Questing and Lvling

SnipingBow - Heavens Tear
SnipingBow - Heavens Tear Posts: 3 Arc User
edited January 2009 in Cleric
ok well i have a lvl 19 cleric and im leveling EXTREMELY slow. all my friends say that they lvling fast (cleric friends) but i cant do quests because i all but look at the monster and die. Not to mention i hardly get a party when i do they kill one monster and after i buff them they leave. So how am i supposed to lvl when i cant kill the monster for my quest? am i doing something wrong? i know when i hit 20 i can go to archo and get some partys there but i cant find any way to get to 20. so if anybody could help, give suggestions or whatever, that would be awsome.

P.S. little off topic but lvl 23 feather spell worth it or not?
Resistance is futile. So resist.
Post edited by SnipingBow - Heavens Tear on


  • ShiraAburame - Heavens Tear
    ShiraAburame - Heavens Tear Posts: 38 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    Well, we can't really tell you anything without any info on how you're fighting and where your stat points are going. If you clarify that a bit more, then maybe we can help you.
  • HealerOfDead - Heavens Tear
    HealerOfDead - Heavens Tear Posts: 56 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    rofl sry i have the arcane robes 1 str 9 mag build. i usualy hit with thunder bolt so if i have to run i still am dealing dmg then cyclone and plume rotation. i cast plume shell when i can. i also heard people saying they cast ironheart on them before they attack the monster. does that help? (i forgot to change avatar so this is me still)
    Parental Advisory: Beware the heal monkey
  • Enoteca - Sanctuary
    Enoteca - Sanctuary Posts: 110 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    The only attack spells I have are plume shot and cyclone, and I didn't have too much trouble with monsters at lvl 19. I found a really good friend and if we were ever on at the same time we helped each other.

    We had like a 4 hour timezone difference. So that limited the time. The advice I have is ironheart is your savior.

    Even if you're a FAC you should have ironheart I swear by it, so do other people. I cast cyclone, plume, ironheart, and from there it depended on the monster, and my health.

    If you are unsure on something in battle, just cast ironheart a few times, and continue on.

    I know that some people say they cast ironheart before they start fighting, but for me it wore off before the moster got to me, so I cast the attack spells, and right before the mob gets to me, ironheart.
  • HealerOfDead - Heavens Tear
    HealerOfDead - Heavens Tear Posts: 56 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    well im half and half. i plan on being Full support but i get attack skills because i lack the friends to train with
    Parental Advisory: Beware the heal monkey
  • Enoteca - Sanctuary
    Enoteca - Sanctuary Posts: 110 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    If you want to go full support, you don't have to get attack skills except plume shot and cyclone.

    My friend left the game, and at my lvl it is relatively hard to find a party, and I solo just fine. It can be slow, but I haven't died since before 19.
  • HealerOfDead - Heavens Tear
    HealerOfDead - Heavens Tear Posts: 56 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    ok well how do i not die? just get a party to help me? or what are attacking technichs to help me? HoT before i attack? just some quick help to help me
    Parental Advisory: Beware the heal monkey
  • Azerandus - Sanctuary
    Azerandus - Sanctuary Posts: 16 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    If it's a ranged mob, I start with ironheart on myself before attacking.
    If plume shot has a larger range than cyclone, I start with that.

    Otherwise the order of spells that I almost always use is:
    cyclone, plume shot, ironheart and then repeat.

    I avoid using plume shell as much as possible because I find the mana drain from it isn't worth it usually. The only time I died was when I tried using it. Instead now if I'm in trouble, I just spam ironheart on myself.
  • Enoteca - Sanctuary
    Enoteca - Sanctuary Posts: 110 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    I avoid using plume shell as much as possible because I find the mana drain from it isn't worth it usually. The only time I died was when I tried using it. Instead now if I'm in trouble, I just spam ironheart on myself.

    The only time I use plume shell is if the mob hasn't reached me, and something gets screwed up.
    Like the other day i misses twice on my opening attack, so I plume shell and a few ironhearts
    ok well how do i not die? just get a party to help me? or what are attacking technichs to help me? HoT before i attack? just some quick help to help me

    Kiting is also useful. I know some people don't like it, and often times I just ironheart instead of it, but when fighting monsters that I know can't reach me if I kite (like the blobs) I will.

    You have to be careful while kiting though, because you don't want to run in to another mob while doing so.

    Also, just know when to fly up. We have the ability to fly before any other race. Sometimes it's really annoying if you've almost killed the mob and have to fly off, but it's better than dieing.

    The other day I was on my alt, and arrgoed three mobs. I tried to fly away, double jumped, and just came right back down to the ground.
  • HealerOfDead - Heavens Tear
    HealerOfDead - Heavens Tear Posts: 56 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    k thx everybody for ur help. will my issues get easyer as i get higher and can find a party?
    Parental Advisory: Beware the heal monkey
  • Enoteca - Sanctuary
    Enoteca - Sanctuary Posts: 110 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    k thx everybody for ur help. will my issues get easyer as i get higher and can find a party?

