About the Ban.



  • Tigriss - Heavens Tear
    Tigriss - Heavens Tear Posts: 760 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    Junon I just love how we can agree on one thing and argue about another at the same time.
    "Jesus fricking christ on a pogo stick. Your a mass of fricking idiots I swear!"
    Thankies Crystalynnex
  • Ppjenga - Heavens Tear
    Ppjenga - Heavens Tear Posts: 19 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    Well, I can't say I didn't strongly support a rollback, but it has been, what, 24+ hours since the landmark of an applicable rollback...?
    It's not going to happen, so it's prime time to get over it.
  • King_Solomon - Heavens Tear
    King_Solomon - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,341 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    It's YOU people who exploited this who ruined the game. You're greedy, selfish, small-minded children who need to grow UP and take responsability for your own actions. Stop blaming the world for your behavior. You have free will, you know right from wrong, you CHOSE wrong. Now pay the consequences for it. You've already destroyed this game, so being banned won't be much of a punishment for you anyway. Enjoy what you've done. Because destroying things is SO much more fun then creating right?

    I'm just wondering why talking politics in this game is a reason to get banned but cheating passively isn't.

    Let's consider those who actually exploited the bug were the active cheaters and all those who had profits with it (through friends, trades, gifts, inflated prices or doing all the dirty things from other accounts) were the passive ones.

    If you're willing to join another online game do NOT join any hosted by K2 NETWORK. Want to know why? Check BBB complaints.
  • Niamy - Sanctuary
    Niamy - Sanctuary Posts: 269 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    If you find anything unusual either good or bad must report to verify that this is a bug / exploit, simple and easy.
    There are rules and must be respected, you will be punished as indicated in the ToS if you broke that rules.
    Now i say, if the bug will not benefite to you, obviously u will report as a bug... no?... Let us not be hypocrites and say things as they are, some people have abused of something Knowing that something was not normal and they received their deserved punishment, there is now no valid claim, all accepted the rules when you start playing, face the consequences.

    Cya. b:bye
    Venomancer 82
    Cleric 55
    Barbarian 32
    Wizard 54
    Believe me when I tell you will not want to test my anger...
  • Twilyte - Heavens Tear
    Twilyte - Heavens Tear Posts: 131 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    The point isn't to wash profiters hands, the point is that the banning is not an acceptable solution, and that the mess is 95% devs' responsability.

    Your opinion, nothing more. And as I am also entitled to my own opinion, I chose to say that bans are absolutely acceptable when a player knowingly takes advantage of a situation to enhance their status in game (or out of game for that matter.)

    You are so fond of comparing this to "real life" by quoting others who give comparative hypothetical situations, try this one on for size:

    You've been trying to save up for a special purchase in real life, but times are tight and you never seem to make any headway in your savings. You are surviving perfectly fine, but you can't seem to put enough away to "indulge" yourself and buy luxory items. One day you are at a check out counter at the store. While waiting in line to pay, you notice the security camera is rotating side to side, leaving the cashier unwatched for a fair amount of time. As you get ready to pay, a commotion in the store draws the cashier away from the counter. In their rush, they left the cash drawer open. The camera isn't able to see you.

    In your scenario of "you can't blame a child if you show them the candy", the customer would be justified and unpunishable due to the temptation and circumstances if he/she opted to take a handful of cash and leave.

    That is just plain stupid.

    Here is my "Perfect" solution: A roll back should have been done. In addition, all accounts/IPs involved with exploiting the glitch would be perma banned. Then you end up reverting the economy and erasing the collateral damage of all the purchases made because of the ill-begotten gold (ie..high end molds, mats, etc that were snapped up because peeps had limitless gold being generated). Anyone who bought Zen during that time would still have their Zen, but now they can't take advantage of a money-laundering market where Zen was being purchased at 500k+. If they purchased for the sole purpose of reselling to take advantage of that, I don't think they should be entitled to getting a cash refund (and sorting between legit peeps who wanted to buy new items and those that just wanted to profit would be impossible anyway, so everyone who bought Zen gets it...no cash refunds).

