAndSo just spent a lot of money buying a Phoenix... and it immediately killed her." or "Enraged wild Herc is attacking cat shops in West District of Archosaur. Help them!"
    Of course! Natually, the enraged herc would be immune to death until at least 90% of the cat shops were eliminated.

    b:angryyou dareb:angry
    That's right! The nerf bat knows no limits! b:shocked
  • Seablue - Sanctuary
    Seablue - Sanctuary Posts: 261 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    Topic. From what I've come to understand both in game and on the forums evasion is just for physical attacks. Well if you can evade a sword, spear, or any physical object you can sure as hell evade a green flying ball.

    My two gold.

    Evasion needs to apply to all forms of attacks. PERIOD

    Once you learn how to deal with magic in the swamps you will no longer see the need for this.

    btw flying green balls actually chases you. If you ever fought flying mobs and drop down just when they cast their mag attack, you'll see the attack curve and hit you. In conclusion ITS MAGIC!
  • truekossy
    truekossy Posts: 7,021 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    btw flying green balls actually chases you. If you ever fought flying mobs and drop down just when they cast their mag attack, you'll see the attack curve and hit you. In conclusion ITS MAGIC!

    *sees monster preparing spell*
    I don't believe in magic.
    I don't believe in magic.
    I-- *gets hit multiple times by flying green balls* believe in magic and it being painful! b:cry
  • Onxy - Harshlands
    Onxy - Harshlands Posts: 32 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    Dodging magic eh, seems like someone was on the wrong end of a Essential Sutra combo b:laugh.
  • Oldbear - Sanctuary
    Oldbear - Sanctuary Posts: 486 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    Can you give me some advice on this?

    I use roar of the pride to block but it consumes Chi, which I need for my sparks (mainly for diamond sutra)

    I use marro magical but gettting a buff on low mag defence is still low.

    I try to carry two sets of armor with me. One on me and the other on my bag storage. I swich from heavy to light armor but doing this takes space from my storage.

    Am I missing anything?

    Well once I had hard time with Trioc Ruffians (full magic) and after completing that (ouch-ouch) i didn't want to see another Trioc ever again. but buess what not too long ago Trioc Lords quest came up.

    my first step was obvious- pair up with wizard. great idea, they never got a shot at me. till...he had to go afk for long period. And then I improvised something that consumed lot of mana but worked.

    objective - don't let the mob ever complete channeling it's magic stuff...you need to constantly pester it with something. and you need to be quick.

    1) don't give it time to react. Instead of running into his aggro zone- drop into it from above. when you run towards him it will activate mob before you get to him. so from air click on the spot next to mob but choose it so that if it starts to run- it runs away from other mobs. So hit the "sprint" skill (to get stuff done fast) and drop!

    2) when you feet touch the ground- Roar! if you have it up do date you have approx 5 or close to 5 sec.

    3) (sprint is still active) physical attack!! right up to the point when the nimbus disappears from above it's head

    4) he's running. fire drake ray and the other long distance blast skill similar (can't remember the name) and start to run towards it to close the distance again. on the way use alter magic marrow. Hit with aeolian blade. if you're lucky he's freeze again. if not he gets hurt. either way you're 2 long distance skills are now cooled down and fire them again. he should be dead.

    Summary: Big stun/blade hits/2 long distance skills - run - stun/2 long distance skills - run - stun/2 long distance skills. Repeat the procedure till it's dead.

    it eats mana but as I got used to the drill he only zapped me once per fight or if got clean stuns- he didn't touch me at all.

    maybe another BM has better ideas but this is what I have used in fights and it's pretty cool to finish the fight with full magic mob like this without him ever getting shot at you. Earlier I didn't think it was possible.
  • Niamy - Sanctuary
    Niamy - Sanctuary Posts: 269 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    Ok, but...
    If implement evasion for magic also must...
    - Implement a buff for decrease the channeling/cast/cooldown time for magic atacks or decrease the channeling/cast/cooldown time for magic atacks w/o buffs too.
    - Decrease the % of critical on phys damage class or increase critical % each 20 Mag.
    - Decrease the accuracy on phys atack class.

    Only the just =P
    Come on, when a mage class deal 1 atack any phys atack class hit on the mage 2 or 3 atacks and if the stun is successful bye bye mage.

    Venomancer 82
    Cleric 55
    Barbarian 32
    Wizard 54
    Believe me when I tell you will not want to test my anger...
  • Lordexion - Lost City
    Lordexion - Lost City Posts: 109 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    Topic. From what I've come to understand both in game and on the forums evasion is just for physical attacks. Well if you can evade a sword, spear, or any physical object you can sure as hell evade a green flying ball.

    My two gold.

