Raven Fan Club



  • NuNuie - Lost City
    NuNuie - Lost City Posts: 535 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    Epic! b:chuckle

    You forgot the post where he uses "3D" to say "thread" though. xD

    At least Niwa got the part where he calls me a 50 year old. And then says I'm pathetic for not knowing what 3D was....
    Names given to me by forum folks. The most fail of fail
    3.r3tard__8.Wannabe Troll
    4.Xtacy__9. Meangirl

    Please keep on guessing who I am. I love this game!!!
  • Takaru - Lost City
    Takaru - Lost City Posts: 31 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    raven become my sensaib:beg
  • Shaye - Lost City
    Shaye - Lost City Posts: 353 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    raven become my sensaib:beg
  • NuNuie - Lost City
    NuNuie - Lost City Posts: 535 Arc User
    edited February 2009

    Lol, what?
    Names given to me by forum folks. The most fail of fail
    3.r3tard__8.Wannabe Troll
    4.Xtacy__9. Meangirl

    Please keep on guessing who I am. I love this game!!!
  • Shaye - Lost City
    Shaye - Lost City Posts: 353 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    He said "sensei", with worse spelling. SENSEI. Bad.
  • Torinchibi - Lost City
    Torinchibi - Lost City Posts: 499 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    Hate? This is a tribute to him...

    That was an RQ inside joke. You would have know what I was talking about if you saw him talk during TW.
  • NuNuie - Lost City
    NuNuie - Lost City Posts: 535 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    That was an RQ inside joke. You would have know what I was talking about if you saw him talk during TW.

    I don't like seeing him type during TW. He says the most **** things. It makes me wonder how the hell he reached 90. OH WAIT HE LEECHED OFF PEOPLE.

    Man, I'm stupid. b:beatup
    Names given to me by forum folks. The most fail of fail
    3.r3tard__8.Wannabe Troll
    4.Xtacy__9. Meangirl

    Please keep on guessing who I am. I love this game!!!
  • Lorelai - Lost City
    Lorelai - Lost City Posts: 12 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    I was partied with him for most of the time grinding from 8X to 9X. He didn't leech at all, unless there's some alterate meaning to the word that I'm unaware of. >.>
  • Devoted - Lost City
    Devoted - Lost City Posts: 3,634 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    I was partied with him for most of the time grinding from 8X to 9X. He didn't leech at all, unless there's some alterate meaning to the word that I'm unaware of. >.>

    a werebeast at fish.
  • dekciw
    dekciw Posts: 954 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    a werebeast at fish.

    WRs don't leech la, pro aoe fish mid spot la. Don't ruin the 3D, lor.
  • Devoted - Lost City
    Devoted - Lost City Posts: 3,634 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    dekciw wrote: »
    WRs don't leech la, pro aoe fish mid spot la. Don't ruin the 3D, lor.

    .. and your pdef buff is also extremely helpful >.>
  • NuNuie - Lost City
    NuNuie - Lost City Posts: 535 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    I was partied with him for most of the time grinding from 8X to 9X. He didn't leech at all, unless there's some alterate meaning to the word that I'm unaware of. >.>
    a werebeast at fish.

    Nuff said.
    Names given to me by forum folks. The most fail of fail
    3.r3tard__8.Wannabe Troll
    4.Xtacy__9. Meangirl

    Please keep on guessing who I am. I love this game!!!
  • Specgoesemo - Lost City
    Specgoesemo - Lost City Posts: 275 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    what is that I hear? it's... it's a....

  • Takaru - Lost City
    Takaru - Lost City Posts: 31 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    He said "sensei", with worse spelling. SENSEI. Bad.

    thx for the correction( bad spellerb:surrender), but i think you truly do hate me la. but thats w/e. whats a weeaboo??
  • NuNuie - Lost City
    NuNuie - Lost City Posts: 535 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    I wish I could have a thread about myself and a bunch of stupid quotes coming from me. Do I have to make enemies for that or just type BR?

    Tell me now because I know I can do which ever it is to keep up with the great Raven.
    Names given to me by forum folks. The most fail of fail
    3.r3tard__8.Wannabe Troll
    4.Xtacy__9. Meangirl

    Please keep on guessing who I am. I love this game!!!
  • Yourmom - Lost City
    Yourmom - Lost City Posts: 1,655 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    I wish I could have a thread about myself and a bunch of stupid quotes coming from me. Do I have to make enemies for that or just type BR?

    Tell me now because I know I can do which ever it is to keep up with the great Raven.

    I think you have to make enemies and then say BR things about them, seems to work pretty well.

