Physical Def. question
I've been reading all the Wizard sucks threads lately and well, maybe they do, maybe they don't at higher levels. But the game is fun to me so far (the whole point in my opinion) and if it ceases to be fun, then I'll find another way to occupy my free time.
That being said, I was just wondering. What are you guys' Physical Def. Rating? LA and Robes please answer.
I am a full mag wiz. At level 42 I have 1120 hp (working on my hp), 1294 Physical Def. and damage reduced 43% with lvl 5 Earth barrier only. I have about 3-400k invested in gear. It's semi-decent gear, but it's all I'm willing to invest at the moment.
I read that LA mages usually try to get around 50% with earth barrier. Is this true?
So basically I'm just curious of you guys def. rating to see how far behind LA mages I am. Any level please answer, but especially lvls 30-50. Thank you.
That being said, I was just wondering. What are you guys' Physical Def. Rating? LA and Robes please answer.
I am a full mag wiz. At level 42 I have 1120 hp (working on my hp), 1294 Physical Def. and damage reduced 43% with lvl 5 Earth barrier only. I have about 3-400k invested in gear. It's semi-decent gear, but it's all I'm willing to invest at the moment.
I read that LA mages usually try to get around 50% with earth barrier. Is this true?
So basically I'm just curious of you guys def. rating to see how far behind LA mages I am. Any level please answer, but especially lvls 30-50. Thank you.
Post edited by drebykins on
Well, Im level 49 with 1600 hp, 2800 Psys def with 60% reduceb:bye0
Being lvl 7 it's not worth answering, i dont even have Earth barrier, but i was wodering, SilentToy, what biuld? LA or Full Mag?I Can do magic me! b:laugh0
SilentTroy is most likely LA, if he's Robe he has to have a lot of pdef shards.
I have 3364 physical def at lv61, 58% reduction.Wondering how much longer these **** packs are going to be around.0 -
Magic Armor:
Physical Atk 839-1121
Magical Atk 6334-8557
Critical Rate 1%
Normal Atk 1.25 atk/s
Accuracy Rate 25
Dodge Rate 684
Movement 4.8 m/s
Physical Def 861
Magical Def
Metal Res 9365
Wood Res 9365
Water Res 9365
Fire Res 9365
Earth Res 9365
HP 4900 MP 10097
Light Armor:
Physical Atk 1085-1451
Magical Atk 6334-8557
Critical Rate 8%
Normal Atk 1.25 atk/s
Accuracy Rate 700
Dodge Rate 954
Movement 4.8 m/s
Physical Def 2713
Magical Def
Metal Res 5415
Wood Res 5415
Water Res 5415
Fire Res 5415
Earth Res 5415
HP 2890 MP 10097
Here are the base stats/info for a level 139 wizard with basic gear. Its pure choice. I personally would pick light armor because of the added crit/accuracy/dodge rates. If I could I'd pick Magic since it looks way better than light armor, but I can't ignore the stat difference for what I'm trying to do with my wizard.0 -
This is very misleading in my mind. None of us are getting to Lvl 139 first off any time soon. Doesn't even exist yet on our servers
Secondly it ignores what you can do with shards, bonuses to eq, rings etc.
If thats your choice fine but these stats are meaninglessb:bye0 -
"Here are the base stats/info for a level 139 wizard with basic gear."
I wasn't taking into consideration anything extra added, this is just base stats.0 -
how in the hell do you get the same exact damage with the same weapon and basic gear? And MP. and 2000 more hp...
last i checked a pure mage used only str and magic... Only thing that makes sense is the magic resistance...0 -
Because he's probably a vit build wich has does same dmg as the light build only you get no crits.However vit build mages(especially if you go full hp shards) will be hardcore magical tanks b:laugh,however you'll die to phy dmg like there's no tommorow.
