Is it a good idea to learn all manufacturing skills?

Uranas - Lost City
Uranas - Lost City Posts: 7 Arc User
edited February 2009 in Dungeons & Tactics
Like the title said, is it a good idea?
I'm afraid that it would consume a lot of SP, and that it would affect the main heal, and buff skills I need. Should I stick with like only two manufacturing skills?

PS: right now, I have all manufacturing skills at level 2 besides crafting at level 3.
Post edited by Uranas - Lost City on


  • gattsuru
    gattsuru Posts: 3,184 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    I've gotten away with it, but it does reduce your ability to get other abilities warmed up (and, by level 3, starts to hit the purse-strings). There are benefits to having all four, but it's a very definite weighing game to play. You have to decide whether or not the extra results from having the best weapon and alchemy recipes is worth having a skill or two one rank lower, and only your playstyle can dictate that.
  • Briegg - Sanctuary
    Briegg - Sanctuary Posts: 584 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    i got all of them for the exp in the beginning
    but the only one i use is blacksmithing

    i was thinking abotu apothecary though
    since it's really easy to get alot of herbs
  • fuzzles
    fuzzles Posts: 628 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    My personal $0.02 on the crafting thing is that it's clearly definitely by any stretch of the imagination of a crazed mountaineer not worth it. Definitely not worth it.

    The apothecary is the only one I would even consider leveling. Because it's very useful, and also very cheap and easy to level.

    I wouldn't touch the other production skills with a 10 foot pole specifically designed to touch economically inefficient money sinks.

    Bearing in mind though.. not leveling crafting skills only works if other people are. Whenever I need TT or molder gear crafted I gotta take it to trustworthy buddies.

    Having said that.. I strongly encourage you all to level your production skills so I don't have to.
    Everyone here is ridiculously oversensitive.
  • Morayine - Sanctuary
    Morayine - Sanctuary Posts: 124 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    ye i lvld them all as high as possible,
    i have enough money to buy mats, and its always nice to make gear and wep for yourself;
    The apothecary is slowest to lvl, but i only started really grinding herbs now, bought a big bank extension, and save them all, at a certain point i will just lvl it up easy .

    Also decomosing gear and weps, helps alot getting stones, usefull for later
    Guess the keyword for doing all this is money
    "There's a big difference knowing the Path, and Walking the Path"
  • AlpineFrost - Lost City
    AlpineFrost - Lost City Posts: 362 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    fuzzles wrote: »

    The apothecary is the only one I would even consider leveling. Because it's very useful, and also very cheap and easy to level.

    Bearing in mind though.. not leveling crafting skills only works if other people are. Whenever I need TT or molder gear crafted I gotta take it to trustworthy buddies.

    Agreed. ALSO i thoroughly enjoy reading your posts fuzzles, they make me lol.
    Ex-Waffles Director
  • SylenThunder - Twilight Temple
    edited February 2009
    I started off getting all four in the early levels. Blacksmithy and Tailor are the only ones I have gotten to lvl 3, but I am now going to raise apothecary. I will not likely ever raise the craftsman skill above lvl one just because I never use it. I get most of the jewely i need from quests and mob drops.
  • Jandira - Sanctuary
    Jandira - Sanctuary Posts: 82 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    I've lvled my apothocary and am loving the benefits, I will keep going with that one. And because it's almost totally free, I have a bad tendency to share my "munchies" with others for free. Although for the sake of my herb gathering I discourage all others from bothering with this skill. b:laugh

    Since I am currently out of quests I am going to start on Tailoring. Mainly because there are at least 3 in my faction that have Blacksmith but only one Tailor and I've never seen that person on when I am. I've been carrying around a boot mold, have all but 2 mats and will have to find someone to make it for me. So, I'm really only doing it for the convenience of my faction. Once I make a few things, I'll attempt to sell them and maybe use the money from that to buy the hard to get mats.

    By the way, I use my grinding time to get mats instead of buying them. One of those 'two birds with one stone things.'
  • Tenrip - Heavens Tear
    Tenrip - Heavens Tear Posts: 25 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    Well good question..I think that usually players have to level only blacksmith and taylor [this one is not basically for all].
    By the way I'm levelling all 4 skills bcs i wanna have a complete wizard! That could manifacture potions, weapons, armours and aaaaaaall type of equipments..That's something that makes me proud of my little wizard [I love read my name over my equipment*__*] And so I won't spent money buying from the other -.-
    Yeah, I'm a wizard..and I'm proud of it ^^

    Executor of Guardians, an italian guild. All italian players are welcome :) PM me in game

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