    Oh and act like you're getting really mad and frustrated about it the whole time, like you're seconds away from putting your keyboard through your monitor
  • NuNuie - Lost City
    NuNuie - Lost City Posts: 535 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    I think you have to make enemies and then say BR things about them, seems to work pretty well.

    Oh and act like you're getting really mad and frustrated about it the whole time, like you're seconds away from putting your keyboard through your monitor

    I really don't know how to get angry over texted words but I'll try. It seems all the people that get the most attention are **** BRs. I'll do my best as long as you support me? b:cute
    Names given to me by forum folks. The most fail of fail
    3.r3tard__8.Wannabe Troll
    4.Xtacy__9. Meangirl

    Please keep on guessing who I am. I love this game!!!
  • Yourmom - Lost City
    Yourmom - Lost City Posts: 1,655 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    I really don't know how to get angry over texted words but I'll try. It seems all the people that get the most attention are **** BRs. I'll do my best as long as you support me? b:cute

    Feel free to unnecessarily take offense at anything I say and rage about it
  • NuNuie - Lost City
    NuNuie - Lost City Posts: 535 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    Feel free to unnecessarily take offense at anything I say and rage about it

    I wil does so. but first start a 3D with a nice topik for my to do me BR talk. u kno waht i mean.
    Names given to me by forum folks. The most fail of fail
    3.r3tard__8.Wannabe Troll
    4.Xtacy__9. Meangirl

    Please keep on guessing who I am. I love this game!!!
  • Yourmom - Lost City
    Yourmom - Lost City Posts: 1,655 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    I wil does so. but first start a 3D with a nice topik for my to do me BR talk. u kno waht i mean.

    Hmm i gotta think up something good and scandalous

    Edit: just as I was typing this ninloth went and did it for me
  • NuNuie - Lost City
    NuNuie - Lost City Posts: 535 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    Hmm i gotta think up something good and scandalous

    Edit: just as I was typing this ninloth went and did it for me

    Lol, I noticed but as you already saw I failed to comply. b:surrender
    Names given to me by forum folks. The most fail of fail
    3.r3tard__8.Wannabe Troll
    4.Xtacy__9. Meangirl

    Please keep on guessing who I am. I love this game!!!
  • Governator - Lost City
    Governator - Lost City Posts: 243 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    Memorable quotes from Raven:

    dude everyone known youw as feeding ur item ur dolls and everything with salary of low levels..you never sent salary at low level for steal money....youa re a thief and a idiot.

    rundora is daikoku

    he say "i'm daikoku"

    daikoku never post for say "rundora isnt me"

    rundora asslick cq

    rundora is stupid

    10 other person are troll spammer that spam at blt leaders chat/whisper chat and try to add friend list for delay them reflex.

    skill has 3 categories;:

    pc:a good pc increase your win chance in pk and specially in tw(50% conq barely has requisite for play this game and they play with visibility 0)

    potting skill:ability to pot at right timer

    targetting skill:ability to target right class and use right skill

    i dont want cq to fail...

    i want avoid that cq take all map or everyone quit and you play alone in a empy server.

    90% female character ingame are male irl lol


    boring thread

    omg youa re really a stupid ....

    abbreviation dude....how old are you 50+++?pathetic

    well forum is your life...i want destroy you also here..lol

    sorry isowen... i used a fencing word(francais) that you cant known because you known only english and BR...sigh your ignorance is so sad.

    **** isowen go beach with ur carioca boys and your gf

    ok isowen..now you go play soccer with ur carioca boys..i hope you are not going change se-x as mezzy

    i known youa re not american...you are brazilian

    your mom is BR...stupid idiot racist

    maybe you need a vocabulary...are you still at kindergarden?

    zzz ignore rq...they are new to this game and they doesnt known what is pk or pvp..they think that kill 1 character 7 vs 1 is a good win or kill ppl 40 lvl lower is pk.

    i'm tired of read those nub post of people that known nothing about pw.

    i dont care a fu-ck about english.Do you realize english isnt my language?i dont care about you american fat as-sholes ...english will never be main world language...this is pw international not pwamerica

    no because you are ugly and smell....daikoku take a shower sometime please not only grind ;D

    no i love conq if exclude tigerwannabegirlily and watermachine

    Thank you Raven


    *ahem* WHERE IS YOU BRAIN??
    MOAR PLANS b:angry
    Because we can.
  • Tatuaje - Lost City
    Tatuaje - Lost City Posts: 2,780 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    Someone is bored lately. b:shocked
    tatuaje: grinding mobs and zhenning ???
    frankieraye:All right, I admit it, it's a bit retro. lol.