Fast lvlup 60+

Niamy - Sanctuary
Niamy - Sanctuary Posts: 269 Arc User
edited February 2009 in General Discussion
Hya b:sad
I need suggestions about spotsor something to lvlup fast(w/o use essoterica, don't have money for buy and gold in AH it's expensive now).
Ussually ppl at lvl60 start with zhen but well im a buggveno(like some ppl say) and obviously lots of ppl hate us and don't invite to zhen. I know just in lvl60 i can grid with foxwings but i sux fighting in air and die all time.
I do all days CS obviously, and im unlucky getting FB.
I have heard about a daily quest something about Justice but can't get info.

Thanks!!!! b:bye

PS: Zhen for venos now!!!! b:angry
Venomancer 82
Cleric 55
Barbarian 32
Wizard 54
Believe me when I tell you will not want to test my anger...
Post edited by Niamy - Sanctuary on


  • Kotecek - Lost City
    Kotecek - Lost City Posts: 193 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    Of zhens are so expensive like other's said..then... no.. I don't want zhens for venos(more $ for legendary pets b:victory).
    My chars: 97 barb, 87 cleric, 91 veno, 80 archer, 74 Blademaster, 34 Psychic, 30 Assasin, 20 Wizard, 44 Seeker, 20 Mistyc.

    ^ I have SO many personalities to play them all! b:cute

    And YAY for my Phoenix!(on THIS veno ^^) b:victory
  • Niamy - Sanctuary
    Niamy - Sanctuary Posts: 269 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    Ya i ve heard that too... but at least try zhen... looks funny b:surrender


    BTW i get the justice quest already ^^ thankssssss
    Venomancer 82
    Cleric 55
    Barbarian 32
    Wizard 54
    Believe me when I tell you will not want to test my anger...
  • godheadslament
    godheadslament Posts: 30 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    Ussually ppl at lvl60 start with zhen but well im a buggveno(like some ppl say) and obviously lots of ppl hate us and don't invite to zhen.

    Hmm, its not like people don't invite venos because they hate them or are jealous yet venos neither have repetitive aoe spells nor can they lure masses of mobs into the 'death zone'. That makes them apparently useless in zhen parties.
    I need suggestions about spotsor something to lvlup fast(w/o use essoterica, don't have money for buy and gold in AH it's expensive now).

    If you don't wanna spend money into the game, zhen may be not the right thing for you. In addition to a training esoterica DDs need a silver spirit charm which is gone after 1 hour zhenning and the lurers have to pay their rapairing bill of ~120k.
  • Enina - Heavens Tear
    Enina - Heavens Tear Posts: 263 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    Welcome to the point where quests seriously dry up... I usually try and do Justice Quests with a mix of Solo Missions to grind reputation currently. When I get too bored with that, I find someone grinding monsters near me, and offer to give them a hand - even though I only gain half the exp compared to if I grinded on my own, A) I have to shell out less money on repairs, because the monster will usually be dead by the time it reaches me, B) I gain a potential friend by helping, and C) less boring than grinding on my own.

    As you're a veno, you might want to look around for the more squishy characters - cleric or wizard. Or, potentially, a barbarian. Low damage = long killing time.