A few questions for 70+ barbs...

Posts: 937 Arc User
edited March 2009 in Barbarian
Well I just got my calamity axes (70 legendary) today!! Woot they rock b:cool
they do burn through a good deal of HP though. Anyways a couple of questions on this:

1. When the axe goes beserk does it consume 5% of my maximum HP or my current HP? This is important as it can affect whether I go tiger or humanoid while grinding.

2. Grinding's a lot easier with these bad boys, but can I use em to tank? Or do I need to maintain a second set of tanking axes.

3. Well from the early impression I'd say these can very well last me for another 20 levels or so, maybe even longer. So now I'm confused about stats. Should I continue adding str for TT80 axes or should just add enough for armors and spare a few extra points for vit?

Would like to know your thoughts on the subject. b:mischievous

Thanks in advance b:thanks b:thanks
When the going gets tough; Get a tank!
Nocturne mature HT guild - we invite people, not levels.
Post edited by Hazardus - Heavens Tear on


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  • Posts: 197 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    1. When the axe goes beserk does it consume 5% of my maximum HP or my current HP? This is important as it can affect whether I go tiger or humanoid while grinding.

    I am quite sure it's based off of current HP. I have never heard of anyone self-destructing due to a berserk at low HP.
    2. Grinding's a lot easier with these bad boys, but can I use em to tank? Or do I need to maintain a second set of tanking axes.

    You can use them for tanking just fine. The large HP bonus is very nice! Plus, berserk won't really hurt you too badly.
    3. Well from the early impression I'd say these can very well last me for another 20 levels or so, maybe even longer. So now I'm confused about stats. Should I continue adding str for TT80 axes or should just add enough for armors and spare a few extra points for vit?

    If you are planning on doing full tanking and TW cata pulling, you can just add enough str and dex for armors and all else to vit, but I wouln't recommend this unless tanking is all you ever want to do. However, it is done by quite a number of barbarians (you'll have a stronger perdition).

    Do note, some barbs will stop pumping str at level 90 instead, because of the availability of the GX (TT90 gold dual axes), which are the highest level axes with berserk, although they're extremely difficult to get.

    Imo, the Berserk XS are better than most HH80. One exception may be the lion king; if you want a pair of "tanking axes," continue to add strength and go for those; they provide no HP bonus, but it gives you the chance of regenerating 5% of your total HP.
  • Posts: 105 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    hey, glad to see you got xs :)
    and yeah, what arravis said is pretty much true.
    But i add str still, because at 90 i'll probably alternate between the Gloom 90 axe and xs.
  • Posts: 105 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    oh and arravisb:spit
  • Posts: 937 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    Thanks for the replys guys. Good to know.

    Now one last question. The berserk does take into account damage from the refining bonuses too right? Because I noticed that the 70 berserk axes when refined to +6 has the same base attack as the lvl90 axe.
    I think I could save up enough to get em to +6 or more by the time I'm 90 b:chuckle

    What you guys think?

    Also I'm not entirely sure by what you mean about "If you are planning on doing full tanking and TW cata pulling, you can just add enough str and dex for armors and all else to vit, but I wouln't recommend this unless tanking is all you ever want to do."

    You talking about the damage increase from str? I guess I will need that to grind. b:laugh
    When the going gets tough; Get a tank!
    Nocturne mature HT guild - we invite people, not levels.
  • Posts: 197 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    oh and arravisb:spit

    Now one last question. The berserk does take into account damage from the refining bonuses too right? Because I noticed that the 70 berserk axes when refined to +6 has the same base attack as the lvl90 axe.
    I think I could save up enough to get em to +6 or more by the time I'm 90.

    I'm not quite sure what you're saying, but I think overall you're corrrect. If you refine the berserk axes, you will increase general damage that you do. Berserk will always take whatever damage you do and completely double it; Thus, if you berserk when you're about to deal 1000 damage, you would deal 2000 damage and exactly 2000 damage.

