Random invites!

Rustie - Heavens Tear
Rustie - Heavens Tear Posts: 13 Arc User
edited February 2009 in Guild Banter
Lately I have been getting alot of random invites to factions.
I really see no purpose to joining a faction except for social reasons.
Just my opinion there.
Even less for joining a faction what I dont know anyone in.
So im guessing this a case of quantity versus quality.
Mind you I have joined factions and left them just as quickly once
I have seen the mindless drivel, whinning drama in chat window.
Or a few members <friends> that help each other and totaly ignore
rest of faction.
Which would be fine in my case, you leave me alone ill leave you alone!
Which beggs the question why am I in a faction at all.
If it is neccessary to join a faction <which is the widely held view>
Can a person join and then ignore the people in it?
WC is constantly filled with "seeking friendly, active, mature players"
I will admit im not overly friendly, not rude I just prefer to solo most of
the time at this lvl.
Active by my definition, yes I play regular, No im not always going to jump
in with faction activities.
Mature depending on time of day and who im with.

Im still of the belief that eventually I will find a group of like minded people
who enjoy the game for what it is.
I want to play with no pressure to lvl, TW, fb or whatever the case maybe.
That dont demand I pay for the previlage
That dont demand I say hello and goodbye every friggen time I log in or out.
That dont demand I answer the same question over and over again, because
they do not understand english.
Dont demand a revive no matter where I am or what im doing.
That dont go running to leader everytime they dont get there way.
They dont care weither "Im really a girl"
That can talk without leet speak..how great they are!
<deep breath>
I just want to play, find things out for myself, make mistakes, get lost and die
if need be, and become a better cleric for all that.

wow I feel much better thanks!
Post edited by Rustie - Heavens Tear on


  • Aelfrida - Sanctuary
    Aelfrida - Sanctuary Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    Wow I spotting this long after you posted but I had to comment and say hoorrah! I echo every single thing you just said! (bar the fact I am a venomancer not cleric lol). Very well said there!
  • william1
    william1 Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    i agree in most cases your right, i saw also that kind of behavior in factions..friends helping friends and totaly ignore other members, they promise you everything..to let you join, whith the only purpose to fill their ranks.i was in some factions to try if i fit in there..but it seems very hard to find a good faction(imo).when there were fb,s..always the same ppl squad to do the run. the ppl who lead the faction need to avoid this things, because you create a group into another group.