Love in Archosaur Guide

PXRage - Heavens Tear
PXRage - Heavens Tear Posts: 26 Arc User
edited February 2009 in Dungeons & Tactics
Alright, ever saw the red system message saying something about a "Love in Archosaur" event and now its over? Well after looking a bit, finally found some info on it on some Chinese sites (PWI are obviously **** and haven't provided any info on this.. *please dont ban me! cries runs*)

First Step:

Male players would have to talk to a NPC in Archosaur located at (553 630), you will randomly receive one of Five (5) quest items, Female players would have to talk to a NPC in Etherblades located at (433 885), you will also randomly receive one of the Five (5) quest items.

Now the tough part is that, those ten different items have to match, it means that the male quest item has to match with a corresponding female item. I'll look into the translations because it's somewhat difficult to do. Anyone can help me would be much appreciated.

Here are the ten items names in Chinese:

After acquiring two corresponding quest items, you may take them to NPC in Dream searching port (673 362) to receive the quest. (Male has to be the party leader). The quest is a fairly boring NPC searching quest, basically search for a randomly spawned NPC somewhere in the world.
Part One Rewards: 1 rep, 3 Threeborn stone, 5 Perfume(?)
Step Two:

Again, male player has to go to City of Lost (248 646), and Female has to go to Plume city Priest to receive another 4 different quest items each, and you guessed it, they have to match. After acquiring matching items, take it to Tusk Town (447 340) receive a quest (again male has to be party leader).

This quest is a bit more interesting, both players would be teleported to a room, both players has to dodge lightning balls shooting at you and successfully talk to 4 NPCs located in this room. If any one of the two dies or leaves party, the quest will fail and they will not be able to reattempt until the next day.
Step Two Reward: same as part one.

Here's some shameless advertisement: Visit RomePW for rest of the guide!

Just kidding, i got lazy of translating so i'm taking a break, brbmmk?

To be continued

ps. chinese link can be found here:
Link. Feel free to google translate it or something, and figure it out yourself. Anyone wish to add to this is great too.
Post edited by PXRage - Heavens Tear on


  • Atheeni - Heavens Tear
    Atheeni - Heavens Tear Posts: 76 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    Ooo nice! Finally some one sheds some light on the event. Looking forward to seeing more info up.

    From what I've been able to tell of some bable fish translations the final prize is some sort of pair of shoes that increases your traveling speed... not sure how accurate it is though lol.

    Looking forward to the rest of this guide! Keep up the great job.
  • Ence - Lost City
    Ence - Lost City Posts: 454 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    I don't know but it looks like Love in Arch isn't implemented yet... (The NPCs...) And looking at step 3 that calls for Room 57 of the Cube of Fate....(Which is not implemented) I think the quest is not available yet...

    I've had the templates sitting up and ready (Need to fill in NPC names, item names) for a while now but as it doesn't look available I haven't done anything with it =/
  • PXRage - Heavens Tear
    PXRage - Heavens Tear Posts: 26 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    yeah the FINAL price is a pair of shoes, 4 socket +1.2m/s shoes.

    the so called "ThreeBorn" stones (hard translation), trade in five of them you can get some exp, you need 50 for the shoes. All the other prices are pretty much reps, most rep from one time you can get is 100reps.

    from what i read from the forum pretty much no one has ever completed the quest, one thing is that its timed, two is that its nearly impossible, so.. don't know. maybe I'll give it a try when I'm uber bored
  • Ence - Lost City
    Ence - Lost City Posts: 454 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    Well...another reason might be that the starting NPCs don't far as I can tell. I went to the locations but they're simply not there.