    This solution serves the community in several ways:
    (A) the economy reverts back to pre-crisis.
    (B) players who discovered and abused the glitch are removed from game (if they couldn't resist absuing one glitch, they won't be able to resist abusing more in the future, so good riddance)
    (C) those that thought they would be "slick" and profit from others abusing a glitch will get "stuck" paying real life cash.
    (D) legit players will have lost nothing except the time they spent grinding/questing or otherwise obtaining things in game.

    Yes, the bans are acceptable, they just aren't enough.

    And to the OP....face it: members of your guild cheated (your leader in fact!) and got caught.

  • Shiga - Sanctuary
    Shiga - Sanctuary Posts: 81 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    And here's the second one :

    "If I may, let me pose a hypothetical situation, and see the community's response to it. Suppose you were in a class, and your class took an exam. After the results of the exam were released, it was revealed that a good percentage of the class had cheated on it, thus negatively influencing the curve, and hurting the whole class. The professor, in his effort to clean up the mess, takes measures to root out the cheaters and void their scores. However, this process is found to only be partially effective, and many cheaters go undetected. What do you think would be the best way to handle this? Would it be to accept that the professor's actions are sufficient and that rooting out only most of the cheaters is enough? Or would you demand a retest? I think it is clear that most would want a retest, and PWI's version of a retest is the rollback. Understandably, those that got an A honestly would be annoyed, but for the good of the community, a retest is a necessary measure.

    Many may argue that this bears no resemblance to the issue that is ravaging PWI currently. In some respects I would have to agree, however, the major elements parallel eachother. The cheaters gained an unfair advantage over those who played the game honestly. There are those that argue that what others do is of no concern to them and does not affect them. This may be true for you, but not for the majority. The goal of many of the higher level players is to PK and TW. Others' skill lvl, refining lvl, equipment, etc play directly into the equation; it simply isn't fair to everyone who plays PWI if any cheater goes unchecked. Given the vast scope and complexity of this problem, it simply isn't practical to believe that the GM's will catch all the cheaters.(Since all transactions, trades, skills/items bought, etc need to be tracked) It seems to me the only reasonable solution is a rollback. Please act quickly, because the longer it takes, the more fallout it will create.

    As a corollary, it seems like the majority of responses advocate a rollback. Why, then, is it not being implemented ? "

    I like this example, since at the University I am attending at the moment if you get caught cheating on a test there are 3 things that can happen: 1: Get a 0 on the test. 2: Get a 0 for the class. 3: Get kicked out of the school. And many professors have opted to go with option 3, which exactly what a ban would emulate. However I do agree that 70 bans are not enough, I personally think that everyone who knowingly took advantage of it (as in not just selling gold once for a lot, but did so hour after hour), should be banned as well or at the very least suspended and ALL gold profits made that day be nulled out.
  • Junon - Heavens Tear
    Junon - Heavens Tear Posts: 181 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    Junon I just love how we can agree on one thing and argue about another at the same time.

    Well wouldn't that kind of contradict my point in the other thread if I wanted the people to simply be suspended for abusing this glitch?b:laugh
  • Amnesie - Sanctuary
    Amnesie - Sanctuary Posts: 18 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    Damn that's not easy to be the "devil's loyer"... b:surrender
    I have no more time to react today, i'll be back tomorrow to tell my opinion about last posts...even if not sure if this interest someone anymore...

    I feel anyway that we're just a few to think the origin of the problem (programming one), can't be the origin of the punishment.
    A few against many. ><

    Cya and whatever, enjoy playing. b:pleased
  • Mistree - Heavens Tear
    Mistree - Heavens Tear Posts: 52 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    If an ATM at a bank suddenly starts shooting out money it is against to the law to take that money. This is the exact same thing.

    There, short simple, to the point. Have a nice day.
  • Zuleica - Heavens Tear
    Zuleica - Heavens Tear Posts: 23 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    But look the situation here...it's quite unusual.
    Many peoples have made profit with it. Hundreds, maybe thousands.
    I myself have earned 2 molds, a fashion clothe and 1M coins, gived by another player. Some people i know made up 20M...An we're not baned.
    70 players over a thousand are banned. Our Faction leader is one of them.
    Where is the justice in here ?
    Like i said before..Is this a public lapidation of few ones, for the exemple ?
    How many players would have to be ban for this te be fair ?
    Is there a cap of profit you can't pass ? Like 50M ?
    This is just annoying.

