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Troa_ - Sanctuary
Troa_ - Sanctuary Posts: 8 Arc User
edited March 2009 in Dungeons & Tactics
All right, I've yet to find any formulae or get clear answers on how damage received/given is calculated under certain conditions. (Feel free to point me and others in the appropriate direction. ^_^) Overall, with the questions that follow, I'm really just trying to understand the damage calculation system as a whole, and anyone who wants to simply go down that road or add in additional information beyond the questions listed below is welcome to do so and is appreciated. I will, however, be more than statisfied and very grateful for even just direct answers to the following questions:

Q1. If I have two -6% Channeling Time items, is that equivalent to -12% Channeling, or are they considered separately. In other words, were I to take 10 seconds to channel something before these bonuses, would I take 8.8 seconds to channel (-12% off the 10 seconds), or 8.836 seconds to channel (-6% off the 10 seconds, then -6% again off the remaining time)?

Q2. If I have Phys. Damage reduced by X% and X points of Phys. Def., which is calculated first, or do both occur at the same time? So, for example, with -1% reduction + Phys. Def. equal to a 10% reduction for the attack being received, if I were to take 1,000 damage before any defensive modifiers, would I take 890 damage (each modifier calculated separately off of initial damage, so -100 + -10 = -110) or 891 damage (one calculated first for initial damage, then the other off of that remaining value)?

Q3a. What is considered to add to "Equipment Value," as referenced in so many buffs and abilities? Only the white numbers on equipment, or other things, too? Are shards imbued counted (e.g. Garnet Shards for Phys. Def.), are the blue bonuses counted (+45 Phys. Def. on any given item), or does refining a Might Ring, for example, add to my equipment's Phys. Def. total given that it's a white number?

Q3b. Also, for weapons, though it only says "Weapon Damage," do the bonuses for rings count anyway, and do the blue attack bonuses listed for a weapon count as well?

--A little off topic--
Q4. I haven't had the pleasure of getting to Sharpened Tooth Arrow (or whatever it's called) yet on my Archer; does firing it from the air half the percentage of the effect, or only the Base Physical damage dealt with the blow?

Thanks in advance for your thoughtful responses; peace. ^_^
Post edited by Troa_ - Sanctuary on


  • LilTerri - Sanctuary
    LilTerri - Sanctuary Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    Come on, some people have to know the answers to these questions, right?

    I mean, you can't be telling me that for all the "Best Build" threads, they're based on assumptions of formulae rather than known formulae, right? Isn't there a listing somewhere or something? Isn't the math available, or are we actually expected to build characters without hard X=Y+(A/{B*C-[Y/2]}) kinda **** from which to work?