    So by refining the weapon to increase the amount of damage you would normally do, you are also increasing the potential damage you deal from a berserk.
    Also I'm not entirely sure by what you mean about "If you are planning on doing full tanking and TW cata pulling, you can just add enough str and dex for armors and all else to vit, but I wouln't recommend this unless tanking is all you ever want to do."

    You talking about the damage increase from str? I guess I will need that to grind. b:laugh

    Well, one barbarian I know (FleaBag) simply put in enough strength to wear the level 70 berserk axes, which is 212 I believe. After that, every point he would normally put into STR was put into VIT instead; that's 3 extra VIT points per level from then on. At level 93 with only +4ed gears, he has roughly 17.1k hp. And believe me, he LOVES tanking.

    If you want the level 90 berserk axes, however, you will have to keep adding 3 strength up to level 90. Even if you're not aiming for those axes, it would be nice to do what Dusk mentioned earlier, which is to swap between the zerkers and the HH90. The zerkers can be seen as good for grinding, but it'll sure drain your HP. Damage with the HH90s would be a bit more consistent on mobs (and maybe save some charm!).
  • Posts: 937 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    I'm not quite sure what you're saying, but I think overall you're corrrect. If you refine the berserk axes, you will increase general damage that you do. Berserk will always take whatever damage you do and completely double it; Thus, if you berserk when you're about to deal 1000 damage, you would deal 2000 damage and exactly 2000 damage.

    So by refining the weapon to increase the amount of damage you would normally do, you are also increasing the potential damage you deal from a berserk.

    What I mean is the 70 axes dmg is 467-1089, while the 90axes is 582-1358.
    A refinement of +6 on the 70 axes adds +135phy atk. So a lvl70axe+6 will do the same min damage as the 90 axes (+9 needed to match the max dmg though b:cry).
    I guess Ill refine and use these axes till I get the 90 ones. Besides I have the wrong TT70 axes. Cant use them for the TT90 ones. they will have to come from a fresh start.
    Well, one barbarian I know (FleaBag) simply put in enough strength to wear the level 70 berserk axes, which is 212 I believe. After that, every point he would normally put into STR was put into VIT instead; that's 3 extra VIT points per level from then on. At level 93 with only +4ed gears, he has roughly 17.1k hp. And believe me, he LOVES tanking.

    If you want the level 90 berserk axes, however, you will have to keep adding 3 strength up to level 90. Even if you're not aiming for those axes, it would be nice to do what Dusk mentioned earlier, which is to swap between the zerkers and the HH90. The zerkers can be seen as good for grinding, but it'll sure drain your HP. Damage with the HH90s would be a bit more consistent on mobs (and maybe save some charm!).

    Is that 17K HP as humanoid or tiger? Because I'm already at 10.1K hp as a buffed tiger, with most of my armor at +0 (though all of it has a +vit/+HP bonus and +HP shards b:laugh). Yeah I love tanking too!! And I have a nice set of lvl76 boots that bring that total upto 10.5K. b:laugh

    By my calculations if I only followed the armor requirements, I'd have added another 2K HP as buffed tiger from vit alone (not considering the bonuses from new armors etc.) by the time I get to 90.

    So I guess the more critical question here is.... how important a role does str play in adding damage and def? How much more damage would I be doing with 60 more str?

    I seem to remember adding 4str = 1pdef and 6 str = 4 pdef . What about the damage?
    When the going gets tough; Get a tank!
    Nocturne mature HT guild - we invite people, not levels.
  • Posts: 28 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    I am quite sure it's based off of current HP. I have never heard of anyone self-destructing due to a berserk at low HP.
    It alway burn 5% of your max hp
  • Posts: 937 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    I am quite sure it's based off of current HP. I have never heard of anyone self-destructing due to a berserk at low HP.
    It alway burn 5% of your max hp

    Ok now I'm confused. Is there a sure answer whether its current or max hp?
    I guess I'll probably just have to test it on something that doesn't attack back. If I die then its max HP. If I don't then I guess its current HP. So question now is, who can I attack that doesnt attack me back? b:puzzled
    When the going gets tough; Get a tank!
    Nocturne mature HT guild - we invite people, not levels.
  • Posts: 1,175 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    Panda are much more knowledagable than Tigers listen to Minouft
    Tigers are much more knowledagable than Pandas listen to Arravis