    Evasion needs to apply to all forms of attacks. PERIOD

    bad idea for PWI, ppl will just not play magik class anymore. On other games maybe(cuz they have fast casting spells) but in here its slowb:angry
  • Granrey - Sanctuary
    Granrey - Sanctuary Posts: 2,050 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    Well once I had hard time with Trioc Ruffians (full magic) and after completing that (ouch-ouch) i didn't want to see another Trioc ever again. but buess what not too long ago Trioc Lords quest came up.

    my first step was obvious- pair up with wizard. great idea, they never got a shot at me. till...he had to go afk for long period. And then I improvised something that consumed lot of mana but worked.

    objective - don't let the mob ever complete channeling it's magic stuff...you need to constantly pester it with something. and you need to be quick.

    1) don't give it time to react. Instead of running into his aggro zone- drop into it from above. when you run towards him it will activate mob before you get to him. so from air click on the spot next to mob but choose it so that if it starts to run- it runs away from other mobs. So hit the "sprint" skill (to get stuff done fast) and drop!

    2) when you feet touch the ground- Roar! if you have it up do date you have approx 5 or close to 5 sec.

    3) (sprint is still active) physical attack!! right up to the point when the nimbus disappears from above it's head

    4) he's running. fire drake ray and the other long distance blast skill similar (can't remember the name) and start to run towards it to close the distance again. on the way use alter magic marrow. Hit with aeolian blade. if you're lucky he's freeze again. if not he gets hurt. either way you're 2 long distance skills are now cooled down and fire them again. he should be dead.

    Summary: Big stun/blade hits/2 long distance skills - run - stun/2 long distance skills - run - stun/2 long distance skills. Repeat the procedure till it's dead.

    it eats mana but as I got used to the drill he only zapped me once per fight or if got clean stuns- he didn't touch me at all.

    maybe another BM has better ideas but this is what I have used in fights and it's pretty cool to finish the fight with full magic mob like this without him ever getting shot at you. Earlier I didn't think it was possible.

    Honestly, I'm gonna try this tonight.

    I will do it step by step. I think is a good plan.

    I will report back tomorrow.
  • AndromedaB - Sanctuary
    AndromedaB - Sanctuary Posts: 1,376 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    i actually outran a plume shot in TW
    was on a friends's karin when a cleric shot at me and it chased me and was actually falling behind but some archer came up from infront and 1shotted me
  • tekyo
    tekyo Posts: 70 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    Have you tried evading a tidal wave or a blowing wind? it's impossible I tell ya!
  • mbrunestud
    mbrunestud Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    roll aside for 1/2 damage!

    lets all stop speculating how we'd nerf other classes if evade applies to magic and just conclude that u shouldn't evade magic period
  • tatakairyu
    tatakairyu Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    Ok, but...
    If implement evasion for magic also must...
    - Implement a buff for decrease the channeling/cast/cooldown time for magic atacks
    Already have them.
    or decrease the channeling/cast/cooldown time for magic atacks w/o buffs too.
    They are ranged and hit harder, why would they need less chan/cast/cooldown?
    - Decrease the % of critical on phys damage class or increase critical % each 20 Mag.
    Why decrease critical for melee, we have to add a completlely different stat point to increase our crit and damage (besides archers), so should magic.
    - Decrease the accuracy on phys atack class.
    What accuracy? Most come from gears.
    Only the just =P
    Come on, when a mage class deal 1 atack any phys atack class hit on the mage 2 or 3 atacks and if the stun is successful bye bye mage.

    When a mage hits, it hits hard, when a physical melee hits, he has to be close ranged(besides archers) and doesn't hit as hard. You're supposed to keep your distance so you don't get stunned.

    Before you try to post again, please do know how to play the game.
  • Kristoph - Lost City
    Kristoph - Lost City Posts: 2,016 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    tatakairyu wrote: »
    When a mage hits, it hits hard, when a physical melee hits, he has to be close ranged(besides archers) and doesn't hit as hard. You're supposed to keep your distance so you don't get stunned.

    Before you try to post again, please do know how to play the game.
    Well then, genius, how do you suppose we do that? You wouldn't be able to cast a single spell with your logic, because if you do, chances are they'll be right in your face. Barbs and BMs have a higher base speed, both have skills to increase moving speed and both can slow/stun. I'd like to see you "keep your distance" on any magic class.
    Wondering how much longer these **** packs are going to be around.
  • tatakairyu
    tatakairyu Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    What the heck are you talking about lol. EVERY ranged class have those skills too, they may not be as good but they have them and items to make up for it. By keeping distance means at least get their charms to tic before they get to you, if you can't even do that you fail and need to choose another class.

    How would a mage not be able to cast a single spell "with my logic" please do elaborate.

