Probly never gonna happen

lonefire Posts: 13 Arc User
edited March 2009 in Suggestion Box
Ok first off we know we need a male class with a pet so WHAT I propose is this: Beast born: Untamed class: this class starts with a pet that will stay with them forever when in create mode the user will design a pet color species that sort of thing this pet will be as strong as them but with more health and str now while the pet attacks the user will attack to with melee claws weapons(i.e.: iron claws)with skills surrounding these claws as you can Guess now on to my next suggestion

how about an elemental for high level mages like lvl 80 90 or even 100 not a really strong one just basicly a meatshield which you would get after a long and very hard quest(non trade-able)this suggestion is just a side suggestion.
Post edited by lonefire on


  • Daerys - Sanctuary
    Daerys - Sanctuary Posts: 1,022 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    Despite my usual opposition to other classes getting pets, I am actually a fan of Wizards being able to summon elementals. From a general RPG standpoint it makes perfect sense, if you can control the elements you should be able to coalesce those elements into a semi-sentient being. Would need to be reasonably high level of course, like 79+ maybe, but I think it's an excellent suggestion.
  • Mosabi - Heavens Tear
    Mosabi - Heavens Tear Posts: 378 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    Despite my usual opposition to other classes getting pets, I am actually a fan of Wizards being able to summon elementals. From a general RPG standpoint it makes perfect sense, if you can control the elements you should be able to coalesce those elements into a semi-sentient being. Would need to be reasonably high level of course, like 79+ maybe, but I think it's an excellent suggestion.

    thanks nice to know there is a veno that is not selfish for once and it might give me exactly the insentive to actually get to 79 but thats too late everyone I know as a noob are now much higher lvls so my vote is on lvl 39 right when mage starts to become a bish..
    Is Back once more.

    sorry med school needs some time.
  • lonefire
    lonefire Posts: 13 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    thanks nice to know there is a veno that is not selfish for once and it might give me exactly the insentive to actually get to 79 but thats too late everyone I know as a noob are now much higher lvls so my vote is on lvl 39 right when mage starts to become a bish..
    well a small mini elemental might be ok for lvl 39 again after a material quest (still non-tradeable and non-dropable) but this probaly be a meat shield who just takes all your damage for like 20 secs then disappearing(can summon again)
  • Sylvini - Heavens Tear
    Sylvini - Heavens Tear Posts: 259 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    I support mages getting elemental summons, so long as they aren't too powerful, or Venos get something too, like pet buffs or something. Something to make us more pet-oriented.

    I think it would make more sense to give the mages their summons when they start having real trouble, though. That sounds like 30-40 from what I've heard.
  • lonefire
    lonefire Posts: 13 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    ok its fine that people are discussing my elemental suggestion but i would also like opinions on my other suggestion(listed below if you did not read it before)
    lonefire wrote: »
    Ok first off we know we need a male class with a pet so WHAT I propose is this: Beast born: Untamed class: this class starts with a pet that will stay with them forever when in create mode the user will design a pet color species that sort of thing this pet will be as strong as them but with more health and str now while the pet attacks the user will attack to with melee claws weapons(i.e.: iron claws)with skills surrounding these claws as you can Guess now on to my next suggestion
  • Daerys - Sanctuary
    Daerys - Sanctuary Posts: 1,022 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    The trouble with that suggestion is when you boil it down it's basically just a pure fox veno. Yes there are some differences but you can accomplish most of that already. I think there is potential there, certainly, but it would need to be expanded greatly to set it aside from the fox veno.

    Lore aside, I do think the game would benefit from male venos and female barbs.
    Last I checked though, other than some rather ambiguous background lore centering around Chinese culture there really isn't anything in the way of a real story to the game. A few tidbits here and there is all I've seen so far, nothing in the way of a long term plot. I doubt stretching things a little would really hurt anything in the long run.