Pure FoxForm Questions

xserenityx Posts: 7 Arc User
edited February 2009 in Venomancer
I'm planning on making a pure foxform, and I have some questions.

Is light armor ok, or do I have to go w/heavy?
Do I need more magic, or physical dmg?I'm looking at the skills and it seems like they are magic base but melee? So, does this mean I would do more dmg with skills if my mag is up?

Can anyone give me some tips too. :] Thank you.
Post edited by xserenityx on


  • Foxx_trott - Heavens Tear
    Foxx_trott - Heavens Tear Posts: 802 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    I think for the most part, most do go light armor when building the Fox Veno. I've seen posts in the past saying most Fox Veno's on the PVP server are Lights. I have been looking into the Heavy build however. Just not ready yet with all the facts to make the final plunge.
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  • Foxx_trott - Heavens Tear
    Foxx_trott - Heavens Tear Posts: 802 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    In fact I once read a great thread here someplace talking about this very question. Wish I could find it now, but couldn't (at a quick glance) but I remember Fuzzles here making some great points about the Pure Fox build. Maybe if we are lucky they will post here, or anybody else for that matter with some more wisdom on which would be better to go with. I'd like to know myself.
    You will never do anything in this world without courage.
    It is the greatest quality of the mind next to honor.
  • mentallaxative
    mentallaxative Posts: 93 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    Put enough in to wear the equipment for your level. If you have any extra, I suggest putting them into either Magic or Strength--Magic will boost your pet heal, while Strength adds a little to your physical attack. Dexterity isn't very useful except for allowing you to meet requirements, as the accuracy boost from Fox Form gives you a pretty good hit rate already.
  • Tawarwaith - Sanctuary
    Tawarwaith - Sanctuary Posts: 391 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    I once asked about the fox veno, and you can find all reaction under the following link: http://pwi-forum.perfectworld.com/showthread.php?t=158581

    Warning: It is PvE based, so if you are on lost city, it may be useless!

    Anyway, to give a brief description and answer your questions:
    - You do melee phys damage. However, most damage is based on your mag weapon, so on your mag poins indirectly. Pick weapons with the highest attack rate (1.25). For the fox, 1 hit isn't that much damage, but you do an amazing number of hits in a short time!
    - Your skills are divided in 2 kinds: Attack skills => they do an add-on damage (so not based on your stats, but on the skill lvl) and have a side effect, that usually cripples the mob (accuracy decreased, etc). And the others are Active curses => they do no damage, but cripple the mob, and are especially effective against bosses (erase positive buffs, etc).
    - For your armor, I would say go heavy. Xchandra gave the wonderfull idea to look for heavy armor with reduced requirements. This will allow you to use the latest heavy armor, without losing to much mag.

    To end with, I would say that the fox veno is a bit less solo orientated than the mage veno. As a tank, I would like to have a fox nex to me more often when tanking a boss. Fox wallop really makes alacrity much easier to use, and Hexmist will give the cleric a little more time to breath, while still concerving the lure ability.
  • xserenityx
    xserenityx Posts: 7 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    I'm still looking through but I now have some more questions about it.

    For pets people are saying golem because of its high def, and attack dmg. However, I know there are pets out there that can have skills which lower the enemies physical, and/or magical defense. One pet I do know that has this is the kitty. I'm not going for PvP, I'm a PvE type of person.

    I do not think of foxform as a tank but like some others have said in there, a debuffer.

    The only problem I see with heavy armor is that it takes away mag points which is harder to add in points for weps? I think that it would be harder to get lower reg armor since I'm not a productions fan. Can someone explain to me why light armor may be a bad idea? Like right now one person is saying go for light and another is saying heavy. What are the pros and cons between light and heavy for foxform?

    If I go for light armor could I make it up str by getting rings?

    And fox skills are based off of str and mag? x.X??? *thought it was just mag?*

    Eh, I think I'm gonna just wing it.

    Thank you guys for the help. ^^
  • FoxRunning - Heavens Tear
    FoxRunning - Heavens Tear Posts: 2,048 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    im a level 49 veno, and,i think, what is called a hybrid, because i hunt in both human and fox form.

    for ordinary hunting, i use fox form whenever possible, and use a wolf or mechacrab for my partner, because they are fast and tough. the crab is a great lil tank, too. but for work in dungeons, i go human, to be able to see where i am easier, and because i can cast distance attacks, though i think in general they are not as strong as leveled up fox attacks like leech and others.

    for armour, i have been wearing wraith, all blue starred, with as many stones inbued as i can for extra mana. since we have to put so many points into magic,etc. some people mix armour types, but as you get higher in level, it gets almost impossible, because of the need to put points in dex, which venos arent supposed to. so you are kind of stuck with arcane armour, and using jewlery for extra physical protection. i strongly suggest always keeping an hp charm on-helps keep down the number of times you get pounded flat by mobs and losing precious exp. they dont cost much on the cash shop, and can be found in Archasaur's shopping district....keep an eye out for good prices, and snag them when you can. (keep one in the bank and one on.)

    xserenityx wrote: »
    I'm planning on making a pure foxform, and I have some questions.

