I need help

neerthy Posts: 2 Arc User
edited February 2009 in Blademaster
I have a level 22 dual blade blademaster should i switch to axe warrior
because all i want is PVP
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  • Gesar - Lost City
    Gesar - Lost City Posts: 6 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    well... all u should do is pick up any weap u wanna and try it...
    u can call urself weap BM after 29 when u chose a weap tree till then... try as many weaps as u want
  • Demodude - Sanctuary
    Demodude - Sanctuary Posts: 90 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    well it depends on what kind of PvP. for things like TW, you wanna go dual axes (like me) for the aoes they got. its great when u can hit like 7 people at once with great aoes.
    but if ur gonna go around dueling peple, swords are prolly better. they focus on one target more.
    now personally, i use dual axes and dual blades. axes for grinding and when i do TW in the future. i se swords in duels and when im grinding sometimes. but its not reccomended. it took a long time to figure out the skill point allocation.
    but Gesar was right. wait till your 29 to choose a specific wep. the time until then is really to try different kinds of weps out so you can choose the one you like the most
    demodude-BM level 4x (currently 44)-TheRomans executor
    barb-being made soon (what preset should i make? i think im going panda)
    TheRomans guild recruiting 40+ any class pm me or SRAFF in game
  • Dess - Heavens Tear
    Dess - Heavens Tear Posts: 97 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    You should use a variety of wpns right now in order to figure out what wpn suits your play style. You really cant call yourself a '____ bm' till after lvl 29. As for the different types of pvp, follow Demodude's advice. Ive not done TW before, and have no expierence with it. Ive dueled plenty, and always seem to beat other bms unless they're using axes, an have a decent lvl bump on me. But the biggest thing is to find wpns that suit your play style best.