I'm lvl 73 my phy deff with lvl 10 earth barrier is 4467 wich is 60% reduction,fully buffed it's 6991 wich is about 70-71% reduction,no tt armors here but alot of 3* with phy deff modifiers wich can get higher phy deff then tt by a bit,no phy gems added,only hp.I know this guy just 4-5 lvls higher than me ,he's pure magic has robes with excelent phy deff modifiers and phy ornaments(i wear phy belt,elemental neck sometimes swich elemental/phy belts) and with full phy deff gems,4 sockets on all eqs(I have 3 on all except wrists wich I have just 2) and he has beautifull shards while I have average and he has about 3.4k-3.6k(forgot wich 1 is true b:shocked) phy deff.
Now for the hp part he has about 1.8k hp while I have 2.7k(remember the 80-100 hp diff since he's 4-5 lvls higher),his mag rez is about 1.5-1.8k all rez more than mine wich my 900 extra hp make's up for.The dmg nerf at this lvl range seem's to be no real problem so we can leave that out for now.
So the thing is that you can have as almost as much phy deff robe mage as an LA mage with only phy shards but then your hp will be **** or a LA mage can have alot more phy deff while having same hp as phy shard robe also but that just won't do since you'll die to magic too fast.
Also you might wanna note that I as a light build 1 hited a heavy armour mage 4 lvls lower than me with just a few hp bonuses(he coudn't have that much since he had 1.7-1.8k hp) with sandstorm doing 1812 dmg.Guessing that if he had alot of hp bonuses he could get up to about 2.5-2.7k but that's still a too much fragile build vs magic + he can't wear a weapon of his lvl(he can like wear a lvl 60 weap at lvl 64-65 not sure)he has no extra crit bonus from dex,mby just 1% however he's still testing builds.
He's actually thinking of wearing half robe/half heavy(wich look's funny) but we both believe that he can get higher overall phy/mag rez than LA or robe(alot more phy than robe,more mag than light and mby a bit more phy than light too);anyway this is a matter that we both need to further investigate.0 -
meh, Im going back to pure just so I can help out in TW a bit better... looks like were gonna need the help these upcoming weeks. and I wanted to reroll robes anyway by lv 100, and it would be a LOT cheaper to do it now. and its not like i dont get 1 hit in tw anyways, so might as well make some ppls life hell while im alive to do so.0
Yes im Light arm build, Now im Level 50 with 3200 psys def and 61% reduce, 6% Crit chance : )
Also 1700 hp.0 -
Heres the thing with a wizard. Once they hit a certain level, they get 2 knockbacks, pheonix, and force of will.
These two, if you go pure magic, will prevent you from EVER been hit. Well not ever its just rare.
Being a mage, mag mage, you need to have the skills to figure out a combo of spells that makes sure you save your hiero
If you go full magic you deal enough damage to kill the damn mobs before they touch you. Its handy, its fun and useful.
zmageswere made to be magic
not some lower damage whatever hoping for a crit. You don't need to be light armor for a crit, with the crit blessing, crit arrrows and crit rings, you can get yourself a nifty crit without having to sacrafice you're magic.
And light armor mages can't do the exact same thing? lol... our damage isn't as low as you make it out to be.
I don't know who's a good mage, but I can tell you're not.Wondering how much longer these **** packs are going to be around.0 -
A lv62 saying he knows a good mage? I'm a lv73 in Conqueror, I know good mages, NOT you. I've seen Llama in action, I've seen lushess, ALL pro mages. ALL robe mages. If light armor was SOOOOOOO much better then robe, if the damage wasn't a problem, if there wasn't any noticeable difference.
Don't you think they would all be light armor. Don't you think EVERYONE would be.
You're stupid if you think that it doesn't matter. You have Pandora as an example, yippie for the leader of the guild Conq took in 13 minutes. Nice one.
I think you fail as a mage and as an advice giver.