    Is light armor ok, or do I have to go w/heavy?
    Do I need more magic, or physical dmg?I'm looking at the skills and it seems like they are magic base but melee? So, does this mean I would do more dmg with skills if my mag is up?

    Can anyone give me some tips too. :] Thank you.
    (and hugs to Flauschkatze for the sig!)
    "Thanks for writing me-- it's always great to hear from a vet.

    Playing here since '08b:heart
  • Tawarwaith - Sanctuary
    Tawarwaith - Sanctuary Posts: 391 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    xserenityx wrote: »
    For pets people are saying golem because of its high def, and attack dmg. However, I know there are pets out there that can have skills which lower the enemies physical, and/or magical defense. One pet I do know that has this is the kitty. I'm not going for PvP, I'm a PvE type of person.

    I do not think of foxform as a tank but like some others have said in there, a debuffer.

    The only problem I see with heavy armor is that it takes away mag points which is harder to add in points for weps? I think that it would be harder to get lower reg armor since I'm not a productions fan. Can someone explain to me why light armor may be a bad idea? Like right now one person is saying go for light and another is saying heavy. What are the pros and cons between light and heavy for foxform?

    If I go for light armor could I make it up str by getting rings?

    And fox skills are based off of str and mag? x.X??? *thought it was just mag?*

    Well, I'll try to answer your questions:
    - Concerning the pets: Golems are most used because their high phys def and hp make up for the veno's low stats on that side. Pesonally I don't really like them, but that's more because they are so common, and they always block my view when I tank with my barb. So my reason for disliking them isn't really rationnal. Personnaly I really like the Tauroc, but the rhinodrake is pretty good also. The rhinodrakes all have threaten: the skill you were talking about. For info on pet stats, check this site: http://pwi.moonalupe.com/bpl1.htm (Un fortunately, it doesn't has the rare pets on it)

    - On the tank thing: note that I have a barb and a foxveno.

    - Concerning the armor: No golden rule applies.
    If you go pure fox, I would say avoid arcane. Most mobs use mag attacks only once in a while when you're close enough to them and inbetween they use phys attacks. You'll have hardly any benefit of the increased phys def in fox form.
    Heavy armor has the advantage that you can easily fight a mob solo without a pet. And you won't get one shotted easily. The major downside is that the stat requirements of mag weapon and heavy armor arn't compatible. This means you have to choose between either the best armor and a weapon below your lvl, or the best weapon and a armor below your lvl. Using armor with reduced requirements is the best in this case.
    Light armor has the advantage to be compatible with the mag weapons requirement, and still give a pretty decent bonus in terms of phys def in foxform. You will be more fragile then in heavy armor though, and if attacked, you'll probably be forced to run if your pet is occupied. To be honest, I'm still tempted to restat and try the light armor build, because I've been taking less hits then expected.
    - The craftsman jewellery isn't effected by foxform, but can be used to balance between mag and phys resistance. (As for the rings, I'll tread that just after) I would say, add phys resistance if you use light, and mag if you go heavy.
    - The point that is a bit hard to comprehend is that mag weapons have a phys attack potentiel. The phys damage of the weapon (allong with attack rate) is the main factor of your damage output. This means that the better your weapon, the higher your damage, and for the best weapon you need at least 3 mag points each lvl. (I hope you get what I mean, but if not just say so, and I'll try to explain it another way) So for rings, go for the phys attack ones, no matter what build you go.
    - The fox skills, at least the active attack because the debuffs don't do any damage directly, have a add-on damage. This means that it's not related to your own damage, but the amount is fixed with the skill. An example to make this clear: A humanoide skill like venemous scarab grands +55% of mag attack, so the skill will be more effective if your weapon is good. A fox skill like foxwallop grands +146.6 damage (and side effect), this amount is fixe no matter what build you followed. The add on damage will not be influenced by any factor.

    I hope this answered your question. Feel free to ask more info. The fox build is a bit under used, so info is sometimes hard to get.
  • xserenityx
    xserenityx Posts: 7 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    Yes answered everything. ^^ Thank you. :]