    The few baned i know are on PWI since months and where just as fair play and as nice as can be. And i'm sure most of the other baned ones were too.

    But this is really to obvious. The glitch was really to huge.

    I'm talking about Justice and Ethic here.

    Devs CAN'T just ban 70 players for exemple, and CAN'T ban evrybody who earned something about it.
    The situation is unusual and was provoced by devs.
    The banned ones MUST be bringed back, with or without the coins and the gold they earned, for this to be fair.

    This 70 baned decision isn't acceptable. b:angry

    You DARE to talk ethics here? You knowingly took advantage of a game bug. One that, if you had an ounce of sense, you KNEW would destroy the economy quickly.

    At the very least IF you had an ounce of ethical sense you would delete everything you gained from the exploit of an obvious bug.

    Either you behaved unethically or just stupidly...you tell us which it was and then tell us you corrected your action by deleting your ill-gotten gains.
  • Zuleica - Heavens Tear
    Zuleica - Heavens Tear Posts: 23 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    And here's the second one :

    "If I may, let me pose a hypothetical situation, and see the community's response to it. Suppose you were in a class, and your class took an exam. After the results of the exam were released, it was revealed that a good percentage of the class had cheated on it, thus negatively influencing the curve, and hurting the whole class. The professor, in his effort to clean up the mess, takes measures to root out the cheaters and void their scores. However, this process is found to only be partially effective, and many cheaters go undetected. What do you think would be the best way to handle this? Would it be to accept that the professor's actions are sufficient and that rooting out only most of the cheaters is enough? Or would you demand a retest? I think it is clear that most would want a retest, and PWI's version of a retest is the rollback. Understandably, those that got an A honestly would be annoyed, but for the good of the community, a retest is a necessary measure.

    Many may argue that this bears no resemblance to the issue that is ravaging PWI currently. In some respects I would have to agree, however, the major elements parallel eachother. The cheaters gained an unfair advantage over those who played the game honestly. There are those that argue that what others do is of no concern to them and does not affect them. This may be true for you, but not for the majority. The goal of many of the higher level players is to PK and TW. Others' skill lvl, refining lvl, equipment, etc play directly into the equation; it simply isn't fair to everyone who plays PWI if any cheater goes unchecked. Given the vast scope and complexity of this problem, it simply isn't practical to believe that the GM's will catch all the cheaters.(Since all transactions, trades, skills/items bought, etc need to be tracked) It seems to me the only reasonable solution is a rollback. Please act quickly, because the longer it takes, the more fallout it will create.

    As a corollary, it seems like the majority of responses advocate a rollback. Why, then, is it not being implemented ? "

    If you find these analogies meaningful AND you don't believe what YOU did in accepting the ill-gotten gains was unethical then there really isn't much that can be said to you since I don't think you are willing to try and understand. You're only attempting to make excuses for yourself and the others.

    The best analogy here was the person's who knew someone that bought at one store's sale and returned it to a different store for full price refund. The store is going to hang those they catch doing so...not demand everyone that purchased or returned items in the past few days revert the transaction.

    My only wish is that PW include you in their investigation. What you did was blatently unethical. You care more for your immediate gains than the overall health of the virtual world that thousands derive pleasure from.
  • Zuleica - Heavens Tear
    Zuleica - Heavens Tear Posts: 23 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    If an ATM at a bank suddenly starts shooting out money it is against to the law to take that money. This is the exact same thing.

    There, short simple, to the point. Have a nice day.

    yeah...unfortunately there are plenty that think it's perfectly fine. It was the ATM manufacturers fault it malfunctioned therefor entirely their problem. The idiots picking up money that CLEARLY is not theirs are, in their confused tiny minds, not in the least obligated to do anything else other than line their own pockets.
  • Zuleica - Heavens Tear
    Zuleica - Heavens Tear Posts: 23 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    Actually a better example would be if you withdrew $100 dollars from an ATM and it erroneously dispensed $1,000.

