Meister - Harshlands (PvP)

noblesse Posts: 0 Arc User
edited February 2009 in Guild Banter
See thread on the Harshland's forum section:
Post edited by noblesse on


  • crimone
    crimone Posts: 100 Arc User
    edited February 2009

    And you plan on doing TW with only barbs and clerics? o_O Or is it like, you have 8 million of everything else except those, so you're only recruiting them?
  • Devoted - Lost City
    Devoted - Lost City Posts: 3,634 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    crimone wrote: »

    And you plan on doing TW with only barbs and clerics? o_O Or is it like, you have 8 million of everything else except those, so you're only recruiting them?

    if this guys serious about wb's and ep's only they aren't much of a challenger
  • crimone
    crimone Posts: 100 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    if this guys serious about wb's and ep's only they aren't much of a challenger

    Yeah, do they plan on taking out cata pullers? Amping? Pushing Lane B? Killing enemy clerics?
  • bobzilla21
    bobzilla21 Posts: 694 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    you realize mages will murder all your barbs, right?
    I figured I should do something with my sig, so I made this for fun. My very first (poorly made) animation. b:victory
    As for why Luffy is murdering Naruto, I have no idea either, but it looks cool.b:laugh
  • frenzi
    frenzi Posts: 75 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    I think it's a unique idea, but tbh it won't work in TW. You need all classes really, it's kind of cool how it's balanced like that.
  • Lirgorn - Heavens Tear
    Lirgorn - Heavens Tear Posts: 63 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    I kinda wana see a load of barbs rushing forward being spam healed by a load of cleric's :P

    Barbs: RAWR!

    Cleric: *f1 f1 f1 f1 f1 f1 f1 f1 f1 f1 f1 f1* *gets cramp in finger*
    Currently playing:
    Lirgorn - Heavens Tear - Lv.7X Wiz - Elysium
    Akkari - Lost City - Lv.4X Archer - Guildless (as of 19/02/09)

    Rolling Harshlands upon release! Archer all the way!

    Give a man a fish and he can eat for a day.
    Teach a man to fish and he can promptly forget he ever didnt know and call people "noobs" in the fishing forums.
  • noblesse
    noblesse Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    We'll see how things play out.

    It is quite possible that a pure-cleric-and-barb faction may not fare ideally in much later faction-vs-faction TWs, but then again clerics are quite capable of replacing wizards and barbs replace blade-masters. Wizards can't easily one-shot barbs with tons of stacked heals and there's plenty of barbs to quickly grab the catapult (if the original holder hasn't been rezzed yet). Who said all clerics can do is heal and barbs pull catapults? Either way, the guild will be open to other classes eventually. But with power lvlers, who knows.

    We'll see how things play out. b:thanks
  • Hidden - Lost City
    Hidden - Lost City Posts: 338 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    noblesse wrote: »
    We'll see how things play out.

    It is quite possible that a pure-cleric-and-barb faction may not fare ideally in much later faction-vs-faction TWs, but then again clerics are quite capable of replacing wizards and barbs replace blade-masters. Wizards can't easily one-shot barbs with tons of stacked heals and there's plenty of barbs to quickly grab the catapult (if the original holder hasn't been rezzed yet). Who said all clerics can do is heal and barbs pull catapults? Either way, the guild will be open to other classes eventually. But with power lvlers, who knows.

    We'll see how things play out. b:thanks

    Power lvlers? This isnt going to be a pve server. Soon as u got some KOS, your screwed. 1 archer or phoenix to wipe out all your clerics, and kite the barbs till they get bored of herio ticks. Your gonna need more classes not just for TW, but to be able to train without getting rolled everyday.
  • nivy
    nivy Posts: 14 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    Why would you want the guild to be exclusive only to barbarians and clerics? Please explain because it would defeat the purpose of territory war that you plan. Each class is an essential element in the formation of a guild; by excluding other classes you put your guild at a disadvantage.
  • cybluerr
    cybluerr Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    so are u going to do all the fb/tt runs with 0 venos?
    barb runs in to lure getting spam healed by 5 other clerics in squad?
  • Rundora - Lost City_1243871147
    Rundora - Lost City_1243871147 Posts: 378 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    This is amusing.

    I almost felt like I was reading Conqueror's description at first. PVE and leveling, HH at 60+, PVP at endgame.

    Then I saw "Barbs and clerics only".

    Good luck Meister, you'll need it.
  • AlpineFrost - Lost City
    AlpineFrost - Lost City Posts: 362 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    This makes me giggle.

    You have pleased me, have a cookie. ^.^
    Ex-Waffles Director
  • Xxwarxx - Lost City
    Xxwarxx - Lost City Posts: 121 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    Can you say fail guild?
    Forsakenx gunna make mine so be patient =)b:kiss
  • sealed
    sealed Posts: 781
    edited February 2009
    Only Barbs and Clerics?
    Your gonna suck at TW mate.
    BM's will stun your Barbs 24/7 and Archers will 1 hit your clerics.
  • Xtacy - Lost City
    Xtacy - Lost City Posts: 1,281 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    This is amusing.

    I almost felt like I was reading Conqueror's description at first. PVE and leveling, HH at 60+, PVP at endgame.

    Then I saw "Barbs and clerics only".

    Good luck Meister, you'll need it.

    That's exactly my thoughts. I thought, wow this guy knows what he's saying because this is what we did in CQ. Then he said....... Lol, he seriously said clerics and barbs ONLY. He put it in red is the worst part about this.

    If harshlands ever get a next to fail thread your names will be mentioned first.

    I guess I don't choose different paths b:shutup
  • AlpineFrost - Lost City
    AlpineFrost - Lost City Posts: 362 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    Man I'm still laughing at this guild.
    Ex-Waffles Director
  • khaoos
    khaoos Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    Well since u get the WB's and EP's ...

    Crimson is recruiting the WF,MG,WR,EA b:pleased
  • noblesse
    noblesse Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    After discussing things with a few people and considering that the game is unlikely to be re-balanced any time soon (i.e. venos), Meister will be an all-class guild with strong recruiting on barbarians, clerics and PvP venos. The original focus of power leveling and territory wars is still the main focus.
  • frenzi
    frenzi Posts: 75 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    khaoos wrote: »
    Well since u get the WB's and EP's ...

    Crimson is recruiting the WF,MG,WR,EA b:pleased

    Recruiting in someone elses recruitment thread. I didn't know one could even go that low.
    noblesse wrote: »
    After discussing things with a few people and considering that the game is unlikely to be re-balanced any time soon (i.e. venos), Meister will be an all-class guild with strong recruiting on barbarians, clerics and PvP venos. The original focus of power leveling and territory wars is still the main focus.

    Well bro, it's your decision as a whole. Best of luck to you, hope to see you on the map ;P
  • fearftw
    fearftw Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    frenzi wrote: »
    Recruiting in someone elses recruitment thread. I didn't know one could even go that low.

    just see how bad we are b:angry