    For the most part.
    At my lvl all other classes are pretty good at soloing, so there's not a ton. Ask in the area you're in for people doing the same quest, and often you can at least find another cleric to party with.

    I've heard 35+ and you get party requests like mad.
  • DarkReCon - Heavens Tear
    DarkReCon - Heavens Tear Posts: 73 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    well I have a question that I didnt see asked.. what are the lvls of your spells.. If you are running a pure backup with arcane armor and 1/9 attribute allocating you should be hitting into the 700-800's, thats 4 plume shot hits and they are down.. its been awhile since I was a 19 (im now 52) but I dont remember it being that hard to kill and I built Full Arcane Armor with 1/1/3/1 attributes..

    Even at this level I still use the 2 atk spells then 2 ironheart then finish off mob and Im in that transitional stage..

    True that over 35 you get party request very often, normally help out about 18-20 parties a week and have to turn down about a dozen so I can atleast do a little of mine.. LOL.. Im lvl52 and still finishing lvl48's..

    Definition of Transitional Stage = The x2-x6 lvls to were you can upgrade your armors to their next lvl to get your Hit Damage back down.. At x0 you get your Robe (Chest armor), at x3 your get your leggings, at x6 you get your boots, at x4 you get your wrist..
    Why wont my sig work.. Not kool..
  • ArsLaan - Heavens Tear
    ArsLaan - Heavens Tear Posts: 14 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    Hi there,

    I am lvl 59 cleric as you can see and I do all *kill mobs except bosses* quest alone. I died sometimes too DX, but like only when i was chatting or not paying attention.

    The suggestions which I am going to give you are the same basic ones.

    For Physical Attack mob : Use ironheart 2-3tims before hitting them. Always use cylone first to slow them down then plume shot. You should be able to kill them. I know they are hard >.< but u will be able to do. if your ironheat time expires. Run back, use cyclone to slow them down, hit them again.

    For range attacks : >.< I hate archer type mobs lol. These are more difficult than physical, bcoz they dont come near to us. so cyclone is effective but doesnt slow them down lol. Use *plume shield* give them some shots using plume shot. And Ironheart in beginning ofcourse.

    For magic mobs : lol these are very easy for clerics. Specially those mobs which gives u poision *green skull on ur head* lol. Just use ironheart 1-2 times. You will be fine. Wood type mobs are also easy to kill. Same method applies to the walking tree mobs as above lol.

    So basic thing : Ironheart > plumeshield(if archers or melee)>cyclone>plume shot

    Upgrade your weapon if you think your weapon is not good.
    Make sure your wearing good armor according to the mob type.
    What I do is, if the mob is water type I wear armor with max water resistance.(Its a suggestion only, its upto you)
    Check your stats. Read clerics guide for stats info.

    If they do more attack to you than u do to them. Run away, just try not to die to save exp.(I know its lame, but to save exp u gotta do that).

    Good Luck, I hope it helps.
  • Zanthes - Heavens Tear
    Zanthes - Heavens Tear Posts: 11 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    Im a full support 1str/9mag build, only attack spells I have are Cyclone and Plume Shot and I have no problems at all killing mobs that are my own level or +2 even. Always start out with Cyclone, even if at the moment your plume shot is longer range. After the initial cyclone, just rotate between plume shot and more cyclones. So it looks like this: Cyclone, Plume Shot, Cyclone, Plume Shot, Cyclone (by this point most mobs should be dead unless they are magic resistant). If its a melee mob, they should reach you near the end of your second Plume Shot, if its a caster/archer they should start casting at the end of your first Plume Shot/beginning of second Cyclone.

    Cyclone slows them down which gives you more time before they are in range of attacking you so you have more time to get free hits on them. The only time I don't start with cyclone is when its a magic resistant mob which means your cyclone is going to do piddily dmg so your better off just plume shotting it to death from the start.

    When dealing with a magic resistant mob or an extra life mob, it would be wise to cast plume shell + an Ironheart Blessing on yourself after your first plume shot in the rotation and then continue the attack rotation.

    When dealing with two mobs at once, do the same thing, cept make it 2 Ironhearts after the plume shell, and apply another ironheart after the first mob is dead (at this point your plume shell should be running out pretty soon along with your first two ironhearts).
  • Fleuri - Sanctuary
    Fleuri - Sanctuary Posts: 1,763 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    ok well i have a lvl 19 cleric and im leveling EXTREMELY slow. all my friends say that they lvling fast (cleric friends) but i cant do quests because i all but look at the monster and die.

    Which quests have you been having problems with? You should get help when you need to deal with elite monsters.