    Then, figuring the ATM people were responsible for their glitch, you deposited the $1,000 and withdrew it again erroneously recieving $10k...and continued doing that over and over again until you had exhausted the ATMs cash. Then went to other similar ATMs finding the same bug and emptied them.

    Answer two questions...

    1. What do you think the legal consequences would be? and,

    2. What do think the legal consequences SHOULD be?
  • a3shuzy3
    a3shuzy3 Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    I feel disgusted.
    OP should feel lucky that the company did not take any some sort of legal actions against exploiters.
    It is a crime and a serious crime .

    How can I ever forgive exploiters that just killed the game..
    This is like dupe ****. Things will be out of control...
  • King_Solomon - Heavens Tear
    King_Solomon - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,341 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    soon we'll see items +10 and higher.

    If you're willing to join another online game do NOT join any hosted by K2 NETWORK. Want to know why? Check BBB complaints.
  • Zuleica - Heavens Tear
    Zuleica - Heavens Tear Posts: 23 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    soon we'll see items +10 and higher.

    And when we do we all have a responsibility to report it so they can investigate. Things like that are CLEAR markers for the exploit and I'd hope that reports of people with such highly improbable items would be investigated.
  • Wysteria - Heavens Tear
    Wysteria - Heavens Tear Posts: 50 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    I bought the Duke Rose outfit, a couple of sets in fact so I could get the colour I wanted, I put the rest of what I didnt want in auction at a little under the 100k per 1g price, I also bought some pigments to dye the gloves then went on with my questing.

    I heard people talking about hey if you sell that you can make tons, and other people saying how it must be a glitch...

    Did I run back to the auction house, grab my stuff back, spend the rest of my gold on more and make my own millions?....

    NOPE!!! cos I read the TOS RULES!!! and knew that it was WRONG!

    I carried on questing... so I agree, they abused it they deserve the consequences, but I dont agree with a rollback - I dont want to lose the outfit I bought with honesty; I dont want to lose the XP I gained yesterday, or lose my hard earned real world cash that I paid for gold with, or the ingame money I made from selling them at a reasonable price.

    So far, they have banned 70 accounts, I really dont think it will end there, I think they will have a team continuing to sift through the data and the rest of the glitch abusers will get their consequence too.

    As for the market, yeah it might change a little, but no more than its a affected by the lucky people who have $1000's to spend on a game and are able to have the best already.

    As for one of the banned being a leader - OMG - they should know better than anyone, I would not want to be in a faction that had someone that happily abused glitches as my leader anyway.

    With regard to the TW attack night - All factions that were scheduled are being offered their money back, but I do think a reschedule of the attacks woulda been nice for them.
  • Zuleica - Heavens Tear
    Zuleica - Heavens Tear Posts: 23 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    I bought the Duke Rose outfit, a couple of sets in fact so I could get the colour I wanted, I put the rest of what I didnt want in auction at a little under the 100k per 1g price, I also bought some pigments to dye the gloves then went on with my questing.

    I heard people talking about hey if you sell that you can make tons, and other people saying how it must be a glitch...

    Did I run back to the auction house, grab my stuff back, spend the rest of my gold on more and make my own millions?....

    NOPE!!! cos I read the TOS RULES!!! and knew that it was WRONG!

    I carried on questing... so I agree, they abused it they deserve the consequences, but I dont agree with a rollback - I dont want to lose the outfit I bought with honesty; I dont want to lose the XP I gained yesterday, or lose my hard earned real world cash that I paid for gold with, or the ingame money I made from selling them at a reasonable price.

    So far, they have banned 70 accounts, I really dont think it will end there, I think they will have a team continuing to sift through the data and the rest of the glitch abusers will get their consequence too.

    As for the market, yeah it might change a little, but no more than people who have $1000's to spend on a game.

    As for one of the banned being a leader - OMG - they should know better than anyone, I would not want to be in a faction that had someone that happily abused glitches as my leader anyway.