Go hope for a crit noob.0 -
Lol, flaming. +1 maturity rating
And no, I never said LA was "sooo" much better than Robe, did I? I'm just saying you're ignorant of the facts. I don't know any LA mage who relies on crits for their damage. But crits do happen more often. And what's a crit for a mage? An easy kill.
And please learn how to read. I said "I don't know any good mage". Then you start your post with "A Lv62 saying he knows a good mage"? rofl.Wondering how much longer these **** packs are going to be around.0 -
If you read ALL my other posts, especially my large one in the debate light vs robe i respect that light armor is a good build for certain things, so is robe.
I even said that neither is really better, equal if anything. The fact I prefer robe and am robe will make my answers more robe based.
I like robe, i don't like light armor, my answers will be slanted towards the robe side of the debate.
Look up your facts bud.
Maybe you'll learn something, like how to put up a decent fight on a forum and maybe learn how to be a decent mage.0 -
Seifa I think you're wrong, I hit WAY more than Arcane wizards at my level. And the crit is just plain amazing. I had a fight against a level 56 Wizard and his sandstorm did 500s max on me, My sandstorms hits around 600-700 on Arcane, 800-1000 on Archers, Blademasters and Barbarians. Maybe its just like that in the low levels, Maybe I will see the different in the higher levels.0
A lot of mages build badly for 1. And if you aren't wearing the EXACT same equips with the EXACT same skills it's not an accurate test. A lot of mages on Lost City haven't played on the server before, haven't played PW before.
Wizards are usually the test characters, and many wizs dont harness the power then can deal. Silent, you obviously know what you are doing, where a lot of robe mages don't. It takes a lot of actual skill to build a mage right, and a fair bit if cash to get him going.
Light armor has its perks and downers, to me, robe is better, to the 9x population, it seems apparent that is the same.
For now i will trust the experts for Oracle0 -
This is my first Wizard ever, Well I guess I know what Im doing since Amour gave me tips.
I don't have much experience about Wizards but I do know that Light arm wizards are real good if you know how to build it.
Heres a pic of my damage at Level 50, And also my gear (Tell me if the link is broken)
Im just saying that Light Wizards can hit more than Arcane Wizards at my Level.0 -
I'm a robe build, and I acknowledge that LAs are better for PvP.
However, I still like my pking abilities.
I'm able to 2hit most classes at my levels (exception of Werebeasts and vit clerics of course), granted I don't sandstorm first. (Sandstorm has a tendency to tick hieros... what I want is to avoid ticking the hiero so that sandstorm can kill them before their hiero ticks)
But, as mentioned before, survability is very important, and that's where LAs shine.
In PvE, LAs might deal 500 - 600 damage less with basic skills than pure builds (10% less), but in PvP, that equates to 100 or so damage less. Considering the fact sandstorm can hit 2k - 3k on heavy armor builds, 100 damage difference doesn't feel like a lot, especially if you crit. In return though, you can take damage a lot better.
The tradeoff seems pretty good.
I'm sticking with robe though since I;'ve invested so much in arcane molds.
I've been robe for so long I'm probably not going to get used to the lower damage PvE wise =P0 -
Seifa - Lost City wrote: »Look up your facts bud.
Maybe you'll learn something, like how to put up a decent fight on a forum and maybe learn how to be a decent mage.
Have you ever compared your damage to equal level Wizards with different builds? I honestly doubt it.
And what the 9x wizard population says isn't really relevant for anyone who hasn't hit 9x. You could even go as far as saying the 9x's are robe because they level faster. But no, you can't use that as an argument because better gear becomes available for robe users.Wondering how much longer these **** packs are going to be around.0 -
how to put up a decent fight on a forum(Retired from Perfect World)
Every light armor mage I have met defends their build with their life and I think it's ridiculous. I have not met 1 light armor mage who's personality is better then that of a rock -.-
All a light armor mage does is brag about their crit (yes, a lot of light armor mages I meet do indeed do that) when you don't need to be light armor for a nice crit. Tell everyone how much better light armor is, when it's obvious if you want to get anywhere in the game you will remain robe, because resets are insanely expensive -.-
Pandora may be the only decent light armor mage because he actually uses to the best of it's ablility. I have never seen a light armor mage actually fight as well as Pandora does. And although I don't agree with anything Pandora does or actually like Pandora as a person he is probably the only decent light armor mage out there I have met.