    Confusius once said "it will always burn 5% of your max hp and current hp"

    you have been - confusionaized -
    We're MysticAve my name is not Dave
    (Poem in the making - Shall be epic)
  • Posts: 937 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    Panda are much more knowledagable than Tigers listen to Minouft
    Tigers are much more knowledagable than Pandas listen to Arravis

    Confusius once said "it will always burn 5% of your max hp and current hp"

    you have been - confusionaized -

    b:embarrass b:irritated bleh! b:spit b:faint
    When the going gets tough; Get a tank!
    Nocturne mature HT guild - we invite people, not levels.
  • Posts: 28 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    Berserk cannot kill you > berserk wont happen if you cant burn anymore hp

    you can test on the pillar at the entrance of fb.
  • Posts: 937 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    Oh I see, so it burns 5% of your max HP, but it will not berserk if you're under 5% of your HP? Yeah that would make sense too.
    When the going gets tough; Get a tank!
    Nocturne mature HT guild - we invite people, not levels.
  • Posts: 937 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    Well Ive been tinkering around with the stats ideas and found some amzing results. Good Thing I tested it out on ectaomb.

    A) Initially I thought I'd go with a hybrid build with a less strength than needed for TT90 axes (and more than needed for armors) and a little more vit. This turns out to be an epic fail build with the least pdef of all. The improvements in HP or damage aren't that great either.

    B) Next I tried the normal tanker build. (272 str for TT90 axes). This gives good pdef, a little less mdef and HP. Also the best attack.

    C) Last I tried the vit build. (227 Str for TT90 armors?). This results in 10% more HP, 5% more mdef and with the same pdef as in build B. This last bit surprised me a bit, I always thought pdef was related to strength. Also the reduction in attack due to lower strength, surprisingly only seems to be about 20% average.

    Has anyone tested out these builds? Is ecatomb's calculator reliable??

    Taking all this into account I think I'd like to go with build C, and then restat if and when I manage to acquire the TT90 axes.
    When the going gets tough; Get a tank!
    Nocturne mature HT guild - we invite people, not levels.
  • Posts: 28 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    Remember that you wont need 272 str at lv90 bcs you can acquire equipement that add str.

    example: hh90 Armlet +7~8str
    Mold neckplace +5%hp +7~8 str (Some prefer getting a cheap mdef neck but the 5%hp and str worth more than magickdef)

    just saying that your build can alternate depending on equipement you have.

    If you dont get enough str for hh90 weap you will suck :p Star Axe better than Xs and so is Gx.

    (its preferable to keep Xs even if you get hh90 green simply bcs you can alternate weap to use Armageddon with a chance of berserk ^^ Xs add more hp too so more dmg from Armageddon.)
  • Posts: 50 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    First, I am a tanker build. I love tanking, but I do my fair share of aoe training with my awesome and smexy cleric wife (who would beat me If I mentioned her and didn’t say that lol) Love you Z ^^

    I personally keep two sets of axes, Calamities and TT70s. I use both depending on what I’m doing.

    I use the calamities for human form dps (fitted with two flawless garnets b/c calamities are supposed to do dmg =P). Combine that with Blood Bath (no need for the hp just doing dps)and Poison Fang, and I put up some pretty high numbers.

    I use the TT70s for tanking (fitted with two flawless ambers as a substitute for Blood Bath b/c I want the hp while tanking).

    As I said, I find both are very useful to keep around. The biggest flaw that I have found tanking with the calamites is when you get multiple berserks in a row. Suddenly POW, you lose a ton of hp in like 2-3 secs, and that’s not what I want just in case an ‘oops’ does happens. Yeah I may be getting spam healed, but against a difficult boss…. that’s just an extra problem that my group doesn’t need to deal with.
    If you want something great, you've gotta be willing to bet it all. If you bet it all, you had better be prepared to lose.
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