    With regard to the TW attack night - All factions that were scheduled are being offered their money back, but I do think a reschedule of the attacks woulda been nice for them.

    Exactly, someone with ethical values to be admired. Thank you!
  • Esteban801 - Sanctuary
    Esteban801 - Sanctuary Posts: 29 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    a3shuzy3 wrote: »
    I feel disgusted.
    OP should feel lucky that the company did not take any some sort of legal actions against exploiters.
    It is a crime and a serious crime .

    How can I ever forgive exploiters that just killed the game..
    This is like dupe ****. Things will be out of control...

    It would be a crime if the Devs didn't make money from it.
  • ochnod77
    ochnod77 Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    Well if the players that took advantage of the developers mistake and exploited it to make a profit they should be banned. Exploitation of the game and taking advantage of other players to benefit themselves is above excuse, regardless what faction they belong to, or whether they are just everyday players. People like that are going to look and look to find future exploits. Do we want or need that? I know I don't. I spend money in the cash shop and play like I am supposed to. Besides using exploits and glitches are supposed to be reported, not taken advantage of. That much is stated. SO BAN EM ALL. In the long run PWI will get there money back from honest players and will look better in the eyes of all.
  • Amnesie - Sanctuary
    Amnesie - Sanctuary Posts: 18 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    Wow wait, here !

    My plan for tonight is two hour delayed so i just read the last post.

    And, wait a sec, why do you all throw me those stones ? ...oO

    I'm not at all in a selfish idea or trying to defend myself for **** sake !
    And i listen and think about what is all said... Calm down.

    I just started this post to show my opinions about bans.

    And yeah, i don't mind to delete what peoples gived me for **** sake.
    I already told what i earned from the in game created money, and that's not the purpose !

    I'm just seeking some fair decision !

    Yes, i agree with the ones who says that it was dumb for players to profit on the item. Yes i admit too that i was dumb to accept 4M from it.
    Yes i admit all players who have earned something from it, me inside, were not thinking about consequence, and acting impulsively.
    So yes you convince me that players have more responsability than in my first opinion.

    But i still think developpers are making a huge mistake while baning 70 players.
    I still have the feeling it's a public lapidation.
    And i still feel bad about developpers banning players about a thing they introduce. Even if, yeah, players were dumb.
    If rollback isn't possible anymore, i think the better option will be to take money back frome players, and bring them back.

    The purpose of the thread is to find the better option for clients to agree with the developpers. And i personnaly disagree with the ban..i thought we were more, my mistake.

    About the in real life exemple, it seems to be to subjective and a question of "point de vue" like we say in France.
    "Is stealing and making profit on an opportunity the same thing ?"...things like that.

    There's my opinion, and please stop telling it's a selfish defense, i'm just trying to do the perfect opposite...even if my english sucks.

    Cya in game. :)
  • angelswing
    angelswing Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    I for one am glad of the Banm and of how the GMs and Devs took care of it, they are only human like the rest of us so i am sure that there will be more banning and issues to deal with. To those that find it unfair because they themselves profited, i agree its not fair, you should be banned too! There is no way you could NOT know there was something wrong when you sold things to the NPCs, its common sense!
  • Zuleica - Heavens Tear
    Zuleica - Heavens Tear Posts: 23 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    Wow wait, here !

    My plan for tonight is two hour delayed so i just read the last post.

    And, wait a sec, why do you all throw me those stones ? ...oO

    I'm not at all in a selfish idea or trying to defend myself for **** sake !
    And i listen and think about what is all said... Calm down.

    I just started this post to show my opinions about bans.

    And yeah, i don't mind to delete what peoples gived me for **** sake.
    I already told what i earned from the in game created money, and that's not the purpose !

    I'm just seeking some fair decision !

    Yes, i agree with the ones who says that it was dumb for players to profit on the item. Yes i admit too that i was dumb to accept 4M from it.
    Yes i admit all players who have earned something from it, me inside, were not thinking about consequence, and acting impulsively.
    So yes you convince me that players have more responsability than in my first opinion.