The rest of the light armor mages I meet usually have some half decent excuse why they are better and seem to think that the damage tests can be reliable, when they obviously can't considering it is very rare you will find 2 people with the EXACT same skill build EXACT same weapon and EXACT same stat boosts on their equips, which is extra rare because the stats you get off robe that are good a light armor mage doesn't want.
Damage testing without looking at every factor in the persons build and equips is unreliable -.- I play robe because it's fun and to me reliable. I don't see any reason why I should listen to someone with a big mouth and no brain and decide that light armor is the way to go when I think it's easily one of the worst builds and I wouldn't have as much fun.
In the end it doesn't actually matter WHAT class is better, it's what you have more fun doing, if you like being the best then it's OBVIOUSLY robe because of the demon/sage stat advantages at lv90 -.- thats when you become the best. If you want to be light armor and go around pking everyone instead of actually getting anywhere then do itAslong as you don't pk random low levels like most of the light armor do like their idol Pandora, then you will be fine, if you decide to random pk, say hello to my sparked blade tempest ^________^
0 -
Kristoph - Lost City wrote: »Oh wow. Hypocrisy.
Hahahaha you think I'm not a decent mage?
Say that to my 32k crit on a boss in the past. I got to the past at lv71 :P I don't think an indecent mage could do that.0 -
I have a level 11 robe mage, sine you seem to have a wealth of knowledge on the subject, Seifa, should I reroll my char and place an LA mage? I have never ahd an account about 24 and have no money.0
Seifa - Lost City wrote: »Hahahaha you think I'm not a decent mage?
Say that to my 32k crit on a boss in the past. I got to the past at lv71 :P I don't think an indecent mage could do that.
Kinda off topic, but I had a crit on those chrono wheel bosses last night. Unsparked bladetempest on fully debuffed mob critted for 66,666 damage.
Extra satany.
I got a screenie of the damage log, just not the popup number if anyone wants to see it, I'll take the time to upload it while the servers are down.0 -
Seifa - Lost City wrote: »A lv62 saying he knows a good mage? I'm a lv73 in Conqueror, I know good mages, NOT you. I've seen Llama in action, I've seen lushess, ALL pro mages. ALL robe mages. If light armor was SOOOOOOO much better then robe, if the damage wasn't a problem, if there wasn't any noticeable difference.
Don't you think they would all be light armor. Don't you think EVERYONE would be.
You're stupid if you think that it doesn't matter. You have Pandora as an example, yippie for the leader of the guild Conq took in 13 minutes. Nice one.
I think you fail as a mage and as an advice giver.
Go hope for a crit noob.
1) 7x, lowbie, LOL
2) Hide behind your guild tag, so silly. I don't go around saying OHAY LISTEN TO ME KUZ I R IN R Q JAJAJAJA.
3) Pandora **** more face than you could ever hope, and once again, hiding behind your guild tag.
It makes me wonder Seifa, have you EVER even BEEN to a TW that CQ had? I rarely get into main wars as it is in RQ (nonfactors ftw), but with a guild that has 100+ 80+ or so... you telling me they're going to let in a 73 mage?
Keep spouting your elitist attitude, I'll just keep enjoying the money I make off of your drops. BTW, since I know you'll spout your 'LOL 100 DAMAGE GUSH' I'll clear that up right now. 250, air to ground, LA vs ROBE. doesn't matter cause you still ran with your **** between your legs.
I have ~3.7k self buffed, 3k HP at 76. LA build :P"Amour is better suited to rainbow text, because he is a classy lady." - Nakhimov
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