Teleport prices are outrageous!

FroozeBow - Heavens Tear
FroozeBow - Heavens Tear Posts: 84 Arc User
edited February 2009 in General Discussion
This is crazy!! 5,000 coins for a trip that would normally take only 10 seconds? WTF is with that? 1,000 coins to teleport somewhere, and 3,000 to teleport to another place like 5 feet away?

Does anyone else think that these teleport prices are just stupid? Please don't tell me that I should just not teleport, I would never dream of paying 5,000 coins for a trip 20 feet away. It's just, what were the game designers (or whoever they are) thinking??? It's just insane!
Post edited by FroozeBow - Heavens Tear on


  • Saitada - Sanctuary
    Saitada - Sanctuary Posts: 3,220 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    This is crazy!! 5,000 coins for a trip that would normally take only 10 seconds? WTF is with that? 1,000 coins to teleport somewhere, and 3,000 to teleport to another place like 5 feet away?

    Does anyone else think that these teleport prices are just stupid? Please don't tell me that I should just not teleport, I would never dream of paying 5,000 coins for a trip 20 feet away. It's just, what were the game designers (or whoever they are) thinking??? It's just insane!

    It's a money sink. And a quick way for rich people to move 20 feet w/o putting in any effort.

  • rugal
    rugal Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    The only ones i use are the ones to the main cities costing 1k. From lv 60 and up you can teleport for free to archo from those major cities using cube of fate.

    I agree teleporting should be according to distance, but this is just one of the many things the game designer does that doesnt make sense. Like needing 100 socket stones to socket lv 8 weapons. Who the hell will do that?
  • Jrudora - Lost City
    Jrudora - Lost City Posts: 445 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    If it takes 10 seconds to fly, you're given the option to fly.
    Why not just fly.
    No, the prices on teleports aren't that ridiculous.
  • Davitiel - Heavens Tear
    Davitiel - Heavens Tear Posts: 978 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    I agree, prices are quite high for teleporting to close places. That is why I only teleport between the three main cities and use the Cube of Fate to teleport to Archosaur. Some teleportations only 200 coins so I use those too but with the rest I just fly using the new Autopath feature, its very useful.
    And now faith, hope, and charity remain; but the greatest of these is charity.
  • jemima
    jemima Posts: 5 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    It's a money sink, something PW needs. If the prices are too high for you don't use them.
  • Aerilius - Heavens Tear
    Aerilius - Heavens Tear Posts: 111 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    As much as it does suck having to pay that much for a quick trip, prices like those help keep the economy strong and prevent inflation. Bad for you, good for everyone.

    Personally, I just fly everywhere unless I need to get somewhere fast.
  • Melethiel - Lost City
    Melethiel - Lost City Posts: 156 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    Just fly there, or get some guy to give you a lift on their mount lol.
    "Only the dead have seen the end of war."
  • Michaeas - Sanctuary
    Michaeas - Sanctuary Posts: 24 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    Kind of torn, because...

    Yes, I agree that the prices are a bit high, but...

    I also recognize the need for a coin sink in a game and fortunately, PWI has more than most to keep the amount of coin in the game down. (Present debacle excluded of course)

    It's as I have always said, "You can get more results with a kind word and a big stick, than you can with merely a kind word."

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  • Daerys - Sanctuary
    Daerys - Sanctuary Posts: 1,022 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    Prime example: Sundown Town -> Town of Arrivals 5,000

    The trip takes 30 seconds on a mount. 60 on foot. C'mon that's just silly.
  • miollvynir
    miollvynir Posts: 83 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    I'm gonna say it: just run. Don't worry about it if there's nothing to worry about! If you want to teleport, you pay. If you don't, you don't. Simple as that.
  • Vidalaire - Heavens Tear
    Vidalaire - Heavens Tear Posts: 389 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    Use some logic. The teleport prices aren't distance based. They're based on the level of the characters that need to go to those towns for quests. The low level towns(Bamboo Village, Broken Bridge, Hidden Heroes, etc.) have low teleport prices because low level characters need to go to them and they tend to not have as much money as higher level characters.

    Places like Sundown and Arrivals have quests for higher level characters and thus require more money to tele there. 1K Streams and Dreamweaver are places for the highest level characters and thus have the highest teleport fees. The barrier villages by 1K Streams are prime examples. A quick minute to fly or ride to any of them, but costs 8000 to tele between. The mobs and quests are designed for 90+ characters.

    The logic is that higher level characters can generate more coins so they should pay more for teleporting. If you want to complain that the fees are too high, then go right ahead. Hell, I agree with you, but get your facts right. DISTANCE IS NOT A FACTOR.
  • ronaldw04
    ronaldw04 Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    heres a thought...

    if it is 20 ft away, THEN RUN TO IT

    it really isnt THAT hard! is it?
  • Smexxyfox - Heavens Tear
    Smexxyfox - Heavens Tear Posts: 722 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    here's a thought, the damn system sux!! Stop making excuses like "oh why dont you just run/fly it?"

    Why doesnt everyone walk to work/school?

    Either make the teleport sytem work properly or just remove it completely.
  • sillyfoo
    sillyfoo Posts: 286 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    Hmmm...if your ever in lost city, 1k, dreamweaver port, plume, or etherblade and need to get to Arch just use the pup that takes you to cube. Instead of doing the cube after you enter just go to the npc that lets you leave and poof you appear in Arch for free!!!!! Prices are ok and some of the distances are rediculous but hey its good they do that so you walk/fly around and explore. 5k? 8k? teleports arent that expensive when you make a couple grand at lower lvls an hour and at lvl 60+ make 100k+ an hour.
  • nqeib
    nqeib Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    I stopped teleporting and cut down flying when I realized how much crafting mats you can gather while running somewhere. Sure, getting anywhere takes a lot more time, but I can always teleport if I need to be somewhere fast.
  • Maciaveli - Lost City
    Maciaveli - Lost City Posts: 260 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    rugal wrote: »
    From lv 60 and up you can teleport for free to archo from those major cities using cube of fate.

    level 40+.
    Main Character: Nicolanis; 8x Venomancer - The Best No-Nix Robe User On Lost City(Not Much Competition There Though) b:victory

    Faction: Harvester b:shocked

    Current Reputation:- 50xx/200,000 Wearing Rank 4 Chest Armorb:dirty
  • Darksylph - Heavens Tear
    Darksylph - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,816 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    here's a thought, the damn system sux!! Stop making excuses like "oh why dont you just run/fly it?"

    Why doesnt everyone walk to work/school?

    Either make the teleport sytem work properly or just remove it completely.

    Here's a thought, the damn system doesnt suck and is working as intended. It's a luxury, not a necessity. It costs alot of money if you need to go somewhere in a flash, but otherwise isnt needed. And it serves the VERY needed purpose of draining coins out of the economy in a method which targets those who have more excess coin (the rich). So rather then thinking it must be broken cause you cant afford it, look at how this game gives you flight, mounts, etc, all different methods of transportation, with different costs & different speeds. Of course instant is going to be the most costly. Working as intended & i agree with the system as its implemented.

    P.S. dont dare call me a "fanboy" or anything because i think the handling of the recent exploit was appaulling and my oppnions of that are 180 from this. This is just a situation in PW where i do agree with how it works.
  • cottman
    cottman Posts: 62 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    1. Nobody force you to teleport. Just run.

    2. Teleport is a good design for the rich to waste their money so that you won't be so poor.

    3. Price is only relative. If they indeed lower the price of teleport, you will find out something else sticks out as expensive and continue to whine.

    4. Last not certainly not least, if teleport is cheap, who would buy the cash shop teleports? b:sin