    But i still think developpers are making a huge mistake while baning 70 players.
    I still have the feeling it's a public lapidation.
    And i still feel bad about developpers banning players about a thing they introduce. Even if, yeah, players were dumb.
    If rollback isn't possible anymore, i think the better option will be to take money back frome players, and bring them back.

    The purpose of the thread is to find the better option for clients to agree with the developpers. And i personnaly disagree with the ban..i thought we were more, my mistake.

    About the in real life exemple, it seems to be to subjective and a question of "point de vue" like we say in France.
    "Is stealing and making profit on an opportunity the same thing ?"...things like that.

    There's my opinion, and please stop telling it's a selfish defense, i'm just trying to do the perfect opposite...even if my english sucks.

    Cya in game. :)

    I appreciate your honesty here on the forums.

    Please read my ATM machine analogy then ask your question.

    Briefly; If you withdrew $100 form an ATM and it erroneously dispensed $1,000 would it be "stealing" if you deposited the $1k and withdrew it again to get $10k?

    The in-game bug is pretty much equivalent to that but with a few more steps.

    I find it hard to believe that anyone with an ethical concience would equivocate over the answer.

    Now tell us here you have disposed of the exploited gains you received AND given others you know the same opportunity before turning them in and I will applaud you for correcting your mistake.

    We all have to live with this. I actually would find respect for those that correct their own errors in judgement and only prefer to ban the ones that don't.
  • King_Solomon - Heavens Tear
    King_Solomon - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,341 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    And when we do we all have a responsibility to report it so they can investigate. Things like that are CLEAR markers for the exploit and I'd hope that reports of people with such highly improbable items would be investigated.

    but are you sure they will be able to investigate anything?

    the guys caught red-handed were blocked because the admin traced the item sales manually and not the accounts on their own. every character has logs but, as time passes by, older entries are automatically replaced by newer ones. so the smart ones will hide their items and, in 3 months there will be no way to prove they abused the bug through logs. so, eventually the spotted abuser will tell some friend have gifted him or maybe he'll tell he's just lucky...

    it really is that simple.

    and also let's say the abuser used another account with a noob character to do everything. then he mailed/traded all the coins to friends. after getting tired of doing it a thousand times, he logged out and deleted the account. all clear.

    If you're willing to join another online game do NOT join any hosted by K2 NETWORK. Want to know why? Check BBB complaints.
  • Zuleica - Heavens Tear
    Zuleica - Heavens Tear Posts: 23 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    but are you sure they will be able to investigate anything?

    the guys caught red-handed were blocked because the admin traced the item sales manually and not the accounts on their own. every character has logs but, as time passes by, older entries are automatically replaced by newer ones. so the smart ones will hide their items and, in 3 months there will be no way to prove they abused the bug through logs. so, eventually the spotted abuser will tell some friend have gifted him or maybe he'll tell he's just lucky...

    it really is that simple.

    and also let's say the abuser used another account with a noob character to do everything. then he mailed/traded all the coins to friends. after getting tired of doing it a thousand times, he logged out and deleted the account. all clear.

    I'm not "sure" of anything and I doubt the player base will ever be privy to all the details. All I'm saying is that PW made a decision based on information that none of us have. I find it silly to arm-chair quarterback like this based on the information we DO have.
  • Roojie - Lost City
    Roojie - Lost City Posts: 59 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    I'm sure somebody has got to have said it in here somewhere... but... my take on the situation.

    Both sides are idiots.
    Programmers screwed up.
    Players abused the **** up.

    My friend mentioned the game was really bugged yesterday, from general game crashing glitches to players constantly asking for GM's.
    To me there isn't much point in arguing over the whole thing. It states in the ToS not to abuse glitches. Cash shop stuff doesn't sell for jack to NPC so that's a pretty good indication right there. There are going to be a few who had no idea, but most of the long time players did know. :P
    Maybe they will let the players back eventually and they only got banned for a few months. I dunno. I'll laugh if the big guild owners on LC got nailed. It wouldn't shock me one bit either.