    To further prove you wrong. What about air fights, do barbs and BMs have a speed buff up while flying? underwater ranged classes also have an advantage. Barbs swim faster than most but that's still slow as heck, a BM can leap but that barely gets him closer to the target(which requires chi to get closer).
  • Torinchibi - Lost City
    Torinchibi - Lost City Posts: 499 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    As much as I would like to agree (since archers have the worst defense in game, I would still have to say no. Pure dex archers can't be allowed to dodge both magic and phy atks, especially with their 79 skill. That would get anyone besides a barb killed 1v1, with no chance to even do anything.
  • Nelae - Heavens Tear
    Nelae - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,490 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    tatakairyu wrote: »
    What the heck are you talking about lol. EVERY ranged class have those skills too, they may not be as good but they have them and items to make up for it. By keeping distance means at least get their charms to tic before they get to you, if you can't even do that you fail and need to choose another class.

    How would a mage not be able to cast a single spell "with my logic" please do elaborate.

    To further prove you wrong. What about air fights, do barbs and BMs have a speed buff up while flying? underwater ranged classes also have an advantage. Barbs swim faster than most but that's still slow as heck, a BM can leap but that barely gets him closer to the target(which requires chi to get closer).

    Our cast time/its cool down + miss, you must be joking right?
    Stop being a kid who wants to OP his class.
  • tatakairyu
    tatakairyu Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    When the heck did I ever say I wanted magic to miss? Please read my posts lol.

    Edit Talk about kids you hypocrite who doesn't know how to read b:chuckle.
  • Rule - Heavens Tear
    Rule - Heavens Tear Posts: 579 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    tatakairyu wrote: »
    Already have them.

    They are ranged and hit harder, why would they need less chan/cast/cooldown?

    Why decrease critical for melee, we have to add a completlely different stat point to increase our crit and damage (besides archers), so should magic.

    What accuracy? Most come from gears.

    When a mage hits, it hits hard, when a physical melee hits, he has to be close ranged(besides archers) and doesn't hit as hard. You're supposed to keep your distance so you don't get stunned.

    Before you try to post again, please do know how to play the game.

    Your post is clearly biased towards a caster gimp, ANYONE can figure that out.

    You would take the admittedly most gimped class and have them further crippled because you can't figure out how to combat them effectively?
    Quit your QQ. Learn your Class.
  • Maiya - Lost City
    Maiya - Lost City Posts: 2,686 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    tatakairyu wrote: »
    When a mage hits, it hits hard, when a physical melee hits, he has to be close ranged(besides archers) and doesn't hit as hard. You're supposed to keep your distance so you don't get stunned.

    Wizards have Distance Shrink, but its not much, they also run the slowest like Clerics. Blademasters can simply Cloud Sprint and then stun to oblivion.

    Not to mention majority of deaths are probably from out of nowhere where there is no time to get away.

    Just saying.
  • AndromedaB - Sanctuary
    AndromedaB - Sanctuary Posts: 1,376 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    Wizards have Distance Shrink, but its not much, they also run the slowest like Clerics. Blademasters can simply Cloud Sprint and then stun to oblivion.

    Not to mention majority of deaths are probably from out of nowhere where there is no time to get away.

    Just saying.

  • terminova
    terminova Posts: 8 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    Not to mention majority of deaths are probably from out of nowhere where there is no time to get away.

    Just saying.

    Explains falling rocks.
  • tatakairyu
    tatakairyu Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    Your post is clearly biased towards a caster gimp, ANYONE can figure that out.

    You would take the admittedly most gimped class and have them further crippled because you can't figure out how to combat them effectively?
    Quit your QQ. Learn your Class.

    What the heck are you smoking seriously lol? when did I say gimp casters? does it say anywhere in my posts to reduce something? I was replying to that veno who obviously wanted to be OP.

    Learn to comprehend what people post lol. Now quit your QQ and go grind some more please.

    More pew pew, and wiz are not the only class that cast FYI, just putting it out there just incase you haven't figured it out yet lol.
  • OMGLAZERZ - Heavens Tear
    OMGLAZERZ - Heavens Tear Posts: 2,327 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    tatakairyu wrote: »
    What the heck are you smoking seriously lol? when did I say gimp casters? does it say anywhere in my posts to reduce something? I was replying to that veno who obviously wanted to be OP.

    Learn to comprehend what people post lol. Now quit your QQ and go grind some more please.

    Take your own advice. That veno you were claiming "obviously wanted to be OP" was responding to the rediculous idea of EVADING MAGIC. Had nothing to do with making veno's OP in the slightest. Your response was unwarranted.

    Seriously, what are you smoking, anyway?
    More pew pew, and wiz are not the only class that cast FYI, just putting it out there just incase you haven't figured it out yet lol.

    Just incase you haven't figured it out, no one actually cares what class you play badly.