    It could take them months to sort through their game logs and find the abusers and in the update it did say OVER 70 players have been suspended. Not just 70. That's likely skyrocketed into the 200's by now. 0_O
  • mbrunestud
    mbrunestud Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    my guess is that the 70 that were banned were more excessive than the others. its probably true that thousands of kids profited from the exploit, but maybe some people urged other people to do it or maybe some people kept buying and selling when other people had the sense to stop.
  • Saitada - Sanctuary
    Saitada - Sanctuary Posts: 3,220 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    Twas a bug. Those who saw/discovered it could not fail to realize it was a bug. Even a moron would know it was a bug.

    I advocate a total rollback.

    Thank the Gods I had stuff to do while all this was happening. You idiots who exploited... Swallow a loaded shotgun barrel and pull both triggers. You idiots who profited off the exploiters.. do the same thing because YOU ARE JUST AS RESPONSIBLE.

    There ain't a damn thing you can say to the contrary. When you saw gold prices spiraling out of control you right then and there should have KNOWN something was wrong and pulled your gold from the market or not added it to the market instead of jacking up the prices and riding the wave of idiocy YOU KNEW was wrong.

    Gold has never gone above 120k on Sanctuary since I started playing. EVER and it usually hovers around 103-110k per. So when it topped 150k there is no excuse for any of you to say "well I figured it was just someone desperate"



    p.s. Gold prices are still rediculously high on Sanctuary because the exploited coin has NOT been removed from the economy.

  • Vanyadarknae - Heavens Tear
    Vanyadarknae - Heavens Tear Posts: 71 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    To answer some of the statements in here. I am not one of the accounts that got banned. Yes, I would still voice my opinion, it doesn't matter who I know that got banned or didn't know who are still in game. My voice speaks for all banned or un-banned. It is very easy to accuse and throw big words around. The only reason I have posted in regards to this whole mess that PWI caused is, because I know first hand about gaming and bot programming. Plain and simple PWI's programmers made a mistake or intentionally made the coding in regards to the quest needed to obtain the major moola, and it blew up in there face when people began to make a profit off it and many players got their panties in a knot. We can sit here all day or for the next several weeks and go back and forth, it won't solve anything. Until PWI faces up to their mistake and does a roll-back all players will banned or un-banned feel the negative effect of the Epic Fail PWI caused.
  • Klath - Sanctuary
    Klath - Sanctuary Posts: 437 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    To answer some of the statements in here. I am not one of the accounts that got banned. Yes, I would still voice my opinion, it doesn't matter who I know that got banned or didn't know who are still in game. My voice speaks for all banned or un-banned. It is very easy to accuse and throw big words around. The only reason I have posted in regards to this whole mess that PWI caused is, because I know first hand about gaming and bot programming. Plain and simple PWI's programmers made a mistake or intentionally made the coding in regards to the quest needed to obtain the major moola, and it blew up in there face when people began to make a profit off it and many players got their panties in a knot. We can sit here all day or for the next several weeks and go back and forth, it won't solve anything. Until PWI faces up to their mistake and does a roll-back all players will banned or un-banned feel the negative effect of the Epic Fail PWI caused.
    I know exactly what you mean, as i have been admin of private ragnarok servers since 2002, small and big communities (over 2k users online). I had to deal with exploiters MANY times, and have been forced to do rollbacks and complete wipes a few times (those are never easy things to), but there is no easy solution when a money loop is exploited, only a rollback. Otherwise the market and fairplay will be tainted forever.
    Im assuming here they dont do backups, due to the large amount of users PWI has and HD space it would consume monthly (im assuming PWI has a userbase around 10.000-30.000 users actively playing, but only a gm can give us any concrete number), costing thousands to their pockets. Not to mention that browsing logs is SLOW and EXTREMELLY tedious, they took the WORST decision possible, even if it may look like the best at first, there is no way you can seed out all those who exploited it.
    People bought items, people bought skills, people gave money to friends/alts, you cant simply scan the logs for anyone who made 50m within a day and ban them, some people are smarter than that and didnt plain sucked 50m from the npcs just to get banned later. Those people are still in the game, unbanned, and will never be caught.

    Anyway, i do NOT believe they had backups, or a rollback would have been made. So no use to cry for a rollback anymore, they cant, simple as that.